Quis Ut Deus means "Who Is Like God?" This is a Traditional Catholic Website
Monday, 29 June 2020
Sunday, 28 June 2020
Saturday, 27 June 2020
Pius XII on Riots
By means of false promises a people is deceived and provoked to hatred, rivalry, and rebellion, especially when the hereditary faith, the only relief in this earthly exile, is successfully torn from its heart. Disturbances, riots, and revolts are organized and fomented in continuing series, which prepare for the ruin of the economy and cause irreparable harm to the common good.
We must above all deplore with overwhelming sadness that in not a few nations the rights of God, Church, and human nature itself are outraged and trampled upon. Sacred ministers, even those invested with high dignities, are either driven from their proper Sees, exiled and imprisoned, or impeded in a manner preventing them from exercising their ministry...
Since these innumerable evils spring, as We have said, from one source only, the repudiation of God and contempt for His law, it is necessary, Venerable Brethren, to offer to God fervent prayers and recall all those principles whence alone can come enlightenment for minds, peace and concord for souls and well ordered justice between the various social classes.
As you know, once religion is taken away there cannot be a well ordered, well regulated society.
- S.S Pius XII
Thursday, 25 June 2020
A Thought to Reflect On
When parents fail to teach their children that there are boundaries that cannot be crossed, you get the smouldering wreckage of the “protest” riots of summer 2020. Stand up to the injustice of failed parenting methods - Maurice Pinay, Twitter
Wednesday, 24 June 2020
Nativity of St John the Baptist

Devotions, reflections and the Propers of the Mass in Daily Catholic
The Gospel of today
Dom Gueranguer about the Nativity of Saint John the Baptist
Meditations on the Santoral by Juan Esteban Grosez
Friday, 19 June 2020
Sacred Heart of Jesus 2020
The Sacred Heart of Jesus

The Gospel of Today
Dom Gueranguer bout the Sacred Heart on Cristo Vuelve
Daily Catholic: The Propers of the Mass
Another Devotions in Daily Catholic
Sunday, 14 June 2020
Saturday, 13 June 2020
Friday, 12 June 2020
Just yer Opinion?
“I hate being donor conceived. I think it is ridiculous and bizarre that the two people that made me have never met and never will meet. I think it’s creepy that my dad was paid. I think it’s creepier that agents and salespeople and commercial doctors worked so hard to create me and now that I’m an adult have no interest in my opinion. They’re like drug pushers. Selling substances that cure baby cravings. Do they have anything to cure my father cravings?”
Listen. Though Truth.
Thursday, 11 June 2020
Pope Pius XI Squashes the Recognize and Resist Theology
Can the Faithful recognize and resist the pope? I dealt with this question in a 2015 article. However, I recently stumbled upon some teachings from Pope Pius XI that castigates the recognize and resist theology. I highlighted the relevant parts within the context that’s contra R&R-ism.
Los fieles pueden reconocer y resistir al papa? He
In Mortalium animos Jan. 6, 1928, Pope Pius XI declared, “#5 Admonished, therefore, by the consciousness of Our Apostolic office that We should not permit the flock of the Lord to be cheated by dangerous fallacies, We invoke, Venerable Brethren, your zeal in avoiding this evil; for We are confident that by the writings and words of each one of you the people will more easily get to know and understand those principles and arguments which We are about to set forth, and from which Catholics will learn how they are to think and act when there is question of those undertakings which have for their end the union in one body, whatsoever be the manner, of all who call themselves Christians…
#7…There are some, indeed, who recognize and affirm that Protestantism, as they call it, has rejected, with a great lack of consideration, certain articles of faith and some external ceremonies, which are, in fact, pleasing and useful, and which the Roman Church still retains. They soon, however, go on to say that that Church also has erred, and corrupted the original religion by adding and proposing for belief certain doctrines which are not only alien to the Gospel, but even repugnant to it.”
#11…Furthermore, in this one Church of Christ no man can be or remain who does not accept, recognize and obey the authority and supremacy of Peter and his legitimate successors. Did not the ancestors of those who are now entangled in the errors of Photius and the reformers, obey the Bishop of Rome, the chief shepherd of souls?
The words “recognize and obey” are exactly opposite to “recognize and resist.” The R&R crowd doesn’t obey those they call the legitimate successors of Peter. They ignore him, resist him, and reject his teachings. They are most certainly trying to stand in the way of the Vatican 2 popes and implementing Vatican 2 and the novus ordo. Of course, the R&R crowd is correct in rejecting the modernism of the Vatican 2 popes, but their reasoning for doing so is heretical, blasphemous, and just plain stupid.
The underlying principle of Mortalium animos is rejected by the R&R crowd. But then again, every papal document is the Roman Pontiff putting forth his papal authority for the faithful to obey, not to resist.
On Dec. 31, 1929, Pope Pius XI declared in Divini Illius Magistri – On Christian Education: “18. Hence it is that in this proper object of her mission, that is, “in faith and morals, God Himself has made the Church sharer in the divine magisterium and, by a special privilege, granted her immunity from error; hence she is the mistress of men, supreme and absolutely sure, and she has inherent in herself an inviolable right to freedom in teaching.'[10] …20.The Church does not say that morality belongs purely, in the sense of exclusively, to her; but that it belongs wholly to her. …25. The extent of the Church’s mission in the field of education is such as to embrace every nation, without exception, according to the command of Christ: “Teach ye all nations;”[17] and there is no power on earth that may lawfully oppose her or stand in her way. In the first place, it extends over all the Faithful, of whom she has anxious care as a tender mother.”
