Tuesday, 27 October 2020

The Faith Trumps Biden

From  Introibo Ad Altare Dei

 My posts on politics are infrequent. I focus on matters pertaining to the One True Church. I'm publishing this post eight days before the U.S. presidential election because the Faith (and true morality) are directly implicated. Democratic nominee Joseph Biden claims to be a "good Catholic." Truth be told, he is an apostate who went along with the Vatican II sect. He endorses abortion on demand, sodomite "marriage" and "rights," and his policies are that of Socialism. Yet, the Vatican II sect allows him to receive their "communion" (thank God it's invalid) and their clergy are telling people to "vote their consciences," as if a vote for Biden is morally permissible. 

People will counter by saying that Trump is non-Catholic, an adulterer, a womanizer, and a greedy man who only helps the rich. While fully admitting Trump is far from ideal (and is no King St. Louis IX), a vote for Biden is immoral. This post will explain why. 

Biden: Operating on Socialist Principles

(The principles of the Church set forth in this section--and applied to the instant case--are taken from theologian Cahill, The Framework of a Christian State, [1932], pgs. 181-189---Introibo). 

The platform of the Democratic Party, and enthusiastically embraced by Biden, is Socialism in principle. Here are the evil problems with Socialism (and see how they play out in Biden's campaign). Also take note of how false pope Jorge Bergoglio supports the same platform via his religious teachings.

1. Materialism. The fundamental and irreconcilable opposition between Socialism and the Church is the materialistic philosophy upon which Socialism rests. The authority and very existence of a personal God are denied or ignored. The immortality of the soul, free will, and human responsibility disappear from the public square. Thus, the very foundation of the moral law collapses. The primary--indeed solitary--purpose of life is earthly happiness. 

Biden: Sees religion as something altogether "private;" it has no bearing on public life. Indeed, the "happiness" that comes from being free of unwanted children via abortion is a "legal right." In 1987, he torpedoed Robert Bork's confirmation to the U.S. Supreme Court based on Judge Bork's outspoken opposition to abortion. Yet, he calls himself a "devout Catholic (sic)." Under his "Biden Care, " health plan, abortion, contraception, and euthanasia via health care rationing will ensure the "greatest happiness" for the most people. An evil utilitarian ethic devoid of God's Moral Law. 

Bergoglio: The real problems of the world are protecting the environment, youth unemployment and the loneliness of the elderly. (Spreading the true Faith and saving your soul didn't make the list). Those who fight abortion are fixated on "simple-minded rules." There is no condemnation of Biden from Bergoglio (or his clergy) due to Biden's support of slaughtering children; and this in spite of the fact that Wojtyla's 1983 Code of Canon Law still lists procuring an abortion as an act worthy of excommunication. 

2. False Interpretation of Human Equality. While it is true that all are created by God, that does not make all people equals. Inequality in social rank, opportunity, and material well-being are the necessary results of each person's varying abilities and character, coupled with their right to acquire property and to utilize their various natural gifts each in his own way. The classes must obey legitimate authority. Poverty will never be overcome. Our Lord said, "The poor you will always have with you..." (St. Matthew 26:11).  Government can never overcome poverty from the psychological point of view, even if such material gain could be achieved. For example, even if everyone had enough food, there would be those with better kinds of food. Even if everyone had housing, not everyone can have beachfront property. 

Biden: Wants "progressive taxation" to redistribute wealth.  Progressive tax is discriminatory by its very nature because it purposefully taxes some people, and some dollars, at a different rate than others. It is a disincentive to work hard because the more money a person will make, the more the government will take, so that others can benefit from those who worked harder to make more. "Free" education, healthcare, etc., is not "free"--society pays, and everyone loses out in the long run. In 1848 Marx and Engels proposed that progressive taxation be used “to wrest, by degrees, all capital from the bourgeois, to centralize all instruments of production in the hands of the state.”

Biden supports the Communist thugs of "Black Lives Matter." They incite class warfare and civil unrest. As Pope Leo XIII taught, "Hallowed, therefore, in the minds of Christians is the very idea of public authority, in which they recognize some likeness and symbol as it were of the Divine Majesty, even when it is exercised by one unworthy. A just and due reverence to the laws abides in them, not from force and threats, but from a consciousness of duty; "for God hath not given us the spirit of fear. "(See Sapientiae Christianae, para. #9). 

