Sunday, 29 September 2019

Wise Words

This is a google slides presentation in which i write inspiring, wise and edifying phrases by Saints, Catholic writers, and twitter users. 

To see it, click HERE. It has phrases on English and Spanish.

Saint Michael the Archangel

Quis Ut Deus?
Who like God?

Saint Michael the Archangel defends us from satan and its temptations. We must imitate his humbleness, obedience and zeal for the glory of God. 

In this troubled times when satanism is at rise and almost nobody wants to be Catholic, and when the road is full of dangers, we should invoque him and he will defend us undoubtedly. 

The Proper of the Mass in Daily Catholic

Tom Droleskey reflects on Saint Michael de Archangel in Christ or Chaos. 

Reflections by Juan Esteban Grozes and Santoral of the 29th of September in Vuelve Cristo. (in Spanish)

The complete prayer to Saint Michael the Archangel written by Pope Leo XIII in Daily Catholic.