The whole document is about the importance of getting a good, holy, and true Christian education, which can only come about by following and obeying the teachings of the Roman Pontiff and following his rules for this education. What’s the point if the Catholic Church is propagating error like every other religion as the R&R claim?
The proposition of the R&R crowd makes the Catholic Church out to be the biggest hypocritical organization in the world. It would mean that only the Catholic Church can lead people astray with error while all other religions are condemned by the Catholic Church for doing so. It would mean only the Catholic Church can be heretical while Protestantism and Eastern Orthodoxy are condemned by the Catholic Church as false religions when they do so.
That’s why the R&R position is blasphemous.
On Dec. 31, 1930, Pope Pius XI promulgated Casti Connubii – On Christian Marriage.
Once again, the pope is implementing his supreme authority over the faithful. He declares in #104:
Wherefore, let the faithful also be on their guard against the overrated independence of private judgment and that false autonomy of human reason. For it is quite foreign to everyone bearing the name of a Christian to trust his own mental powers with such pride as to agree only with those things which he can examine from their inner nature, and to imagine that the Church, sent by God to teach and guide all nations, is not conversant with present affairs and circumstances; or even that they must obey only in those matters which she has decreed by solemn definition as though her other decisions might be presumed to be false or putting forward insufficient motive for truth and honesty. Quite to the contrary, a characteristic of all true followers of Christ, lettered or unlettered, is to suffer themselves to be guided and led in all things that touch upon faith or morals by the Holy Church of God through its Supreme Pastor the Roman Pontiff, who is himself guided by Jesus Christ Our Lord.
The approach of the R&R crowd is to be able to resist, dismiss, and disdain every papal teaching that they think comes short of proclaiming in an extraordinary manner dogmas affected by the mark of infallibility. In principle, the R&R crowd is really no different than the liberals who also reject the teaching of Casti Connubii against contraception. [1]
The pick and choose mentality of the R&R crowd is what makes them the worst of hypocrites. They profess to be obedient and faithful Catholics but are neither.
Jesus told us where the hypocrites go in Matt. 24:51 and it’s not paradise.
[1] 54. But no reason, however grave, may be put forward by which anything intrinsically against nature may become conformable to nature and morally good. Since, therefore, the conjugal act is destined primarily by nature for the begetting of children, those who in exercising it deliberately frustrate its natural power and purpose sin against nature and commit a deed which is shameful and intrinsically vicious. (Casti Connubii)
This post was made by Steven Speray the 27th of August 2019. The original can be found here.
Cum Ex Apostolatum Officio
By virtue of the Apostolic office which, despite our unworthiness, has been entrusted to Us by God, We are responsible for the general care of the flock of the Lord. Because of this, in order that the flock may be faithfully guarded and beneficially directed, We are bound to be diligently watchful after the manner of a vigilant Shepherd and to ensure most carefully that certain people who consider the study of the truth beneath them should be driven out of the sheepfold of Christ and no longer continue to disseminate error from positions of authority. We refer in particular to those who in this age, impelled by their sinfulness and supported by their cunning, are attacking with unusual learning and malice the discipline of the orthodox Faith, and who, moreover, by perverting the import of Holy Scripture, are striving to rend the unity of the Catholic Church and the seamless tunic of the Lord.
1.In assessing Our duty and the situation now prevailing, We have been weighed upon by the thought that a matter of this kind [i.e. error in respect of the Faith] is so grave and so dangerous that the Roman Pontiff,who is the representative upon earth of God and our God and Lord Jesus Christ, who holds the fulness of power over peoples and kingdoms, who may judge all and be judged by none in this world, may nonetheless be contradicted if he be found to have deviated from the Faith. Remembering also that, where danger is greater, it must more fully and more diligently be counteracted, We have been concerned lest false prophets or others, even if they have only secular jurisdiction, should wretchedly ensnare the souls of the simple, and drag with them into perdition, destruction and damnation countless peoples committed to their care and rule, either in spiritual or in temporal matters; and We have been concerned also lest it may befall Us to see the abomination of desolation, which was spoken of by the prophet Daniel, in the holy place. In view of this, Our desire has been to fulfil our Pastoral duty, insofar as, with the help of God, We are able, so as to arrest the foxes who are occupying themselves in the destruction of the vineyard of the Lord and to keep the wolves from the sheepfolds, lest We seem to be dumb watchdogs that cannot bark and lest We perish with the wicked husbandman and be compared with the hireling.
2 Hence, concerning these matters, We have held mature deliberation with our venerable brothers the Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church; and, upon their advice and with their unanimous agreement, we now enact as follows: In respect of each and every sentence of excommunication, suspension, interdict and privation and any other sentences, censures and penalties against heretics or schismatics, enforced and promulgated in any way whatsoever by any of Our predecessors the Roman Pontiffs, or by any who were held to be such (even by their "litterae extravagantes" i.e. private letters), or by the sacred Councils received by the Church of God, or by decrees of the Holy Fathers and the statutes, or by the sacred Canons and the Constitutions and Apostolic Ordinations - all these measures, by Apostolic authority, We approve and renew, that they may and must be observed in perpetuity and, if perchance they be no longer in lively observance, that they be restored to it. Thus We will and decree that the aforementioned sentences, censures and penalties be incurred without exception by all members of the following categories:
- (i) Anysoever who, before this date, shall have been detected to have deviated from the Catholic Faith, or fallen into any heresy, or incurred schism, or provoked or committed either or both of these, or who have confessed to have done any of these things, or who have been convicted of having done any of these things.(ii) Anysoever who (which may God, in His clemency and goodness to all, deign to avert) shall in the future so deviate or fall into heresy, or incur schism, or shall provoke or commit either or both of these.
