Tuesday, 19 October 2021

Millstones on the Road IX: Stories for Rebel Girls


Rebel girls, like Janis Joplin who died after an overdose, Hillary Clinton who protected her rapist husband and Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who promoted the surgical dismemberment of pre-born babes. Perfect.  

Feminism has gone wild in the recent years; to the point that maculinity is being considered toxic, any remote act of masculinity is akin to rape, Snow White is sexist "bc princess didn't consent" and you will be mocked if you point not only that men suffer too, but that females are given much more opportuinities (some of which they don't need) than ever before.  

Movies follow this trend too. Many of the male protagonists in Dreamworks movies are effeminate or Homer Simpson-style dirtbags. Male characters like Thor get needlesy replaced with girls. Even adult movies like James Bond are feminized, and tv commercials show white men as stupid dolts.  

Feminists are obsessed with the classical princess tale: Princess gets cursed, and then prince comes, saves her, and they marry. Disney's latest princess movies try to make the princess more active, for feminists claim that Disney tells girls the only thing they can do is fall in love, wait for the prince and marry.

I agree with them in the degree that the sleeping-princes trope is not enough, but it's not because of "muh gender roles" but because it's nor enough to help your girls save their souls. Why not read about St. Philomena and St. Cecilia, who were viciously tormented for their Faith and purity? Why not read about St. Catherine de Siena and St. Bridget, who spoke out bravely against corrupt clerics? Why not read about how many mothers, housewifes, nuns, sisters, aunts, single women, little girls who do much more than falling in love and falling asleep? You don't have to be a masculine tomboy to be a fantastical woman.  

However, I must argue that even tough Disney Princess's do fall in love and then fall asleep, they get more attention than the Prince. In Cinderella and Snow White, the prince only appears in some scenes and barely speaks a line. The best prince is Prince Phillippe from Sleeping Beauty, because he resists torment and fights against a dragon - he doesn't just show up for the kiss. But even Prince Phillippe is rescued by the three fairies, three females who play the most significant roles in the movie. 

You can even say that the only visible motivation this princes have is love, which makes them look like simps (men obsessed with pleasing women - specially with money) where they could be more self-sacrificing heros (think: King St. Louis left his wife to fight in the crusades) If the only tales you tell your girls are princess stories, you are wasting your time: Your daughter will never be a princess, but she can be a princess for Heaven. 

Meet Mary Sue: 

A Mary Sue is an over-powered character. It does not matter if it's a female or a male, Mary Sue always has way too much powers which she doesn't have to learn to control them, use them for good, or improve herself. She just has the powers and the only thing you see in the film is Mary Sue showing how powerfull she is. 

Disney films have a tendency towards Mary Sue's, and that is grave. Girls (and boys too) need to learn whathever talent they have can be wasted or used for evil, that they are weak and need God's assistance, and that having a power doesn't mean you don't need humility, obedience, and sanctification. This is something you don't have in Mary Sue. Mary Sue is perfect-just-the-way she is, she only needs to use powers in a massive splash of CGI and special effects so we know how cool she is. 

Who are Mary Sues? 

Rey Skywalker: We see in the original Star Wars saga that Luke Skywalker takes significant amount of time to learn the magick of the Force while Rey only takes some years, and yet she is able to use more powers than Luke. 

Captain Marvel: 

Even though she suffers amnesia and her powers are restrained  by an alien (Kree) implant that restricts them, Captain Marvel (aka Carol Danvers) is able to singlehandedly destroy a full army of Kree ships seeking to destroy another alien race (the Skrull) stationed in earth. 


Other people may point out that her Kree mentor lied to her about her past as a USA army pilot is similar to "the patriarchy lying to you about your potential". Yon-Rogg tells her to use her mind and ignore her feelings, which is kind of a reminder that women are more emotional than men.  

Also, in a deleted scene she electrocuted, robbed and almost broke the hand of a man who asked her if she needed a ride and wanted her to smile.  

