Thursday, 24 February 2022

The Left vs Right Hegelian Skullduggery

The left-vs-right thing has always been rather confusing, particularly, thanks to the MSM media. Evangelicals, Neo-Cons, Libertarians, Catholics, Novus Ordoes, Anti-Woke New Atheists, Nihilsts who hate the woke establishment, Baptists, Muslims, anti-gay communists, Nazis, classical liberals, Francoists, fascists, KKK members and more are all lumped together into the ambiguous therm of "the right". The fact that serious disagreements between each faction arise does not matter for the Luggenpresse. If you are with us, you are a loving, compassionate liberal. If not, you are a racist white supremacists who hates everybody whose lived experience is not the same as yours.

It is not hard to see this is a fallacy.  The so-called "marketplace of ideas" is not black and white. Thousands and thousands of ideas so different from each other are out there in spite of the lazy "left vs right" definition you hear in the MSM or in the mouths of many nihilist normies. Yet many speak like there is only one way of being a progressive, and one way of being a conservative. 

That's a lie. 

While still falling for "left vs right", the political compass offers a more accurate representation of facts. 

Just a the therm "right" is used to define millions of ideas, political inclinations, philosophies and even religions who have little to do together, the therm "left" is poorly used by mainstream conservatives, like the Daily Wire, Life Site News, and Info Wars. "The Left", in their mouths, is only used to refer to the Build Back Better Globalism pushed by the elites and mainstream media. Being conservative is "the new punk", being a liberal is being a normie. 

However, there are many liberal progressives who no matter how many points they have in common with the MSM, even some wokies, still see the current elites as a stumbling block of the revolution, whose alleged progressivism is only a psy-op to prevent the masses from emancipation. 

For example, there is a website called Mintfloss, who despite being "leftist" and even woke at times, contains anti-lockdown messages. Once I found an anti-mask inforgraphic in a climate justice website. 

Many people cheer when woke films like No Time to Die or The Eternals have poor succes among the people, as if suddenly every  filmviewer was conservative. Little do they think that perhaps the reason behind these flopy-box-office films is that many genuine wokies see this films as unempowering, hypocritical corporate pandering. 

Other liberal progressivists loathe the establishment because the revolution being pushed by the elites is not the one they would like. 

I think "conservatives" shoot themselves in the foot by treating all liberals as if they were the same. The mainstream conservative media tends to fall for lazy labelling and is easily distracted by stupid controversies like X, Y or Z cartoon character that got cancelled. Michael Knowles, Ben Shapiro and Matt Walsh from the Daily Wire always talk about the same news. How is this supposed to be the winning mode? 

But why would a justly intolerant Catholic be interested on all this? 

This information may be usefull for someone looking at proselitising others. You need to understand their beliefs in order to destroy those. But there is something real serious that needs to be adressed. Something about deception, the end of the world and more. 

First, let us consider that while mainstream globalism is clearly authoritarian, thousands of people that would either be called "leftist" or "right-wingers" are against authoritarianism. Let's call them "liberal progressives" or "liberal conservatives". 

Your liberal progressive hates the government. While the authoritarian progressive wants to increase the powers of the government to the point of excercising their power over the minds and souls of the people, the liberal progressive wants it begone from the face of the earth. For the liberal progressive, the current purpose of the elites is to opress people and exterminate freedom.

Your liberal conservative is not really all for sexual restraint and uniformity. He is only labelled a conservative because he likes free market economy (aka capitalism). While he loathes hippism, wokism and anarchism, his love for freedom of speech prevents him from censoring any of them. 

Even many "christians" believe in free-speech and freedom of conscience. 

Broadly speaking, while the liberal progressive wants freedom without society, the liberal conservative wants freedom with a society (and money). 

Both of them, while essentially divided, have discovered the cruelty of the elites and expect someone will come and deliver them from lockdown tyranny, political correctness, power abuse and big tech censorship. 

Why wouldn't the Antichrist show himself as the one who will free us from the New World Order? 

Of course, he will impose the mark of the beast which is authoritarian, but he may easily weasle a way for himself by suggesting that his mark is better than the NWO.

If the globalist elites impose a social credit score, where everything you do is heavily scrutinized and judged, promoting a tense and extenuating environment, antichrist can simply say that as long as you get the mark, you are able to do as you please without being given a social credit score. People will choose the "lesser evil" in this case. 

This is in no way obligatory for you to believe, and it is mere speculation. The only thing I can really suggest is that you don't fawn over any politician, movement or organization that seemingly may save us.