(iii) Anysoever who shall be detected to have so deviated, fallen, incurred, provoked or committed, or who shall confess to have done any of these things, or who shall be convicted of having done any of these things.
These sanctions, moreover, shall be incurred by all members of these categories, of whatever status, grace, order, condition and pre-eminence they may be, even if they be endowed with the Episcopal, Archiepiscopal, Patriarchal, Primatial or some other greater Ecclesiastical dignity, or with the honour of the Cardinalate and of the Universal Apostolic See by the office of Legate, whether temporary or permanent, or if they be endowed with even worldly authority or excellence, as Count, Baron, Marquis, Duke, King or Emperor.
All this We will and decree.
3. Nonetheless, We also consider it proper that those who do not abandon evil deeds through love of virtue should be deterred therefrom by fear of punishment; and We are aware that Bishops, Archbishops, Patriarchs, Primates, Cardinals and Legates, Counts, Barons, Marquises, Dukes, Kings and Emperors (who ought to teach others and offer them a good example in order to preserve them in the Catholic Faith), by failing in their duty sin more gravely than others; since they not only damn themselves, but also drag with them into perdition and into the pit of death countless other people entrusted to their care or rule, or otherwise subject to them, by their like counsel and agreement.
Hence, by this Our Constitution which is to remain valid in perpetuity, in abomination of so great a crime (than which none in the Church of God can be greater or more pernicious) by the fulness of our Apostolic Power, We enact, determine, decree and define (since the aforesaid sentences, censures and penalties are to remain in efficacious force and strike all those whom they are intended to strike) that:
- (i) each and every member of the following categories - Bishops, Archbishops, Patriarchs, Primates, Cardinals, Legates, Counts, Barons, Marquises, Dukes, Kings and Emperors - who:
- (a)hitherto (as We have already said) have been detected, or have confessed to have, or have been convicted of having, deviated [i.e. from the Catholic Faith], or fallen into heresy or incurred schism or provoked or committed either or both of these;(b) in the future also shall [so] deviate, or fall into heresy, or incur schism, or provoke or commit either or both of these, or shall be detected or shall confess to have, or shall be convicted of having [so] deviated, or fallen into heresy, or incurred schism, or provoked or committed either or both of these;
(c) since in this they are rendered more inexcusable than the rest in addition to the aforementioned sentences, censures and penalties, shall also automatically, without any exercise of law or application of fact, be thoroughly, entirely and perpetually deprived of:- their Orders and Cathedrals, even Metropolitan, Patriarchal and Primatial Churches, the honour of the Cardinalate and the office of any embassy whatsoever, not to mention both active and passive voting rights, all authority, Monasteries, benefices and Ecclesiastical offices, be they functional or sinecures, secular or religious of whatsoever Order, which they may have obtained by any concessions whatsoever, or by Apostolic Dispensations to title, charge and administration or otherwise howsoever, and in which or to which they may have any right whatsoever, likewise any whatsoever fruits, returns or annual revenues from like fruits, returns and revenues reserved for and assigned to them, as well as Countships, Baronies, Marquisates, Dukedoms, Kingships and Imperial Power;
- (ii) that, moreover, they shall be unfit and incapable in respect of these things and that they shall be held to be backsliders and subverted in every way, just as if they had previously abjured heresy of this kind in public trial; that they shall never at any time be able to be restored, returned, reinstated or rehabilitated to their former status or Cathedral, Metropolitan, Patriarchal and Primatial Churches, or the Cardinalate, or other honour, any other dignity, greater or lesser, any right to vote, active or passive, or authority, or Monasteries and benefices, or Countships, Baronies, Marquisates, Dukedoms, Kingships and positions of Imperial power; but rather that they shall be abandoned to the judgement of the secular power to be punished after due consideration, unless there should appear in them signs of true penitence and the fruits of worthy repentance, and, by the kindness and clemency of the See itself, they shall have been sentenced to sequestration in any Monastery or other religious house in order to perform perpetual penance upon the bread of sorrow and the water of affliction;
(iii) that all such individuals also shall be held, treated and reputed as such by everyone, of whatsoever status, grade, order, condition or pre-eminence he may be and whatsoever excellence may be his, even Episcopal, Archiepiscopal, Patriarchal and Primatial or other greater Ecclesiastical dignity and even the honour of the Cardinalate, or secular, even the authority of Count, Baron, Marquis, Duke, King or Emperor, and as such must be avoided and must be deprived of the sympathy of all natural kindess.
4. [By this Our Constitution, which is to remain valid in perpetuity, We] further enact, determine, decree and define:] that those who shall have claimed to have the right of patronage or of nominating suitable persons to Cathedral, Metropolitan, Patriarchal and Primatial Churches, or to Monasteries or other Ecclesiastical benefices which may be vacant by privation of this kind (in order that those which shall have been vacant for a long time may not be exposed to the unfit, but, having been rescued from enslavement to heretics, may be granted to suitable persons who would faithfully direct their people in the paths of justice), shall be bound to present other persons suitable to Churches, Monasteries and benefices of this kind, to Us, or to the Roman Pontiff at that time existing, within the time determined by law, or by their concordats, or by compacts entered into with the said See; and that, if they shall not have done so when the said period shall have elapsed, the full and free disposition of the aforesaid Churches, Monasteries and benefices shall by the fulness of the law itself devolve upon Us or upon the aforesaid Roman Pontiff.
