Wednesday, 21 November 2018

The Presentation of Our Lady in the Temple

Link Collection

Our Lady is the most perfect of all creatures. Since very tender age She dedicated herself entirely to God. It is necessary to follow Her example to achieve Heaven, and ask for Her intervention to beat the world, the devil and the flesh.  

Meditations of this Feast by Juan Esteban Grosez in Vuelve Cristo

The Sacred Scripture of today in Santo Evangelio del Día.

Thomas Droleskey writes about this Feast in Christ or Chaos

The Propers of the Mass in Daily Catholic.

Do not forget to pray for the soul of Michael Cain, Daily Catholic´s editor, who died a month ago. 

Friday, 2 November 2018

All Souls Day

Collection of Links

The Church dedicated this day to help the Souls who are being purified in Purgatory. Please pray for them so they can go to Heaven sooner.

Roman Martyrology and meditations by Juan Esteban Grosez in Vuelve Cristo 

Dom Gueranguer about All Souls Day in Radio Cristiandad 

Read me or Mourn it: A little book about Purgatory Souls in Radio Cristiandad.

The Propers of the Mass in Daily Catholic

De Profundis in Daily Catholic 

An Obituary of deceased Catholics in Daily Catholic

The Church teaching on Indulgences in Introibo Ad Altare Dei.

Please do not forget to pray for Michael Cain soul. The editor of Daily Catholic died some weeks ago.

Thursday, 1 November 2018

Day of All the Saints


Today we remember all of those people who carried their Cross with patience and love for God. You can only enter Heaven as a Saint, so any lukewarm person will not persevere if he does not behave with more fervor. 

Thomas Droleskey on the Day of All the Saints in Christ or Chaos 

Purgatory Souls: A Devotion for them in Daily Catholic

Dom Gueranger on this day in Vuelve Cristo 

Roman Martyrology and meditations by Juan Estaban Grosez in Vuelve Cristo

Sacred Scriptures for this day on Santo Evangelio del Día