Yeah, I know, it's creepy, unappropiate, and whathever, but I think he was just being annoying. A super powerfull girl could have just shun him off. It's not like if she was about to be raped or something. Seriously. 

Mulan from 2020: 

While the original Mulan was able to be a great warrior through her creativity, the 2020 version explains all her powers come from her special connection with Qi (aka Chi), a traditional Chinese belief on a energy akin to The Force. This makes her overpowered, and some have compared it with a hidden female power, repressed by the patriarchy. 

Mulan's most heroic actions during battle occur when she gets rid of her male ornaments and we are able to see her femininity. This suggest she shouldn't be forced to be like a man since she is perfect as a woman she is. 

The movie added a shape-shifting villain witch called Xinniang, who became evil since she was't able to connect with her Chi due to the patriarchy, so she joined the Rouran wishing to find a place were she would be accepted. 

But you don't need to be a Mary Sue to fit in the trend of the feminazi hero. The latest Disney princessess tend to be warriors. I have no problem with female warriors per se - we have St. Joan of Arc - and when men are wimps, women need to do brave things to show them how they have to be. But this way of obsessively making warrior women is beyond realistic, and it is forced. 

Raya and the Last Dragon: 

Raya must travel across war torn lands to find the last dragon and seek it's help to bring unity and peace. The dragon is a female, and I think they made it like this becaue they didn't wanted Raya to have a male mentor, unlike other films like Wonder Woman and even in Captian Marvel, where she trusts (deep breathe) two men!- one Nick Fury and a Skrull leader named Talos. 

Frozen 2: 

Elsa must travel towards a glacier called Athohallan to unify the spirits of nature with the humans. The only male characters are Kristoff and Olaf. Kristoff is the maximum simp, since his only purpose in life is to be in love with Anna. The ironic thing is that while he stays moaning about his love in the forest, Anna needs to destroy a damm while facing menacing rock monsters - so much for luuvvvv. 


Merida and has her mother turned into a bear, so now she has to see how to improve her relationship with her and help her recover her human shape, as well as protecting the clans from a monstruous bear, 

I loathe Brave because while the others were facing perilous times and were probably the only ones who could solve the problem, Merida curses her own mother because she wanted to run wild in the forest with her bow and horse. You are a priness, grow up. Not everything is about having fun. Your mother wanted you to marry to keep peace in the clans. Not everybody will listen to your complain that you are not ready. Can anyone say "common good"? 

Her three siblings are atrociously unruly. Do you really think medieval scottish kings - let alone decent human beings -would have let them behave like this? Queen Elinor is always reminding her daughter of her responsibilities, yet the kiddies somehow get a pass. Is this the common and absolutely false claim of the feminazis that men are never scolded when they misbehave? 

Also, all men in the movie act like absolute brutes. I know they are barbarian celtic tribes but then I would have expected Merida\"s three potential spouses to be less pathethic on the archery competition. Disney wants you to believe medieval scotsmen acted like wild bears yet they could not handle a bow and arrow? Please.  

Mulan (1998): 

Though less feministic than the 2020 version, Mulan does please your feminist overloads since it tells the story of a warrior girl.

Mulan is based on an ancient Chinese poem and multiple of it\"s versions; this all tell the story of a girl who impersonates a male soldier to save her ill father from draft. 

The 1998 movie representation of traditional roles for women is ridiculous. First you have this queerie "matchmaker", who is quite obviously designed to mock the patriarchy: 

Represented as sanctimonious and boring. 

She oppreses Mulan and doesn\"t let her be

The final humilliation 

The company Mulan belongs to is full of weak men, soyboys and immature wild beasts. It's alright to have a realistic representation of soldiers: not all of them are going to be good at their job. But the soldiers in Mulan are patethically clumsy and ridiculous - do you really think Chinese men of the time were all like this? No wonder the movie wasn't successful in China, who recently has forbidden girly men from movies.  