5. [By this Our Constitution,] moreover, [which is to remain valid in perpetuity, We] also [enact, determine, decree and define:] as follows concerning those who shall have presumed in any way knowingly to receive, defend, favour, believe or teach the teaching of those so apprehended, confessed or convicted:
- (i) they shall automatically incur sentence of excommunication;(ii) they shall be rendered infamous;
(iii) they shall be excluded on pain of invalidity from any public or private office, deliberation, Synod, general or provincial Council and any conclave of Cardinals or other congregation of the faithful, and from any election or function of witness, so that they cannot take part in any of these by vote, in person, by writings, representative or by any agent;
(iv) they shall be incapable of making a will;
(v) they shall not accede to the succession of heredity;
(vi) no one shall be forced to respond to them concerning any business;
(vii) if perchance they shall have been Judges, their judgements shall have no force, nor shall any cases be brought to their hearing.;
(viii) if they shall have been Advocates, their pleading shall nowise be received;
(ix) if they shall have been Notaries, documents drafted by them shall be entirely without strength or weight;
(x) clerics shall be automatically deprived of each and every Church, even Cathedral, Metropolitan, Patriarchal, Primatial, and likewise of dignities, Monasteries, benefices and Ecclesiastical offices, and even, as has been already mentioned, of qualifications, howsoever obtained by them;
(xi) laymen, moreover, in the same way - even if they be qualified, as already described, or endowed with the aforesaid dignities or anysoever Kingdoms, Duchies, Dominions, Fiefs and temporal goods possessed by them;
(xii) finally, all Kingdoms, Duchies, Dominions, Fiefs and goods of this kind shall be confiscated, made public and shall remain so, and shall be made the rightful property of those who shall first occupy them if these shall be sincere in faith, in the unity of the Holy Roman Church and under obedience to Us and to Our successors the Roman Pontiffs canonically entering office.
6. In addition, [by this Our Constitution, which is to remain valid in perpetuity We enact, determine, decree and define:] that if ever at any time it shall appear that any Bishop, even if he be acting as an Archbishop, Patriarch or Primate; or any Cardinal of the aforesaid Roman Church, or, as has already been mentioned, any legate, or even the Roman Pontiff, prior to his promotion or his elevation as Cardinal or Roman Pontiff, has deviated from the Catholic Faith or fallen into some heresy:
- (i) the promotion or elevation, even if it shall have been uncontested and by the unanimous assent of all the Cardinals, shall be null, void and worthless;(ii) it shall not be possible for it to acquire validity (nor for it to be said that it has thus acquired validity) through the acceptance of the office, of consecration, of subsequent authority, nor through possession of administration, nor through the putative enthronement of a Roman Pontiff, or Veneration, or obedience accorded to such by all, nor through the lapse of any period of time in the foregoing situation;
(iii) it shall not be held as partially legitimate in any way;
(iv) to any so promoted to be Bishops, or Archbishops, or Patriarchs, or Primates or elevated as Cardinals, or as Roman Pontiff, no authority shall have been granted, nor shall it be considered to have been so granted either in the spiritual or the temporal domain;
(v) each and all of their words, deeds, actions and enactments, howsoever made, and anything whatsoever to which these may give rise, shall be without force and shall grant no stability whatsoever nor any right to anyone;
(vi) those thus promoted or elevated shall be deprived automatically, and without need for any further declaration, of all dignity, position, honour, title, authority, office and power.
7. Finally, [by this Our Constitution, which is to remain valid in perpetuity, We] also [enact, determine, define and decree]: that any and all persons who would have been subject to those thus promoted or elevated if they had not previously deviated from the Faith, become heretics, incurred schism or provoked or committed any or all of these, be they members of anysoever of the following categories: the Cardinals, even those who shall have taken part in the election of this very Pontiff previously deviating from the Faith or heretical or schismatical, or shall otherwise have consented and vouchsafed obedience to him and shall have venerated him;
Castellans, Prefects, Captains and Officials, even of Our Beloved City and of the entire Ecclesiastical State, even if they shall be obliged and beholden to those thus promoted or elevated by homage, oath or security; shall be permitted at any time to withdraw with impunity from obedience and devotion to those thus promoted or elevated and to avoid them as warlocks, heathens, publicans, and heresiarchs (the same subject persons, nevertheless, remaining bound by the duty of fidelity and obedience to any future Bishops, Archbishops, Patriarchs, Primates, Cardinals and Roman Pontiff canonically entering).
To the greater confusion, moreover, of those thus promoted or elevated, if these shall have wished to prolong their government and authority, they shall be permitted to request the assistance of the secular arm against these same individuals thus promoted or elevated; nor shall those who withdraw on this account, in the aforementioned circumstances, from fidelity and obedience to those thus promoted and elevated, be subject, as are those who tear the tunic of the Lord, to the retribution of any censures or penalties.
