Sunday, 28 October 2018

Long Life Christ the King

Christ is truly King. And He is truly the best of the Kings, as He is the only one who truly loves us, protect us and helps us. 

He died Crucified for us, therefore, it is not only necessary to remember His love, but to love Him as He loves us and to fight without rest so the world subjugate to His Kingship.  

Next links so you can celebrate the feast better.

Quas Primas; an Encyclical written by Pope Pious XI. It establishes de feast of Christ the King as a response to the secularism of this world.  

Fr. Leonardo Castellani: Sermon for Christ the King Cristo Vuelve

Dom Gueranguer about the feast of Christ the King in Cristo Vuelve

Thomas Droleskey writes about the feast of Christ the King in Christ or Chaos 

The propers of Mass in Daily Catholic (Note: please pray for the rest of the soul of Cindy and Michael Cain. Also, Daily Catholic is down today, so you can read part of the propers of the Mass here.)

A Sermon on Christ the King by Traditional Catholic Sermons 

An article about the Kingship of Our Lord Jesus Christ and the struggle it has with the Vatican II religion in Introibo Ad Altare Dei

Religious liberty denies the authority of Our Lord; Introibo Ad Altare Dei made an article about this insane doctrine.

The Church, The Spouse of Christ, helps us to be subjected to Jesus Christ; here  you can find an article on her Magisterium.

Saturday, 27 October 2018

Saint Pope Paul VI or Antipope Paul VI?

Giovanni Battista Enrico Antonio Maria Montini
Giovanni Battista Montini sealed the fate for the Church in Rome. He took the name of Paul VI. As his predecessor, he had a very suspicious election.

He, like his predecessor John XXIII, was a modernist. Modernism is the synthesis of all heresies (Pope St. Pius X), which would make him a modernist, the synthesis of all heretics.

- His mother was a convert from Judaism. Her funeral monument has Masonic symbols engraved all over it. They are so blatant, that a wall was built in front of it to hide them. The Montini family is listed in the Golden Book of Noble Italian Heritage (1962-1964, p. 994): "A branch of the.. noble family from Brescia... wherefrom their noble blazon comes and which avows as its sure trunk and founder, a Bartholomew (Bartolino) de Benedicits, said Montini was of Hebrew origin. " (Fr Joaquin Saenz Y Arriaga, The New Montinian Church, p. 391. Jesuit Father Joaquin Saenz Y Arriaga was a docotr of Theology, Church History and Canon Law. He was one of the first sedevacantists recognizing it in the mid to late 1960´s, perhaps earlier.)

- There is no record of Baptism for Giovanni Montini (Paul VI).

- Was known in his seminary days as a notorious homosexual.

-In 1944, he worked with the soviets through a childhood friend Togliatti, who was the head of the communist party in Italy. The Archbishop Primate of the Protestant Church in Sweden, who was state official, informed Pope Pius XII of the situation. It came as shock to Pius XII who exiled Montini to Milan without the traditional red hat. He was so angry that he refused the cardinal´s beretta from Pius XII. Investigations into Montini´s Soviet affair resulted in finding that his private secretary, the Jesuit Tondi, was a KGB agent who was once the professor of atheism at the University of Marxism-Leninism. Tondi gave the Soviets the names of all the clergy sent to Russia who were immediately caught and executed. Tondi was imprisoned and later married his mistress, the militant communist Carmen Zanti in a civil service. After Montini´s election to the papacy, Tondi returned to Rome to work in the Vatican´s Civil Service as a cover for his KGB activities. Paul VI was greeted on the balcony after his "election" with cries of  "il Papa Montinovsky"

- Paul VI was a communist sympathizer. The Pact of Metz held in 1962, guaranteed that the Vatican would not condemn communism at the Second Vatican Council. However, earlier, in 1942, talks already were in the works with communist Moscow, "It was in that year, that Vatican Monsignor Giovanni Batista Montini, who himself later succeeded to the papacy as Paul  VI, talked directly with Joseph Stalin´s representative. Those talks were aimed at dimming Pius XII´s constant fulminations against the Soviet dictator and Marxism. Stato himself had been privy to those talks. He had also been privy to the conversations between Montini and the Italian Communist Party leader, Palmiro Togliati, in 1944.. "Stato offered to supply reports from the Allied Office of Strategic Services about the matter, beginning, as he recalled, with OSS Report JR-1022 of August 28, 1944" (Malachi Martin, The Jesuits - The Society of Jesus and the Betrayal of the Roman Catholic Church, New York: Simon & Schuster, 1987; pp. 91-92)

