Doctor of the Church
Saint Robert Bellarmine was one of the greatest theologians of all times. He defended courageously the Catholic Church against protestants and heretics.
I am very fond of this Saint. Thanks a paragraph of his book, The Romano Pontifice which is a defense to the papacy, i embraced the sedevacantist position and leave the recognize and resist theory in which the "pope" speaks and you decide.
Bellarmine writes: "The Pope is the Teacher and Shepherd of the whole Church, thus, the whole Church is so bound to hear and follow him that if he would err, the whole Church would err. Now our adversaries respond that the Church ought to hear him as long as he teaches correctly, for God, must be heard more than men. On the other hand, who will judge whether the Pope has taught rightly or not? For it is not for the sheep to judge whether the sheperds wander off, not even and especially on those matters which are truly doubtful. Nor do Christian sheep have any greater judge or teacher to whom they can have recourse. As we showed above, from the whole Church one can appeal to the Pope yet, from him no one is able to appeal; therefore the whole Church would err if the Pontiff would err." ("The Romano Pontifice" vol. IV chapter 3, by Saint Robert Bellarmine)
Now, considering that Frankie believes that God wills religious diversity, that John Paul II kissed the Koran, that Paul VI made a mockery of the Mass, that Ratzinger denies the Resurrection, that John XXIII believed that the Church had to change and that even John I believed that God was Father and Mother, then the only logical conclusion is that none of this people were Popes. I know Bellarmine is one Theologian among many, however, he was Canonized and declared a Doctor of the Church, thus all of his books are good to read. ¿For what do we want a Church if She can present as Doctors of the Church teachers of heresy?
While i believe that we should prefer Church teaching over apparitions, i think those of you interested on Fatima would have noticed that the feast of Saint Robert falls the 13th of May, the same day in which we remember the visit of Our Lady to Francisco, Jacinta and Lucía. Coincidence?. It may be, but i believe that this could mean that in this days we should do anything we can to defend the beautiful Church of Christ.