8. [The provisions of this Our Constitution, which is to remain valid in perpetuity are to take effect] notwithstanding any Constitutions, Apostolic Ordinations, privileges, indults or Apostolic Letters, whether they be to these same Bishops, Archbishops, Patriarchs, Primates and Cardinals or to any others, and whatsoever may be their import and form, and with whatsoever sub-clauses or decrees they may have been granted, even "motu proprio" and by certain knowledge, from the fulness of the Apostolic power or even consistorially or otherwise howsoever; and even if they have been repeatedly approved and renewed,have been included in the corpus of the Law or strengthened by any capital conclaves whatsoever (even by oath) or by Apostolic confirmation or by anysoever other endorsements or if they were legislated by ourself. By this present document instead of by express mention, We specially and expressly derogate the provisions of all these by appropriate deletion and word-for-word substitution, so that these may otherwise remain in force.
9. In order, however, that this document may be brought to the notice of all whom it concerns, We wish it or a transcription of it (to which, when made by the hand of the undersigned Public Notary and fortified by the seal of any person established in ecclesiastical dignity, We decree that complete trust must be accorded) to be published and affixed in the Basilica of the Prince of the Apostles in this City and on the doors of the Apostolic Chancery and in the pavilion of the Campus Florae by some of our couriers; [we] will [further] that a quantity of copies affixed in this place should be distributed, and that publication and affixing of this kind should suffice and be held as right, solemn and legitimate, and that no other publication should be required or awaited.
10. No one at all, therefore, may infringe this document of our approbation, re-introduction, sanction, statute and derogation of wills and decrees, or by rash presumption contradict it. If anyone, however, should presume to attempt this, let him know that he is destined to incur the wrath of Almighty God and of the blessed Apostles, Peter and Paul.
Given in Rome at Saint Peter's in the year of the Incarnation of the Lord 1559, 15th February, in the fourth year of our Pontificate.
- + I, Paul, Bishop of the Catholic Church of Rome
Note: This Constitution was reinforced in his Papal Bull Inter multiplices [December 21, 1566] by Pope St. Pius V ________________________________
Note: Those words in brackets signify the Latin significance of the full authority of this Constitution above.
Monday, 8 June 2020
What Would Real Social Justice be Like?
Know Justice--Know Peace
Protests and rioting have since broken out all around the country. Unfortunately, most were not peaceful, constitutionally protected protests. Most were violent riots resulting in looting and deaths of innocents. As this wave of rioting continues, a few preliminary remarks are in order. By all indications, Chauvin was wrong, yet he did not have his day in court. The presumption of innocence (introduced as a legal concept by my Patron Saint, King St. Louis IX), applies to Chauvin just as much as it did to O.J. Simpson. We have no legal right to call him a "murderer" until he either (a) pleads guilty, or (b) is found guilty by a jury of his peers. All the facts are not before us and the jury is still out (literally) on whether or not he committed murder. Floyd was not detained "just because"---he was accused of passing counterfeit money. Second, all of those "protesters" committing illegal, immoral acts such as looting, arson, and assault/murder, are just thugs. A totally peaceful protest is fine, whether or not you agree with the cause, but acts that are illegal/immoral are not protests, but an excuse for lawlessness and to intimidate. They hurt a cause, and never help it.
While watching one such act of senseless rioting, there was a sign one person held with the motto, "No Justice, No Peace." It then occurred to me that these thugs have no idea (or choose to willfully ignore) what the law, justice, and peace really mean. In the wake of the Great Apostasy, the true meaning of those words have been either obscured or given new and false meanings. All the Vatican II sect clergy talk about the need for "social justice," which almost always means pandering to sodomites and illegal aliens who take away much needed resources from U.S. citizens while they commit crime. "Peace," to them, means pacifism in the midst of dangers we must fight. In this post, I will lay out the teaching of the Church on what law, justice, and peace reallymean.
(I credit the work of theologian Cahill, The Framework of a Christian State [1932], and theologian Civardi, Christianity and Social Justice [1961] from which I composed the rest of this post; except where attribution is specifically given to another theologian.---Introibo).
Church Teaching on the Law and Civil Authority
Moral LawThe moral law may be defined as the norm of human conduct promulgated by a legitimate authority for the common good.It is then subdivided into:
- The Natural Law. This receives its name because it is impressed by nature and made known by the very nature of humanity; that is to say, by the use of reason.The Author of the Natural Law is the Author of human nature---Almighty God Himself. It is the voice of reason, of conscience, that tells us the basic principle, "Do good and avoid evil." All people feel that it is wrong to lie and murder, and it is good to keep your promises and help others. St. Paul affirms this in his letter to the Romans that the pagans, who had no written law (as had the Jews), "...are a law unto themselves. They show the work of the law written in their hearts." (Romans 2:14-15). They will be judged by God, St Paul affirms, based on the Natural Law which is known by all humanity.
- Positive Law. This is not made known by natural reason, but by an act of the legislator who promulgates it. Therefore, positive law is further divided into Divine Positive Law and Human Positive Law, based on whether the promulgating authority is God or humans.
- Divine Positive Law can only be known through Divine Revelation. It consists of the Holy Bible and Sacred Tradition and is correctly interpreted by the Magisterium.
- Human Positive Law is either civil (if made by the government) or ecclesiastical (if made by the One True Church).
Church Teaching on Justice
Justice is the cardinal virtue that prompts us to give everyone his due. There are three kinds of justice, each named after its objective.
- Commutative Justice. This regulates the relations between one individual and another; for example, seller and buyer. The seller is bound by justice to give sound, wholesome goods. The buyer is bound by justice to pay the agreed upon price.
- Legal justice. This regulates the relations between the government and its subjects. The government has an obligation to pass just laws for the benefit of the people, and the people are bound to obey those laws. In penal law, the punishment must fit the crime. Hence, it would be unjust to give the death penalty to someone who stole a small amount of money, or to give a fine to a murderer.
