Sunday, 31 May 2020


Veni, Creator Spiritus 

The Propers of the Mass in Daily Catholic

The Gospel of Today - with the Fathers of the Church

The Gospel of Today - with Fr. Haydock

Whit Sunday by Dom Gueranguer

Thursday, 21 May 2020


Devotional readings in Daily Catholic  Maybe you will have to scroll down a bit

Haydock commentary and the Propers of the Mass

Dom Gueranguer on the Ascension  

Holy Day of Obligation. Make a Spiritual Communion

Saturday, 16 May 2020

After the Interfaith Nonsense of Yesterday: Let us Dialogue!

A post on true ecumenism

St. Boniface dialogues with the pagans

A series of posts dialoguing with members of other religions: 

I. Jehova Witnesses 

II. Mormons

III. Buddhists 

IV. Unitarian Universalism

V.  Wiccans 

VI. The Unification Church 

VII. The Christian Science Religion

VIII. The Word-Faith Movement

IX.  Hinduism 

John Paul the Great Apostate and his great Assisi Dialogue  No offense to all the affected but this was worse than the coronavirus 

The History of Heresies and Their Refutation by the doctor of the Church St. Alphonsus Liguori (It is a very good book i recommend it 100%)

The Triumphs of the Martyrs by the doctor of the Church St. Alphonsus Liguori

More post on ecumenism by Novus Ordo Watch

Thursday, 14 May 2020

Hutton Gibson, Catholic Author and Apologist, Requiescat In Pace, Age 101

Steve Speray published the following: 

I’m sad to hear my old friend, Mr. Hutton Gibson has passed away. He had been most gracious to me. He helped me with my grammar and edited out a hundred typos from my book, “Papal Anomalies and Their Implications.”
I first received an email from Mr. Gibson in 2010 asking to publish one of my articles on his website. He wrote, “It so happens that I have nothing to post this week, and I would be delighted to display your reply, if only to demonstrate that I am not the only nut in this business.”
I was blown away.
He was very kind and he would always sign his name, Hoot.
I’ll be praying for him and I hope you will, too.

Pray for Mr Hutton Gibson. I never know him, but it is always good to pray for the deceased

Friday, 8 May 2020

Contraceptive Pollution

There is a kind of pollution in which fishes and other sea animals from all over the world are being feminized. It is not caused by plastic bottles or factories or fertilizers. It is caused by the contraceptive pill, which woman take when they do not want to get pregnant.

It is mentioned excessively now how woman have the "right to choose", be it either by taking these pills or by aborting their own children. I believed that reducing the number of births  - one of the reason some people take the contraceptive pills - was good for the environment, but it looks like in the end both options pollute. 

The feminization of fishes can in fact affect our fertility rates (our men) but also the fertility rates of whales, sharks and carnivore fishes. Mommy nature is going to be angry. 

How dare you--- 

Tuesday, 5 May 2020

St. Pius V

This great Pope defended the Church from heretics and muslims. There are some good readings (and the propers of the Mass, which he defended) about this Holy Pontiff in Daily Catholic and in Cristo Vuelve
I encourage you to read them, he was truly a very Holy man.