This year, the Way of the Cross meditations that were read in the Vatican were completely out of context and dumb. Behold some examples from the meditations:
Now the chief priests and the whole council sought testimony against Jesus to put him to death; but they found none. Again the high priest asked him, “Are you the Christ, the Son of the Blessed?” And Jesus said, “I am!” And they all condemned him as deserving death. (Mark 14:55.61-62.64)
"We were engaged just a few months; then life separated us for a long time, forcing us to experience the anxious longing of hearts that beat together from afar. Once reunited, we married immediately, with the haste of those who had waited impatiently for all too long. We left our parents’ homes to create a home of our own. We embarked on our journey as spouses, full of the dreams and illusions of youth. Then life showed us our limitations and changed our expectations, leading us on an uphill road until finally we had to face the fact that it would not be possible for us to become parents. Often too, we found ourselves hurt by negative comments and judgements. We were asked a thousand times, “Why don’t you have children?”, as if our marriage and our love were not enough to make us a family. How many unsympathetic glances we had to endure. Yet we continue to move ahead every day, holding hands, caring together for a community of brothers, sisters and friends that, amid moments of loneliness and consolation, has become over time a home and a family."
"When we married, we thought we would not be able to have children. Then, on our honeymoon, the first child arrived and it changed our lives. We had planned to take things slower: to find fulfilment in work, to travel, to try to live as if we were eternally dating. Yet even as we we were marvelling at the beauty of this gift, the second child came: a little girl. As we look back on it now, the others arrived the same way, almost without our noticing it. And our dreams? They were shaped by events. Our professional fulfilment? Changed by the facts of life that burst upon us. And then the fear that one day we might be tempted to give up on it all, like Peter, in the face of anxiety, discouragement before yet another unexpected expense, or worry about tensions with teenage children. Our former desires yielded to our family. It is not easy, to be sure, but it is infinitely more beautiful this way. And despite our worries and our very full days, which always seem to pass too quickly, we would never think of going back."
"Death everywhere. Life that seems to lose its value. Everything changes in a few seconds. Our life, our days, the carefree winter snow, bringing the children to school, work, embraces, friendships... everything. Everything suddenly loses meaning and value. “Where are you Lord? Where are you hiding? We want our life back as before. Why all of this? What wrong did we do? Why have you forsaken us? Why have you forsaken our peoples? Why did you break up our families like this? Why do we no longer have the desire to dream and to go on living? Why has my land become as dark as Golgotha?” We have no tears left. Anger has given way to resignation. We know that you love us, Lord, but we don’t feel this love and it drives us to desperation. We wake up in the morning and feel happy for a few moments, but then we suddenly think how difficult it will be to reconcile ourselves to all this. Lord where are you? Speak to us amid the silence of death and division, and teach us to be peacemakers, brothers and sisters, and to rebuild what bombs tried to destroy."
(Source: Vatican Va)
You can remember the needs of others while meditating on the Passion of Christ. St Robert Bellarmine reminds us of the obligation to be charitable towards our neighbors while meditating on the 7 Words Jesus said on the Cross. Jesus was charitable even while dying a most bitter death, and so we must be.
That's not the case with the Vatican's Way of the Cross meditations, because the connection between the stories of the families and Our Lord's Passion remain in mere references. There is even a blasphemy, as the thirtheenth meditation indignantly reproaches Jesus as He hangs on the Cross.
On the other hand, any family in any condition can benefit form Christ's sorrows and tribulations without reading a meditation written by someone in a similar condition to theirs.
Another problem is the over focus on the "experience" of people, as if your different trials gave you "existentiality points" that somehow make you more capable of writing meditations on the Stations of the Cross than a priest or a Holy man, like St. Alphonsus.
It may be good to remember that this is not the first time Novu Ordo's use the Passion of Christ to draw attention to man. For example, last year, the meditations were written by children. The initial prayer said this:
"Dear Jesus,
You know that we children also have crosses to carry. Crosses that are no lighter or heavier than those of adults, but are still real crosses, crosses that weigh us down even at night. Only you know what they are, and take them seriously. Only you.
Only you know how hard it is for me to learn not to be afraid of the dark and all alone.
Only you know how hard it is to wake up every morning after wetting the bed"
(for a critique on this Way of the Cross, click here.)
On the World Youth Day 2019, the meditations offered once again a distraction from the superntural:
The same happened in Good Friday 2019. Reporting from Zenit:
"With Christ and with Women on the Way to the Cross
Forty days have now passed since we began our Lenten journey with the imposition of ashes. Today we relieved the final hours of the earthly life of the Lord Jesus, to the moment when, from the cross, he cried out "Conssumatum Est" and "it is finished". We have gathered on this place where thousands of people once suffered martydom for their fidelity to Christ. We want to walk this Via Dolorosa in union with the poor, the outcast of our societies and all those who even now are enduring crucifixion as victims of our narrowmindedness, our institutions and laws, our blindness and selfishness, but especially our indifference and hardness of heart....
Heed the cry.... of those young lives condemned to death by the indifference born of selfish and discriminatory policies...