- Social justice. This governs the relations between different social classes, and between employers and employees.
Church Teaching on Peace
There is an inward peace that reigns among the faculties of people, whereby the lower are subject to the higher; and there is an outward peace that reflects the relations between humans as individuals, between classes, and between different nations. There are three principles that guide Church teaching regarding outward peace:- It is founded upon true peace as defined above.
- It is not any peace at any cost. When justice is seriously violated and there is no other means of redressing it, it is lawful to have recourse to force, which is entirely distinct from violence. Force, unlike violence, is not summoned to the service of caprice or of passions, but of law and order. Hence, there are times a country may wage a just war. Force is not a gang of hoodlums rioting, killing, burning and destroying property, and stealing because they are "outraged" over a wrongdoing to someone.
- It must also have a firm foundation in charity. If men loved others for the love of God, peace will be assured.
The Duties to (and limits of) Governmental Authority
Our Lord Jesus Christ taught by His Divine example:
- Christ proved the binding effect of law by submitting Himself to it. As a Child, He submitted to the Circumcision. He submitted to the Presentation in the Temple. At 12 years old, He went with His mother and foster father to Jerusalem for the Passover, to fill another requirement of Jewish Law.
- At the beginning of His public ministry, He assured His listeners, "Do not think that I have come to destroy the Law or the prophets. I am not come to destroy but to fulfill." (St. Matthew 5:17). When He cured the ten lepers, He required them to show themselves to the priests, keeping in line with the law of Leviticus 14. When asked if it was lawful to pay tribute to Caesar, He replied, "Render therefore to Caesar the things that are Caesar's; and to God, the things that are God's." (St. Matthew 22:21).
- He preached obedience even to wicked lawgivers, like the scribes and Pharisees, by saying, "The teachers of the law and the Pharisees sit in Moses’ seat. So you must be careful to do everything they tell you. But do not do what they do, for they do not practice what they preach." (St. Matthew 23:2-3).
- Christ refused obedience to wicked laws, unjust rules, and arbitrary requirements which the Pharisees added to the Mosaic law (like the requirements concerning certain ablutions, and the Sabbath rest which had become unbearable and unreasonable). He publicly complained that the Pharisees ";;; tie up heavy, cumbersome loads and put them on other people’s shoulders..." (St. Matthew 23:4). He further rebuked them severely saying, "...Well do you make void the commandment of God, that you may keep your own tradition." (St. Mark 7:9).
- Only in one case is a Catholic exempt from obedience to the State: when the law is clearly unjust and contrary to the Will of God. It then does not bind in conscience. As Pope Leo XIII beautifully summarized: The one only reason which men have for not obeying is when anything is demanded of them which is openly repugnant to the natural or the divine law, for it is equally unlawful to command to do anything in which the law of nature or the will of God is violated. If, therefore, it should happen to any one to be compelled to prefer one or the other, viz., to disregard either the commands of God or those of rulers, he must obey Jesus Christ, who commands us to "give to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's," and must reply courageously after the example of the Apostles: "We ought to obey God rather than men." And yet there is no reason why those who so behave themselves should be accused of refusing obedience; for, if the will of rulers is opposed to the will and the laws of God, they themselves exceed the bounds of their own power and pervert justice; nor can their authority then be valid, which, when there is no justice, is null. (See Diuturnum, para. #15)
The Conditions When Revolt Can Be Permitted
People have a right to defend themselves against a tyrannical government that goes against God's law. However, to resist the government is always an extreme measure, and therefore it can only be resorted to in extreme cases and under certain well-defined conditions of Natural Law. The most terse and eloquent exposition of the four (4) requirements when open opposition to the government is permitted was penned by theologian Rickaby in the Dublin Review, April 1865 on resisting tyrannical government; De Regimine Principium..
- The First Condition. The government must become substantially and habitually tyrannical. It must lose sight of the common good, and pursues its own selfish objectives to the manifest detriment of the people, most especially when their religious interests are concerned. The people cannot resort to physical resistance for the redress of any and every grievance. If they could, civil war would be the common condition and peaceful progress would wholly cease. In every nation there are innumerable conflicting interests to be considered and some people are bound to suffer injustice. These ordinary injustices should be remedied through the lawmaking authority available to them, whether by voting, or by appealing to those in power. Resistance to the government can only be tolerated in the case of a government that is substantially and habitually tyrannical and therefore opposed to the common good.
- The Second Condition. All legal and peaceful means have been tried in vain to recall the ruler/government to a sense of duty. The conditions of lawful self-defense are substantially the same in the case of resistance to private, individual aggression and that of aggression by the government. Now, in the former case, a man cannot kill another in self-defense if he can escape the aggression in any other way. [In secular law, this is also applied in many states. Here, in New York, if someone tries to start a fight with you, there is what the law calls "The Duty to Retreat," whereby you must try to get away from the aggressor. This duty extends to all situations except if you are in your home or in your place of business. Then you may immediately fight back---Introibo] So also, if a tyrannical government can be brought back to reason by legal means it has the right to be brought back by legal means. In a republic, such as the United States, rebellion is very difficult to justify because the government can be rejected at the polls.
- The Third Condition. There must be a reasonable probability that resistance will be successful, and not entail greater evils than it seeks to remove.Therefore, the reasonable hope must exist that the tyranny will be overthrown and end, or at least the beginnings of improvement will be effectuated.If the uprising would result in greater misery and suffering for the people, resistance cannot be undertaken.