- Mark Winckler, interpreter working at the Vatican, tells of a meeting he had with Cardinal Pignedoli (then Msgr) Pignedoli told him in 1944 that the failed Freemasonic plan to have Cardinal Rampolla elected pope in 1903 would be corrected when they elect Montini. (The Destruction of the Christian Tradition, updated and revised, 2006, Rama P. Coomarasawamy p. 145)

- Montini stated, "Our times, can the also not have an epiphany which corresponds to its spirit, to its capacities? The marvelous scientific evolution of our days, can it not become this star, this sign that thrusts modern humanity towards a new quest for God, towards a new discovery of Christ? " (Milan, 1956, Le Pape de LÉpiphanie)

- Montini stated, "Modern man, will he not gradually come to the point where he will discover, as a result of scientific progress, the laws and hidden realities behind the mute face of matter and give ear to the marvelous voice of the spirit that vibrates in it?" Will this not be the religion of our day? Einstein himself glimpsed this vision of a universal religion produced spontaneously [i.e., without revelation]. Is this not perhaps today my own religion?" (Conference in Turin, Mar. 27, 1960)

- Montini stated, "We... Catholic.. must.. first of all, love the world... our times... our civilization.. our technical achievements... and above all.. love the word" (Bodart´s La biologie et l´venir de l´homme)

"At his coronation as Pope Paul VI, several American newspapers accused him of being a member of the Lodge B´nai B´rith - a photograph served as proof." (The Hidden, But Victorious Way Of The Free-Masonry, Rev. Fr. Henri Mourax)

- 30 Days magazine reported the Chair of Peter for Paul VI was engineered by a large group of Masonic and Modernist cardinals meeting in the home of a leading freemason named Umberto Ortolani just prior to the conclave. (November 3, 1993)

- "The sense of universalism that is rampant in Rome these days is very close to our purpose for existence. Thus we are unable to ignore the second Vatican Council and its consequences... With all our hearths we support the Revolution of John XXIII... This courageous concept of the Freedom of Thought that lies at the core of the Freemasonic lodges, has spread in a truly magnificent manner right under the Dome of St. Peter´s. " (L´oecumenisme vu par un Franc Macon de Tradition, Yves Marsaudon, 1964, Paris)

- Yves Marsaudon wrote, "Born in our Masonic Lodges, freedom of expression has now spread beautifully over the Dome of St. Peter´s... This is the Revolution of Paul VI. It is clear that Paul VI, not content merely to follow the policy of his predecessor, does in fact intend to go much further..."(Freemasonry and Vatican Two, Y.L Dupont, Britons: London, 1968)

- Carlos Vazquez Rangel, Grand Commander of the Supreme Council of the Masons of Mexico, in a 1993 interview with the political weekly Proceso stated: "On the same day, in Paris the profane Angelo Roncalli and the profane Giovanni Montini were initiated into the august mysteries of the Brotherhood. Thus it was much that was achieved at the Council was based on Masonic principles".

- Paul Vi promised to pray for the success of Mrs. Hollister and her "Temple of Understanding" (in which Cardinal Bagnozzi told him was an "occult enterprise of the Illuminati whose aim is the founding of "the World Religion of Human Brotherhood").

- The masonic plans were, of course, to infiltrate the Church until one of their own became pope, knowing full well that obedience will be given to him. Thus, the masonic doctrines will be held as Catholic Orthodoxy. Paul VI stated, "All men must obey him [the pope] in whatever he orders if they wish to be associated with the new economy of the Gospel" (Allocution, June 29, 1970).

- Paul VI, Message, Sept. 8, 1977: "Stress is legitimately laid nowadays on the necessity of constructing a new world order..." 
(L´Osservatore Romano, Sept. 22, 1977, p.11)

- Following Vatican II, Paul Vi changed all seven of the sacraments.

