Sunday, 7 February 2021

The Super Satanic Superbowl

 The Super Satanic Super Bowl

Remember the scandalous 2020 half time show where J-Lo and Shakira made pole dancing in front of millions in the audience? This post by Steven Speray further speaks about the super bowl. 

For years I followed the NFL. I loved the sport. Growing up, I played, breathed, and lived football. Luckily, I blew out my knee and the two reconstructive surgeries kept me from playing football again. God, in His Mercy, protected me for falling into a world of fame, fortune, and an egotistical mindset. It probably would have been my ruin.

Several years ago, I gave up following the NFL altogether but for the wrong reasons. I was tired of the foolish coaching and sorry refereeing. In the last couple of years, many patriotic Americans became offended and stopped watching the NFL when players began kneeling for the national anthem. However, all of these reasons are small potatoes compared to the real evils found in the NFL.

What about the immodesty of the cheerleaders? Any Christians offended?

What about the constant swearing and blasphemy mouthed by the players and fans? Any Christians offended?

What about all the gambling, money exchanging, and drunken fans on the Lord’s Day? Any Christians offended? 

I made excuses for years to justify following the sport.

Now women are found coaching the men (or should I say boys), which is part and parcel with the modern world where feminism rules in the hearts of almost everybody.

Today, the NFL has taken it to a whole new level on Super Bowl Sunday.

The half-time show is filled with lewd, immodest, and sacrilegious performances by the most satanic singers in the music industry.

This year, there will be a commercial with drag queens promoting the product Sabra hummus. The NFL refused to air an anti-abortion ad but has no problem airing a couple of totally depraved human beings to sell food.

The Super Bowl has grown into a spectacle of horror for those united to Christ.

In a world so filled with debauchery, may I suggest we pray an extra Rosary rather than being tempted into watching the game?