Incredibles 2:

It was already hard to rehash The Incredibles, and Disney did the worst. They made Mrs. Incredible to switch roles with Mr. Incredible: she saves the world and he takes care of the kiddos. Typical feminist trope, thrown into a poor rehash . 

Wonder Woman:

Some femenists say that this character's immodest dress objectifyes women and is thus mysoginistic. However, the designer behind the character believed that society would be better if men would be ruled by women. Her lasso is meant to represent feminine domination of men.

In the 1917 Wonder Woman film, she comes from an utopia called Themyscira, a placed ruled by Amazons, a superior race of warrior women. Although she is mentored by a WW1 soldier about how to survive in the world of men she ignores, she has huge loads of super powers like stopping gunshots with her gauntlets. The Amazons destroy heavily armed german soldiers with bows, arrows, and lassos. Queen Hyppolita tells her that men don't deserve her help, implying that the world would be better if wahmen ruled. 

Avengers Endgame: 

While Thor and Captain America leave their heroic positions, the villain Thanos is eventually destroyed by Captain Marvel. You can see she's a feminist ikon. 

Toy Story 4: 

Boo Peep was a wonderful sweet character. In the 4th movie (yawn, another rehash) she is some sort of warrior who protects lost toys. 

It\"s like they looked like non-feminist enough characters and destroyed them.

The Croods 2: 

A nihilist comedy, in which all the men (Mr. Bettermann, Mr Crood and Guy) are captured by monkeys (yes, that's for real) and get saved by Granny, Mommy and the Girls. The THUNDERGIRLS. 

You also have some pampered princess:  

In The Little Mermaid, Ariel the princess sells her soul to a witch because she happened to fell in love with Eric, a prince she saved yet didn't know anything about. When she is about to be turned ino a seaweed-like creature (the result of making deals with a witch), daddy comes in an saves her by selling his throne to the witch. But thankfully, prince Eric was a good guy, so he kills the witch and saves Ariel, who has her cake and eats it too. 

Aladdin (2019)

Princess Jazmin wishes to be Sultan, and as she is told to remain in her place, she proceeds to sing: 

Here comes a wave 

Meant to wash me away 

A tide that is taling me under 

Swallowing sand 

Left with nothing to say 

My voice drowned out in the thunder

But I won't cry 

And I won't start to crumble 

Whenever they try 

To shut me or cut me down

I won't be silenced

You can't keep me quiet

Won't tremble when you try it

All I know is I won't go speechless

'Cause I'll breathe

When they try to suffocate me

Don't you underestimate me

'Cause I know that I won't go speechless

Written in stone

Every rule, every word

Centuries-old and unbending

"Stay in your place"

"Better seen and not heard"

Well, now that story is ending

'Cause I

I cannot start to crumble

So come on and try

Try to shut me and cut me down

I won't be silenced

You can't keep me quiet

Won't tremble when you try it

All I know is I won't go speechless


Let the storm in

I cannot be broken

No, I won't live unspoken

'Cause I know that I won't go speechless

Try to lock me in this cage

I won't just lay me down and die

I will take these broken wings

And watch me burn across the sky

Hear the echo saying I...

Won't be silenced

Though you wanna see me tremble when you try it

All I know is I won't go speechless


'Cause I'll breathe

When they try to suffocate me

Don't you underestimate me

'Cause I know that I won't go speechless

All I know is I won't go speechless


Also, the effeminate genie who will fabulize you:

Other Films with Feminist Stuff Thrown into the Mix 


Collete, Linguini\"s cooking teacher, throws the following feminist stuff: 

"How many women do you see in this kitchen?... Only me. Why do you think that is? Because haute cousine is an antiquated hierarchy built upon rules written by stupid, old, *men*. Rules designed to make it impossible for women to enter this world. But still I am here." 

You can bet your bottom dollar that in the live action remake, Remi the rat will be a female. 