- Paul VI approved the help of six protestants to concoct the "novus ordo missae" (the new mass)

- Exorcist Fr. Malachi Matin reported that on June 29, 1963, the night before Paul VI´s coronation, a black mass was celebrated and satan was enthroned in the Vatican! (Windswept House). Fr Malachi was confirmed several times in interviews that this is a fact from his book, and has believed the Vatican has been possessed by satan ever since.

- Paul Vi, Adress, July 9, 1969: "She [the Church] has also affirmed, during Her long history, at the cost of oppression and persecution, freedom for everyone to profess his own religion. No one, She says, is to be restrained from acting, no one is to be forced to act in a manner contrary to his own beliefs.. As we said, the Council demanded a true and public religious freedom..." 
(L´Osservatore Romano, July 17, 1969, p. 1)

- Paul VI, Letter, July 25, 1975: "...the Holy See rejoices to see specifically emphasized the right of religious liberty. 
 (L´Osservatore Romano, Aug. 14, 1975, p.3 )"

- These statements stem from Dignitatis Humanae (Declaration of religious freedom) of Vatican II. However, the Council of Vienne declared by implication that man does not have the right of religious freedom expressed publicly.

- Paul VI, Telegram after the election of a new Patriarch of Constantinople, July, 1972:  "At the moment when you assume a heavy charge in the service of the Church of Christ..." 
(L´Osservatore Romano, July 27, 1972, p. 12)

Notice that Paul VI is recognizing a schismatic patriarch and church as part of the Church of Christ.

- Paul VI, Joint Declaration with the [schismatic/heretic] Shenouda III, May 10, 1973: "Paul VI, Bishop of Rome and Pope of the Catholic Church, and Shenouda III, Pope of Alexandria and Patriarch of the See of St. Mark... In the name of this charity, we reject all forms of proselytism... Let it cease, where it may exist..." (L´Osservatore Romano, May 24, 1973, p.6)

- Paul VI, Address, April 28, 1977: "... relations between the Catholic Church and the Anglican Communion... these words of hope, `The Anglican Communion united not absorbed,´ are no longer a mere dream." (L´Osservatore Romano, May 5, 1977, p.1)

All these statements stem from the Dogmatic Constitution Lumen Gentium of Vatican 2 that implies that the Church of Christ exists outside of the Catholic Church, as Paul VI actually states about the Church of Constantinople.

- Paul VI invited Anglicans to use the Catholic altars in the Vatican for their services (a sacrilegious act), and place his papal ring on the Anglican "archbishop" and invited him to bless the faithful in St. Peter Square. (The Destruction of the Catholic Tradition, updated and revised, 2006, Rama P. Coomaraswamy p. 152)

- For the sake of ecumenism he did not hesitate to even desecrate the Sacred Body of Our Lord, as for example when he personally authorized giving communion to Barbara Olson, a Presbyterian, at her Nuptial Mass (Sept. 21 1966) without her abjuring her Presbyterian views on her going to Confession... Not an isolated act by any means, for he also gave Communion under the same circumstances to the Lutherans (Forts dans la foi, no.47). As the Abbe of Nantes said, "No one in the world, bishop or cardinal, Angel or even the Pope himself, has any right whatever to give the Sacrament of the Living to those who are spiritually dead." (Liber Accusationis) quoted in (The Destruction of the Christian Tradition, updated and revised, 2006, Rama P. Coomaraswamy p. 152)

- He joined Cardinal Willebrands in "the common prayer of the World Council of Churches" (Doc. Cath. Jan 17, 1971)

- Paul VI, Message to United Nations, May 24, 1978: "... we are aware that the path which must lead to the coming of a new international order.. cannot in any case be as short as we would like it to be.. Disarmament, a new world order and development are three obligations that are inseparably bound together... " 
(L´Osservatore Romano, June 15, 1978, p. 3)

- On November 13, 1964, Paul VI gave away the triple crowned papal tiara. Paul VI had the tiara auctioned at the New York 
World´s Fair. (Fr. Joaquin Saenz Y Arriaga, The New Montinian Church, pp. 394-395)

The Papal Tiara is a sign of a true Pope´s authority - the three crowns representing the dogmatical, liturgical and disciplinary authority of a pope. In giving it away, Paul VI was symbolically giving away the authority of the Papacy. "Cardinal" Ottaviani is by the side of Paul VI as he does this atrocious deed.