Bergoglio: The apostate said, "Working for a just distribution of the fruits of the earth and human labor is not mere philanthropy. It is a moral obligation.” (See http://www.archivioradiovaticana.va/storico/2015/07/10/pope_francis_speech_at_world_meeting_of_popular_movements/en-1157291). Compare with Brooklyn-born Jew Bernie Sanders, an admitted Socialist, who stated, "A nation will not survive morally or economically when so few have so much and so many have so little." (See https://twitter.com/sensanders/status/426740006905200640).

  He believes in the equality of all religions--an absolute equality where all can attain Heaven including atheists, because "There is no Catholic God," and "Proselytism is solemn nonsense."

3. Elimination of Private Property. Pope Leo XIII wrote, "Hence, it is clear that the main tenet of socialism, community of goods, must be utterly rejected, since it only injures those whom it would seem meant to benefit, is directly contrary to the natural rights of mankind, and would introduce confusion and disorder into the commonweal. The first and most fundamental principle, therefore, if one would undertake to alleviate the condition of the masses, must be the inviolability of private property." (See Rerum Novarum para. #15; Emphasis mine). 

Biden: According to the Hoover Institution, "...Biden used his perch on the Senate Judiciary Committee as a bully pulpit to attack conservative nominees, most notably Robert Bork in 1987.  Four years later, when Thomas appeared before the judiciary committee, Biden asked him if he accepted any of the principles in Takings, which argued for extensive protections for private property. Thomas responded that the Fifth Amendment to the Constitution—“nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation”—did protect private property." (See https://www.hoover.org/research/joe-bidens-constitutionalism). Biden attacked the pro-property right stance of Clarence Thomas. 

Bergoglio: In his recent "encyclical" Fratelli Tutti, Bergoglio directly contradicts Church teaching on private property in a footnote to para. #119, wherein he states, "...the Christian tradition has never recognized the right to private property as absolute or inviolable, and has stressed the social purpose of all forms of private property.” Yet, Pope Leo calls the right to private property "inviolable" in Rerum Novarum cited above. A clear contradiction, and proof that Bergoglio made a material false statement (i.e., he lied). 

4. Destruction of the Family. Socialism sees marriage as a mere construct of the State, capable of being dissolved at will.  "They [Socialists] debase the natural union of man and woman, which is held sacred even among barbarous peoples; and its bond, by which the family is chiefly held together, they weaken, or even deliver up to lust." (See Pope Leo XIII, Quod Apostolici Muneris, para. #1). 

Biden: Supports sodomite "marriages," thus redefining the family. He wants sodomites to be able to adopt children from federally funded adoption agencies, and to protect "transgender women of color" (it takes a minute to understand that phrase, I know) from violence. (See  https://joebiden.com/lgbtq/#).

Bergoglio: Came out in support of civil unions for sodomites. His support of civil unions dates back to his days as "archbishop" of Buenos Aires, when he proposed civil unions as an alternative to sodomite "marriage," a position he has reiterated as recently as 2017. He encouraged two Italian sodomites to "raise their children in the parish church." (See https://www.catholicnewsagency.com/news/pope-francis-calls-for-civil-union-law-for-same-sex-couples-in-shift-from-vatican-stance-12462). Let's not forget his famous "If a person is gay and seeks God and has good will, who am I to judge?" If he was Vicar of Christ (which he is most certainly not), he should judge and condemn them unless they seek God to abandon their evil lifestyle. 

Answering Objections to Voting for Trump

1. Trump is dividing the people with his policies. His policies reflect Christian values, such as being pro-life, anti-sodomite, and anti-Socialism. Our Lord said, "Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword." (St. Matthew 10:34). It's not that Christ instigated animosity, but rather that unconverted people resented God's truth by nature. That's why so many hate Trump's policies.