In Zootopia, Judy Hopps wishes to be a police officer - something absolutely unappropiate for a woman. Too violent, requires to much physical strenght, and you need to be scarier.  Plus, men - particularly criminal men, should I say - won't let any random woman to rule over them. 

The Soyboy and the Simp:

Your feminazi hero trope would not be complete if it were not because of the soyboy and the simp: The soyboy is an immature, stupid buffon who has a very hard problem with controlling his feelings. The simp is a man whose only purpose in life is falling in love and giving gifts to his love interests. Weak men, particularly when their weakness could be improved, promotes feminism for two reasons: 

1: Feminist women think masculine men are out to come and oppress them 

2: Feminists wish to destroy masculinity 

Olaf and Kristoff from Frozen lack stamina. Olaf is a grown child, but Kristoff should really be more masculine, because he worked in the wild, breaking ice. Yet he is a simp obsessed with Anna loving him, he even sings an 1980\"s style lovesick ballade thinking on love, all the while she and Elsa are busy fullfulling their mission. 

This is a common trope not only in princess movies. Here I will discuss some male protagonists who are too weak, and others who are not too weak. This is not about what is real masculinity and what are the differences between males and women. This is about how uninspiring your protagonists are. 

Oscar from Shark's Tale is a materialistic wimp and....

I mean, whoever designed this character hates fishes. 

His friend is a sentimental shark unwilling to eat fishes.

Po from Kung Fu Panda is a soyboy: immature, obese, weak and dumb, and all his power comes from the chi force pandas can control by nature. Otherwise, his obesity would had make it impossible to him to be a succesful Kung Fu practitioner. It would have been perfect to show him as immature and clumsy at the beginning, while significantly more serious at the sequels. But this doesn't happen. 

Shrek is masculine, but his masculinity consists on being rude, dirty, saving the princess, and being physically strong. On other aspects he is not much different from Homer Simpson: too attached to pleassure, rather lazy and comformist. 

Max from The Secret Life of Pets is weak, which is understandable because he is a small terrier who has been pampered all his life. His panicking attitude and wimpering are present with no end, and he ends up being saved by his girl - a pomeranian. However, in the second movie, a shepherd dog called Rooster helps him to be less afraid of everything. 

Merlin from Finding Nemo learns to be strong and less afraid, yet at the beginning he is like a paranoid woman, always concerned that something bad will happen to Nemo. 

Don't think that I was going to protest against feminism without expecting some decency in male characters. I understand a self-respecting man in a comedy is quite unfunny, but then, who says all your movies should be comedies? Just saying. 


The ultimate result of feminism is the the destruction of the relationship with men and women. Sex roles should be respected, and your "rebel girl" should be dominated and turned into a Saint. Feminism is not about the equality between men and women: it's a years-old psyop to idiotize and control the population for the construction of an anarcho tyrannical new world order. 

How many times have you seen a famous feminist defending women in muslim countries and attacking sex traffickers like Jeffery Epstein? Instead of fighting real women's issues, they tell your boys that everything they do is sexist and they should be castrated, viciously vasectomized, soyified and humilliated, while Bill Clinton and some muslim rapefugges get's a free pass in the Lolita Express. 

Tell your "rebel girls" who they should rebel against: Not sex roles, not males and masculinity; but the sick and degenerate feminazi elites who wish to desroy anything that is Godly in our world. 


Raya and the Last Dragon 


Frozen 2 IMDB and Tradition in Action

Captain Marvel


Mulan (2020), a review, and Mulan (1998)

Wonder Woman (Carefull if you are a male. She is dressed immodestly)

Aladdin 2019 IMDB and Tradition in Action  lyrics from AZ lyrics


Incredibles 2

Toy Story 4

The Croods 2 

Pictures: Tradition in Action, Disney Wikia. 

Further Reading: Catholic Teaching on Women Holding Public Office by Steven Speray 


  1. I haven't seen any of these, except most of Toy Story 4 for some reason. Looks like I'm not missing out!

    1. I saw Brave on the cinema. A forgettable experience!