- The Fourth Condition. When the judgement is formed as to the evil of the government, and the resistance necessary, it is not the opinion of a few, or some instigating group, but it is the manifested sentiment of the majority of the people, so that it may be morally considered as the judgement of the nation as a whole. In countries, there is often a group trying to incite revolution "for the good of the people" when it is actually for the group's own good. They have no right to incite the masses through fear-mongering and acts of violence.
The Facts and The Teachings of the Church as Applied to the Instant Case
- The death of George Floyd was tragic. Whether or not it is murder has yet to be determined, and I wonder if it's even possible for Chauvin to receive a fair trial with all the publicity.
- To say the actions of Chauvin (in his abuse of force) are indicative of all (or most) police officers is false. To say that it is indicative of white people hating black people is racist. It is no less racist than suggesting all black people hate white people. One of the cops charged is Tou Thao, who is Vietnamese. Does that make all Asians racist against black people too?
- While one may peacefully protest against real or perceived injustice, thugs who riot while looting, killing, and burning down buildings are criminals who need to be arrested and detract from anything worthwhile that may be said during a peaceful protest.
- These are Communist tactics to incite racial hatred and violence. Police are having their hands tied when they are needed to protect the people. As I wrote in my post of 2/10/2020 against racism, The liberals are making non-whites "victims" and want job quotas (think Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez ), while conservatives are claiming racial superiority in the form of "White Nationalism." Both are causing a new and real hatred based on skin color. Both are evil.
- You have no need to apologize for being white, yellow, red, brown, or black. God made one race, the human race. All lives matter, not just black lives. There is no obligation to promote black owned businesses, as if we "inherited" a sin for which we must make reparations.
- Heather MacDonald, author of The War on Cops [2016] relates that "The irony is The Washington Post's own database collects the statistics, but The Washington Post doesn't write that. Here's another interesting fact, a police officer is 18 and a half times more likely to be murdered by a black male than an unarmed black male is to be murdered by a cop, or killed by a cop." (Emphasis mine). There is no systemic racism among cops at large.
- The problem is not having the right ideas about social justice and related matters due to the Great Apostasy having eclipsed humanity's teacher and source of holiness; the One True Church of Jesus Christ. I do not now, nor have I ever endorsed racism of any kind. This post is not intended to approve whites hating blacks, forcing the the races to separate, or white supremacy movements. The condemnation of what "Black Lives Matter" is instigating (racism), is not an excuse to become racist against black people.
- As you can see from the above, there is no tyrannical government oppression that would warrant rebellion against the government. Moreover, these rioters clearly fall under the "small group instigators" condemned in the writing of theologian Rickaby. They are a disgrace. You can fix any real or perceived injustice by peaceful protests and voting.
- As an aside, please take note that political correctness supersedes public safety. While people are demonized if they don't agree or take part in the peaceful protests, have you noticed that in nearly all of them, people are not social distancing with COVID-19 still a pandemic? People were given tickets for gathering too closely in parks because they were being foolish and endangering public safety; now if they do the exact same thing for a protest, they're being called "courageous." The only police we need to fear are the "PC police."
The sign "No Justice, No Peace" was clearly a threat held up by the rioter I saw. It translates as, "If you don't do what we want ("justice") you will have rioting that you can't control (no "peace"). The truth is that these rioters don't know justice, so they will never know true peace. That peace can only be had by true justice. You need to follow Him Who is rightfully called the Prince of Peace, and His One True Church. As the Bible tells us, "Opus justitiae pax"---"The work of justice shall be peace." (Isaiah 32:17).
This comes from Introibo Ad Altare Dei
Sunday, 7 June 2020
Trinity Sunday
The Propers of the Mass and the Fr. Haydock´s commentary on Scripture
Dom Gueranguer about this feast in honor of the Trinity
Catholicism Made Simple explains the Trinity, the Atanasian Creed and more in Daily Catholic Maybe you would have to browse a bit.
Dom Gueranguer about this feast in honor of the Trinity
Catholicism Made Simple explains the Trinity, the Atanasian Creed and more in Daily Catholic Maybe you would have to browse a bit.
Saturday, 6 June 2020
"Cardinal Muller Will Save Us from Francis"... with some Punk Heroes!
This is a post from 2012. Muller has not rejected his errors and this suggest that he stills holds unto them. We invite Muller to reject Vatican II and modernism, and his fans and followers not to be deceived by appearances.
You taught Ratzinger would appoint a Catholic? That would be a real miracle.

The image was censored by me.
Ratzinger's #2 Modernist in charge of the Sacred Congregation for the Destruction of What's Left of the Faith is another Anti-Supernaturalist heretic. Here is an except from the blog "Catholic Church Conservation" that summarizes the situation well. Unfortunately, the blogger recognizes the heresy, yet doesn't draw the only logical conclusion, namely, since the True Church can't teach heresy, Ratzinger and his "hierarchy" have no authority and have defected by forming a new and false religious sect.
You taught Ratzinger would appoint a Catholic? That would be a real miracle.

The image was censored by me.
Ratzinger's #2 Modernist in charge of the Sacred Congregation for the Destruction of What's Left of the Faith is another Anti-Supernaturalist heretic. Here is an except from the blog "Catholic Church Conservation" that summarizes the situation well. Unfortunately, the blogger recognizes the heresy, yet doesn't draw the only logical conclusion, namely, since the True Church can't teach heresy, Ratzinger and his "hierarchy" have no authority and have defected by forming a new and false religious sect.