- Paul VII gave his Shepherd´s Crook and Fishermans´s Ring to U Thant, head of the UN, who sold them to a Jewish businessman in the Midwest. (The Voice, Dec. 9, 1972 and documented in Hubert Monteilhet Papa Paul VI - L´Amen-Dada)

- Paul VI abolished the oath against Modernism, at a time when Modernism was everywhere, and why not, for the new religion of Rome, it´s heretical to be against modernism.

- On Nov. 21, 1970, Paul VI also excluded all cardinals over 80 years from participating in papal elections. (L´Osservatore Romano, Dec. 3, 1970, p.10)

This fixes the next conclave.

- Paul VI gave all the bishops a new gold ring in place of the traditional ones as a sign of the new church. He asked the bishops not to use their shepherd´s crooks.

- Paul VI abolished the rite of Tonsure, all four Minor Orders, and the rank of Subdiaconate. (The Reign of Mary, Vol. XXVI, No. 81, p. 17)

- "Paul VI gave back to the Muslims the Standard of Lepanto. The history of the flag was venerable. It was taken from a Turkish admiral during a great naval battle in 1571. While Pope St. Pius V fasted and prayed the Rosary, and out-numbered Christian fleet defeated a much larger Moslem navy, thus saving Christendom from the infidel. In honor of the miraculous victory, Pius V instituted the Feast of Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary to commemorate her intercession. In one dramatic act, Paul VI renounced not only a remarkable Christian victory, but the prayers and sacrifices of a great pope and saint." (Mark Fellows, Fatima in twilight, Niagara Falls, NY: Marmion Publications, 2003, p. 193)

- Under Paul VI, the Holy Office was reformed: its primary function now was research, not defending the Catholic Faith. (Mark Fellows, Fatima in Twilight, p. 206)

- According to those who watched film of Paul Vi´s visit to Fatima, he did nor pray one Hail Mary. (Mark Fellows, Fatima in Twilight, p. 206)

- In 1969, Paul VI removed forty saints from the oficial liturgical calendar (Nino Lo Bello, The incredible Book of Vatican Facts and Papal curiosities, Liguori, MO: Liguori Pub., 1998, p. 195)

- Paul VI removed solemn exorcisms from the baptismal rite. In the place of the solemn exorcisms, he substituted an optional prayer that makes only a passing reference to fighting the Devil. (The Reign of Mary, Vol. XXVIII, No. 90, p.8)

- Paul VI granted more than 32,000 requests from priests to return to lay status. (Malachi Martin)

- Paul VI´s disastrous influence was visible immediately. For example, in Holland not a single candidate applied for admission to the priesthood in 1970, and whithin 12 months every seminary was closed. (Piers Compton, The Broken Cross, Cranbrook, Western Australia: Veritas Pub. Co. Ptd Ltd, 1984, p. 138)

- Paul VI, Speech to Lombard Seminary, Dec. 7, 1968: "The Church finds herself in an hour of disquiet, of self-criticism, one might say even of self-destruction.. the Church is wounding herself." (L´Osservatore Romano, Dec. 19, 1968. p.3)

- Paul VI, General Audience, Oct. 1, 1969: "On the other hand, She  [the Church] is also trying to adapt herself and assimilate herself to the world´s ways; She is taking off her distinctive sacral garment, for She wants to feels more human and earthly. "She is tending to let herself be absorbed by the social and temporal milieu. She has almost been seized by human respect at the thought that She is different in some way and obliged to have a style of thought and life which is not that of the world. She is undergoing the world´s changes and degradations with conformist, almost avantegarde zeal." (L´Osservatore Romano, Oct. 9, 1969,p.1)

- Paul VI, Homily, June 29, 1972: "Satan´s smoke has made its way into the Temple of God through some crack...  (L´Osservatore Romano, July. 13, 1972, p.6)

Pretty clever statement to keep the faithful aloof, as Paul VI was one opening up the crack created by John XXIII, to let the smoke of Satan in. Apocalypse 9:1-3: "And there was given to him the key of the bottomless pit. And he opened the bottomless pit: and the smoke of the pit arose, as the smoke of a great furnace..."