2. Trump is a womanizer, adulterer, makes fun of people, sends out obnoxious tweets, etc. The argument against Trump's character (he has not the temperament, morals, or charisma to represent the nation) is the most frequently cited. We must prioritize policy over character. President Jimmy Carter (1977-1981), was pretty clean. He had no real personal scandals. He was faithful to his wife, kind, and a soft-spoken Southern gentleman. His policies were anti-Christian and he was a disaster for America. Policy does not flow out of character. A good man who is weak, easily influenced, or distracted may not be an effective leader. A bad man may adopt the right policies for the purely pragmatic reason that they appeal to a large voting block whose support he needs. It doesn’t matter why he adopts the policies he does; what matters is that he adopts the right policies. Trump does that. Character without right policy is just as empty as faith without works.

 Remember, Christ preached obedience even to wicked lawgivers, like the scribes and Pharisees, by saying, "The teachers of the law and the Pharisees sit in Moses’ seat. So you must be careful to do everything they tell you. But do not do what they do, for they do not practice what they preach." (St. Matthew 23:2-3). Only in one case is a Catholic exempt from obedience to the State: when the law is clearly unjust and contrary to the Will of God. It then does not bind in conscience. As Pope Leo XIII beautifully summarized: The one only reason which men have for not obeying is when anything is demanded of them which is openly repugnant to the natural or the divine law, for it is equally unlawful to command to do anything in which the law of nature or the will of God is violated. (See Diuturnum, para. #15). 


On November 3, 2020, the people of the United States have a choice to make. A vote for Joe Biden is a vote for Socialism, and with it, the murder of innocent unborn children, the destruction of the family by promoting sexual perverts, and the beginning of the end for private property. Joe Biden is the secular version of his wicked religious leader, Jorge Bergoglio. In a way, it could be analogized as the Antichrist and the False Prophet--with Satan as their infamous leader. You must not "follow your conscience" as the man-made Vatican II sect tells the world; you must follow your conscience correctly informed by the Magisterium. A vote for Biden would be a vote against the dictates of the Divine-positive Law and Natural Law. Sodomy and murder are two of the Four Sins That Scream to Heaven for Vengeance. 

A vote for Trump is a vote for godly policies. A vote for Biden is a vote for Socialistic evil, and you will be held accountable to God. Remember well the words of Pope Pius XI, "[Socialism] is based nevertheless on a theory of human society peculiar to itself and irreconcilable with true Christianity. Religious socialism, Christian socialism, are contradictory terms; no one can be at the same time a good Catholic and a true socialist."(See Quadragesimo Anno, para. #111).

Sunday, 25 October 2020

Christ the King

 Quas Primas; an Encyclical written by Pope Pious XI. It establishes de feast of Christ the King as a response to the secularism of this world.  

Dom Gueranguer about the feast of Christ the King in Cristo Vuelve

Thomas Droleskey writes about the feast of Christ the King in Christ or Chaos 

The propers of Mass in Daily Catholic (Note: please pray for the rest of the soul of Cindy and Michael Cain. Also, Daily Catholic is down today, so you can read part of the propers of the Mass here.)

A Sermon on Christ the King by Traditional Catholic Sermons 

An article about the Kingship of Our Lord Jesus Christ and the struggle it has with the Vatican II religion in Introibo Ad Altare Dei

Religious liberty denies the authority of Our Lord; Introibo Ad Altare Dei made an article about this insane doctrine.

The Church, The Spouse of Christ, helps us to be subjected to Jesus Christ; here  you can find an article on her Magisterium

Th feast of Christ the King is very good for our days. The presidential elections are coming in US, and day by day every government acts like if it were God. They want to govern every aspect of our life. At this day they have killed millions by preventing them from working. They have starved them. And they have rebelled against God, not only permitting but actually glorifying perversion. So pray that we may resist their authoritarian supremacism. 

Tuesday, 13 October 2020

Survivor Project:

 I want to recommend Catholics to download any catholic material they want/need. I am afraid of future internet censorships and i think it would be a good idea if all of us download catholic books, articles, and papal writings not only for ourselves but also to share them with potential future converts. 

To give you ideas, I think you can download out of print books in the internet archive, for example, i found the Summa Theologica. Also, i have downloaded many articles form the web using the Books application in my I-Pad; i ignore if a mac compute or a cellphone can do so, but i believe it is worth a try.