If it would agree with what the Archbishop (sic) Gerhard Ludwig Müller maintains, Christianity would be mocking the audience. Archbishop (sic) Gerhard Ludwig Müller - the prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith recently appointed by Pope (sic) Benedict XVI - not only has problems with the virginity of Mary, the Eucharist and the doctrine of the Church. In his rambling book "Catholic dogma: to study and practice theology" (4th edition 1995) there are at least three more points that involve serious heresies.
Denial of miracles
On the topic "miracle" Mgr. Müller writes on page 284: " The miracles of Jesus are not to be understood in the context of a definition, which is concerns a 'breaking of the laws of nature'." Such an understanding of miracles according to Msgr. Müller belongs "to the context of a deistic understanding of God and a mechanistic world view."
What constitutes a miracle?
A breaking of the laws of nature is of the essence of miracle. This was already maintained by the preeminent theologian Saint Thomas Aquinas († 1274). In a miracle, God acts directly on the world as first cause . He bypasses thus the secondary causes - that is, the laws of nature.
Msgr. Müller is a mechanical deist
Mons. Müller insulted the Catholic understanding of miracles indiscriminately as "deistic" and "mechanistic". The opposite is true. This is because deism is the doctrine that God created the universe at the beginning and set it going like clockwork, not interfering in its further mechanistic working - neither by miracle nor by revelation. The qualification "deistic" and "mechanistic" hypothesis thus precisely correspond to Mons.Müller's denial of the miracle.
One heresy cries out after another
Archbishop Müller's inability to understand miracles, influences his dubious statements about the Virginal conception of Jesus and the Resurrection of the dead. In both events, the Bible as well as the tradition of Church sees a classical breaking of the known laws of nature.
The guardian of Faith denies the conception by the Holy Spirit
On page 495 of his Dogmatik, Mons. Müller discusses the virginity of Mary. This, he writes. "This does not mean a departure from the biological norm" . This assertion is related explicitly to the "conception" of Jesus and the virginity of the Virgin Mary before the birth. Mary's virginity during labour Mons. Müller disputes on page 498 of his Dogmatics. There he claims that in the case of Mary's virginity during the birth, is "not" about deviating physiological features in the "natural process of birth." "Not in the context of a biologically exceptional case" On page 497, Mons. Müller closes his remarks on the virginity before birth. He again emphasized: "The meaning of faith in the virginal conception of Jesus by the Holy Spirit does not reveal itself in the context of a biologically exceptional case."
Invisible body?
Msgr. Müller in his Dogmatik on page 300 comments on the Resurrection of Jesus with this questionable assertion: "The contemporary film camera would have neither recorded the resurrection event [...] nor the Easter appearances of Jesus to his disciples in image and sound ." And on page 303: "Whether the response of women at the grave in the early hours of Easter morning and the discovery that the body of Jesus was no longer there, a historical process in the sense described must not be decided here. It could also reflect a devotion to the grave by the Jerusalem assembly."
He does not believe in the bodily resurrection
On the other hand, writes Msgr. Müller: "In any case, the mighty deed of God must have been implied in Jesus and on the dead body." Because. "A finding of the body of Jesus would have been for the enemies of Jesus, stringent counter-evidence against the identification of God with the eschatological means of salvation" One wonders here: What now? Did Jesus rise bodily or not? Mons. Müller's statements contradict each other. But, given his thesis that Jesus' miracles do not break the laws of nature, he must answer in the negative.
Thursday, 4 June 2020
Timothy Gordon without Money
According to Nick Donelly, the R´n´R hero was fired from his work due to the savageness of the #blacklivesmatter heathens. He has 6 children, one of them had a brain surgery and needs physical therapy.
Even though Gordon has caused damage due to his defense of lefebvrism, be good and show some charity. This is his Go Fund Me page.
Even though Gordon has caused damage due to his defense of lefebvrism, be good and show some charity. This is his Go Fund Me page.
Monday, 1 June 2020
Sodomite Month 2020
At least the sodomite pride march was cancelled this year.
Don´t let the Frankster deceive you, sodomy has always been considered a mortal sin worthy of hell.
I share with you posts directly or indirectly related on the topic:
What is moral relativism and why it is objectively false?
On the Mad this way ideology
A post on the existence of hell
The dark side of the rainbow
The gnostic origin of transgenderism
How the novus ordo paved its way to sodomy
Psychopath Psychology
The promotion of sodomy on superhero movies
Manipulating WWJD & sodomites were not condemned because of "inhospitality"
Mutilating the Body
Damned by Mercy
Novus Ordo Watch´s Year of Condemnation: Posts filled with "negative theology"
Bishop Sanborn and the gay pride month
*To be continuously updated*
Don´t let the Frankster deceive you, sodomy has always been considered a mortal sin worthy of hell.
I share with you posts directly or indirectly related on the topic:
What is moral relativism and why it is objectively false?
On the Mad this way ideology
A post on the existence of hell
The dark side of the rainbow
The gnostic origin of transgenderism
How the novus ordo paved its way to sodomy
Psychopath Psychology
The promotion of sodomy on superhero movies
Manipulating WWJD & sodomites were not condemned because of "inhospitality"
Mutilating the Body
Damned by Mercy
Novus Ordo Watch´s Year of Condemnation: Posts filled with "negative theology"
Bishop Sanborn and the gay pride month
*To be continuously updated*
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