- Jean Guitton, an intimate friend of Paul VI, related that Paul VI said at the final session of Vatican II: "It was the final session of the Council" Guitton wrote, "the most essential, in which Paul VI was to bestow on all humanity the teachings of the Council. He announced this to me on that day with these words, `I am about to blow the seven trumpets of the Apocalypse.´" (Jean Guitton, "Nel segno dei Dodici," interview by Maurizio Blondet, Avvenire, Oct. 11, 1992)

- Paul VI said, "All honour to Man, king of the earth and now prince of heavens!" (Documentation Catholique´ no. 1580)

"Paul went so far once as to state that a pope - to be truly pope - must be acknowledged by the whole human race. One century before this, a French philosopher named Lamenais had been condemned as a heretic for saying just that. And every one of 
Paul´s predecessors, including Roncalli, would have unhesitatingly condemned Paul VI for saying so... Paul´s new view meant recognizing the autonomy of the individual person and therefore accommodating all possible views. It meant that anyone had a right to be wrong. It meat the Catholic Church was no longer "the one true church of Christ " . It meant embracing the concept of religious pluralism, and abstention from all "missionary activity". It meant that the people would decide for themselves what to believe and how to behave. Meanwhile, the church was there to minister to their social and physical needs... Paul consented, further, to abandon the age-old Catholic belief that the Mass was a sacrifice. It was, he propounded in an official document, a sacred memorial meal presided over a "priest"; and only threats by the powerful cardinals Ottaviani and Bacci, saved Paul from proclaiming what would have been this formal heresy.. He gave moral support to terrorists in Spain and left-wing parties in Latin America. He allowed himself and his office to be used by the Communist government of North Vietnam in order to make the Tet offensive of 1968 possible. He favored Castro´s Cuba, and gave free rein to Marxists bishops and priests and nuns in his church of the Americas and Europe and Africa. But Paul never uttered one syllable to protest the crucifixion of Lithuanian Catholics by the Soviets, the persecution of all believers in Hungary, Romania, Czechoslovakia, the tortured prisoners of Castro´s Cuba; no more than he did about the planned destruction of the faith he was elected to protect and spread." (Malachi Martin, The Decline and Fall of the Catholic Church, Putnam: N.Y. 1981, p. 275) Fr Malachi said in interviews that Paul Vi was not an intellectual, and was a weak man. 

Interestingly, Humanae Vitae of Paul VI is the most noted document of his papacy. In it, he rejects artificial birth control, yet Pope Pius XI already solemnly codemned it in Casti Cannubi as did Pope Pius XII. Never do we hear how two popes had already condemned artificial birth control. Rather, all we hear is how Humanae Vitae proves Paul VI´s great orthodoxy as pope.   

This article has been taken from Steven Speray´s Catholicism in a Nutshell.

Thursday, 11 October 2018

The Maternity of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Dominus Tecum


The Virgin Mary is the Mother of God. This was proclaimed dogmatic in the Council of Ephesus, city in which She lived with Saint John the Evangelist.

As She is the Mother of God, She has more dignity and is better than every other creature, including angels. This is why we owe Her special devotion; God Himself honors Her greatly.

It is very mournful that there are people capable of blaspheming against this noble and pious Mother. Including "Pope Francis", which by the simple fact of stating that Mary was a "normal girl", indirectly denies the Dogma of Her Immaculate Conception, and losses by this his capability of being Pope. Worser, it is not his only heresy.
W should pray to the Blessed Virgin Mary, to make amends for her, so this sinful times pass quickly and She intercedes for us to God so we can receive all the graces we need to survive. 

Here i have some related links:

The Propers of the Mass in Daily Catholic (Inglés)

Tom Droleskey writes about the Maternity of the Blessed Mother in Christ or chaos.

Wednesday, 10 October 2018

In Memoriam: Pius XII

Last Known Pope
Requiescat In Pace

Pope Pius XII
Eugenio María Giuseppe Giovanni Pacelli
His Kingdom
(2 of March 1939- 9 of October 1958)

Yesterday, but 60 years before, Pope Pius XII send his soul to The Lord. His "sucesor", Angelo Roncali, best known as John XXIII, made the heretical and modernist second Vatican Council, and invented the apostate, anti-catholic, pedophile defender, masonic, talmudic, and communist novus ordo religion.

