During an Eucharistic Congress, he invited Bob Dylan to play songs.
So much for the Holy Sacrament!
More Information in a Video by No Sacred Cows
Here, he poses under the banner of communist leaders Augusto Fonseca and Carlos Sandino. He was preparing to say the novus ordo worship service, but I ignore if he celebrated it under this banner.
More information in the lefebvrist website Tradition in Action.com
Here he greets the elements of truth of the voodoo religion that practices cursing people. worship of demons and ritual posession.
Here, he gives novus ordo communion to a quasi naked native african.
The novus ordo under JP2 saw an overwhelming crisis of pederast and pedophile priests. What did the "pope" did to stop it? Hm.... perhaps watching indecent acrobatic performances in the Paul VI Hall?
I guess you noticed that the pictures were censored for immodesty. The originals were not censored. In the black and white photograph, the derriere of the gymnasts was clearly distinguishable.
How about his "pope tour" travels? John Paul II "pontificate" consisted in travelling around the world to be greeted by his salivating fans. No one would canonize the Rolling Stones for their world tours, but "pope" John Paul II is canonized because instead of promoting the true Catholic Faith, he had the media took him sentimental photographs kissing children.
It is my understanding that real Popes never travelled but stayed in Rome taking care of the Church. Correct me if I am wrong.
Such a big organization requires constant service, offering the novus ordo worship service to the adoring masses and visiting leaders of the world is not enough to make it flourish.
During his 27 year old "pontificate", JP made 247 trips, and spent 543 days abroad. How much of this days could have been spent punishing the monstruous abusers infesting his church?
JP2 is also the founder of the World Youth Day. The World Youth Day is one week of events designed to keep the unsuspecting youth inside the novus ordo sect.
There are many reasons why the World Youth Day is grivieously scandalous for souls:
1: Women and Men camp together, and the "supervisers" do nothing to separate them so that temptations & sins of impurity and free luv may be prevented.
2: The novus ordo worship service (aka "mass") is celebrated outdoors, to billions of people, which is an ocassion of sacrilege because the hosts can be damaged by the masses and the weather.
WYD is just another form of "teen-spirit" spirituality supposed to "attract" young people. Yeah, It has worked out perfectly.
From Aka Catholic, reporting Randy Engel, we learn that John Paul II's fame was pure public relations:
Like the young Karol Wojtyla, the young Navarro-Valls was a consummate actor who had a passion for the theater. He became the second most important man at the Vatican, next to the pope himself, when John Paul II appointed him hed of the Holy See Press Office in 1984..
Born in November 16, 1936, to an affluent Spanish family, Navarro-Valls attended the Cartagena German school in his hometown and later studided medicine and psychiatry at the University of Granada and University of Barcelona. He also served in the Spanish Military.
According to the Prelature's official obituary of Navarro-Valls, published on the day of his death, July 5, 2017, the young man's first contact with Opus Dei came when he was a medical student in Granada and he applied to the Albayzin (Granada) Hall of Residence. He was quickly recruited by Opus Dei and became a celibate numerary. Later, at the direction of Opus Dei, he attended the University of Navarre in Pamplona, Spain, where the talented and multilingual scholar and physician accumulated two additional degrees in journalism and communications.
In 1984, pope John Paul II, who was well aquainted with Opus Dei from his years in Krakow, appointed psychiatrist/jpurnalist Navarro-Valls to head the Vatican Press Office and modernize the Vatican's communication vehicles, a task for which the 48-year old numerary had long preparation....
From that time until the death of John Paul II on April 2, 2005, Navarro Valls never strayed from the pope's side. He accompanied the pope on all his many travels aaround the worls, including the pontiff's vacations. He became the pontiff's constant companion, confidant and advisor, and also the gatekeeper of persons given access or refused access to the holy father.
Navarro-Valls first book was appropiately titled, Manipulation in Advertising (1970). When one considers that following Navarro's appointment, everything that John Paul II publicly said or wrote was first filtered through his publicist - well. it's the stuff that horror films are made of.
Navarro-Valls' appointed mission, unfortunately, wasn't as much promoting the catholic faith, as it was in "selling" John Paul II, or to be more accuirate, the public image of John Paul II. In a more honest and transparent time one would have quipped, "Navrro-Valls not only made the man, he also made the man a saint"
Most biographers of John Paul II have assiduously avoided this particular issue...
... As far as his professional work as the pope's spokeman, it appears that Navarro-Valls played and manipulated the Vatican Press corps as well as Jascha Heifitz played his stradivarius - that is to say "exquisitely". For instance, it is no secret that Navarro-Valls openly played favorites among the Vatican press corps. As John Allen Jr, former Rome corresponder for the liberal National Catholic Reporter and current editor of CRUX news service, admits, he was lucky enough to be one of Navarro's favorites. But as Allen candidly points out in his biographical notation of Navarro-Valls on the occasion of the numerary's death, "There were some journalists, either becase of the size of their audience or because he trusted them, with whom he would share insider information, and others whose phone calls and emails he would never return"
For more imformation please click here
The following picture was allegedly taken the same hour of the same day JP2 died, close to the town in which he was born. People immediately thought that their beloved JP2 had appeared to visit them from Heaven. In fact, this picture looks like a shot from hell itself!

Whether the photo is genuine or not, we can only be sure that John Paul II sticked his middle finger to the Catholic Faith during his life.
Photos from Tradition in Action and Novus Ordo Watch
That last photo, not help in wide esteem at this time, will be when the "operation of error" gets underway. Then these past "indications" will be "venerated".
ReplyDeleteTo be fair, most people are horribly deceived, and I can only hope something comes along which will be more fair (i.e. not so terribly one-sided on the side of the deceiver).
I think it is the 6th Seal event, which the world will take to be Garabandal's "Warning"; the "operation of error" which nonetheless cuts through every deception; the real "Great Reset" as it were.