We are sorrowing our Church, not because she is dead (a long period without a pope does not mean that the Church is not available anymore), but because that satanic sect pretends to be Our Catholic Church and deceives millions.

This little pieces of poetry may remember those safe times, and the great tragedy that happened with Christianity.

In Memoriam

In this times of apostasy
And great malignancy
When sin roams rampantly
And vomits its rights
It is sad to remember, with solemn sighs
What it was like before

A flock of sheep 
Protected by faithful pastors
Who protected them from falling deep
And from devilish monitors

The Roman Catholic Church
One, Holy, Apostolic, infalible
She step triumphantly over the roach
And punishes the punishable

She is the Spouse of Christ
That will not deceive
And she has all the rights
To all glory receive

The Pope is the sweet Vicar
Who vigils with great care
How can he be a poisonous cigar?
Can hells gate´s make such big dare?

The Priests do what angels can not
They consecrate the Holy Host
When they lack all spot
Souls arrive Heaven the most

Resultado de imagen para la gran cartuja

Hermits, Nuns and Monks live on penitence
They pray with fervor for all of us
They live holy lives without a pence
For love they refuse the worldly rust

Theologians teach the holy Doctrine
They demonstrate her rights
God helps them to walk in the line
So they do not hide the lights

The Holy Mass repeats the Great Sacrifice
That Our Lord did with love on the cross
Do not assist Mass with ice
Or a lot you shall loss

The species may look like wine and bread
But they are Christ´s body and blood
The souls to Heaven they lead
And the Sacrifice saved us from mud

Everything was done with respect
God was treated as He deserves
The Church can not have a defect
And betray and worship your senses

So we wonder why the revolution
Which was done with satanic resolution
We can see it was not a solution
It was an infernal mock
That eclipsed our Rock
Which is the dear Spouse of Christ

60 Years Of Grief

60 years of grief
For our beloved Church
Is not that she is dead
But eclipsed by black moons

They got drunk with modernism
And swelled with pelagianism
They consumed lutheranism
And mixed all the heresies

They came together like hyenas
And howled like rabid wolves
They killed souls like piranhas
And growled like chimpanzees

They toke away our food
And gave us miserable crackers
They toke away our drink
And gave us water on the hand

They desecrate our Churches
And built satanic monstruosities
They burned our Images
And drew hideous scrawls

They danced with the pagans
And denied proselytism for them
They danced with the liberals
And imitated their ways

They lied to millions of souls
And molested their little boys
They consumed billions of souls
And rejoiced in their blood

They lied to us, they lied,
And still pretend to be the Church?
They are: sodom, sodom, sodom
And they still want Heaven?

And are we forced to recognize them'
And their idol is the Pope?
Can´t they be honest one time
And accept they are from satan?

Sunday, 7 October 2018

Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary

The Weapon of the Christian

El Santísimo Rosario, otorgado a Santo Domingo de Guzman por Nuestra Señora la Virgen María, is the most powerful devotion of all times. The Church teaches that an honest devotion to Our Lady leads us to Heaven quickly. 

In this beautiful devotion, while our lips repeat the angelic salutation, our mind contemplates the life of Our Lord. 

Hundreds of times, the Rosary has helped Christianity. In 1571, the Ottoman army was preparing a great invasion to Europe. Their army was very powerful, and superior to the Christian army. Pope Saint Pius V commanded Catholics to pray the Rosary in order to defeat the enemy. And effectively, the Christian army, commanded by Don Juan de Austria, defeated the ottoman empire. Miguel de Cervantes said about this battle: "The most memorable and high occassion of the past centuries, and of the coming ones.."

In this days, when an anti catholic apostate pretends to be the Pope of the Catholic Church and sin has rights, freedom and all of its desires are accomplished, there is no doubt that the Holy Rosary is not only a recommended devotion, but obligatory to all of those who want the Triumph of Christianity.

This links are pertinent to today:

The Proper of the Mass if today in Daily Catholic 

A text by Leon XIII on the Rosary by Radio Cristiandad 

Introibo Ad Altare Dei tells us how the novus ordo sect seeks how to denigrate the Holy Rosary.

Thomas Droleskey on Our Lady of the Rosary in Christ or Chaos