...It is less easy to encounter and acknowledge today’s newly crucified: the homeless; the young deprived of hope, without work, and without prospects; the immigrants relegated to slums at the fringe of our societies after having endured untold suffering...
...One cold January night, in a street on the outskirts of Rome, three young African women, little more than girls, poorly clad, were huddled near a brazier to keep warm. Some young people passing by in a car, just for fun, threw flammable material onto the fire, burning them badly..."
The rest of the text is the mention of heart throbbing anecdotes of migrants; the sufferings of men, with little references to the suffering of Christ. There is nothing wrong with speaking about this, but meditating on the sorrows of man during a Way of the Cross will do little to help us. Many of this migrants would have suffered less if Bush and Obama, part of the elite the Vatican 2 Sects belongs to, weren't so focused on destabilizing middle east countries.
Compare; St. Alphonsus reminds us how the horrors of Christ's Passion are worse than any of ours:
On World Youth Day 2011 (presided by Ratzinger), as Margaret Galitzin reports, lacked focus as well:
"The second and more serious failing was the revolutionary content of the stations. This was not a traditional presentation of the Passion of Christ, who suffered and died to redeem man from the punishment due to sin. This was a progressivist-philantropic Via Sacra, portraying Christ as suffering from "sins against humanity.".... Videos explaining the meaning of the Via Sacra displayed documentaries about victims of terrorism, the ruins of Haiti, and of course, Auschiwitz....
This Way of the Cross "incorporated the trials and experiences of a universal church" the program bulletin stated. As the stations unfolded war, unemployment, racism, alcoholism and drug addiction were presented as the major "social sins" of our days... Representing these marginalized groups of society, groups of youth took turns carrying the large WYD cross....
The first station... was an effectual denial of the Catholic Faith as the only true faith. In it, an ecumenical call was made for all men to live together in peace, without religious harrasment or discrimination. An appeal was added for all who believe in one God to live in justice and fraternity...
Personal sin was not even mentioned. Not a word about the torrent of venial and mortal sins commited in our days that caused Our Lord to suffer... No, the youth were called to consider only the "social sins". "
On the World Youth Day 2016, one of the Stations was "artistically represented" by two dudes in this way:
This happens not only in official "Ways of the Cross", but also in those made by non-superiors.
This year, a group of Italian "bishops" dedicated the stations not to Jesus Christ but to different ptogresivist activists, including Greta Thunberg and Malala Yousafzai. (
In the Diocese of Orange in California, once again, the sect ignored Christ and sidelined him with migrants:
"The titles of the Stations have also been reamed to follow the plight of migrants, thus mimicking the episodes Our Lord suffered on his way to the Crucifixion. Here are the 14 stations of "A Journey of Hope along the Migrant Trail: A Via Crucis "
... First Station: Poverty imposes the Cross of Migration
Second Station: Stranger in a Strange land
Third Station: Human Rights Ignored
Fourth Station: Mother of Sorrows, the Sorrows of Women
Fifth Station: Arrested and Helples
Sixth Station: Veronica, the Woman with humanitarian Aide"
It is not only liberal "catholics" who practice this. The website Pro Life promoted antiabortion Ways of the Cross. It is fine to offer the Stations for reparation I guess, but the promoters said this: "On a bleak Friday afternoon nearly 2,000 years ago, our Savior Jesus Christ was crucified at Golgotha, "the place of the skull." Today, we have our own Golgotha: the abortion clinic."
No. Abortion is not Golgotha. Jesus suffered behelding the abortions in the Garden of Olives, but I don't think comparing Calvary with the abortion clinic is a good idea.
As Margaret Galitzin commented in one of the articles quoted above; "It borders on blasphemy when the sufferings of Christ are casually replaced with those of man."
But what can we expect when this is the religion whose main idol, John Paul II, dared to say that the Holocaust was the Golgotha of the modern world.
Even in my own personal experience, many of thr meditations written about the Way of the Cross were sidelined by mentions of groups like migrants, women, indians, and more. Meanwhile, everybody (including me) was wearing bermudas, jeans, and t-shirts, like if it were a BBQ or something. It's all about man. After meditating on "Oh, the Unemployed!" "Oh, the immigrants!", many of us would presumably go back home to enjoy our vacations, while forgetting both Jesus and the troubled.
Why can't we focus entirely on Our Lord's Passion on Good Friday, instead of hypocritically trying to appear concerned about the poor and the troubled for prideful purposes of virtue signaling?
Francis keeps droning about migrants, the marginalized, and war refugees; people trialled by things he may not control. But he can try to control the sex abuse crisis, and instead of cleaning his house, he travels around the world, he makes the media take pictures of him caressing handicapped children, and he writes 1000 word encyclicals about human fraternity, forewords and receives useless interviews.
If novus ordo prelates applied themselves to meditate more in the Passion of Christ, they would have more compassion towards those who have suffered directly due to their diabollical corruption. What's the point on meditating on the o-so-holy "sorrows of man", if you are involved in such perpetrations against your brothers?
I remember that an argentinian prostitute was found dead after she was about to speak against a promient novus ordo priest allegedly involved in sex trafficking. Alla Epsetein. I believe there is probability the Novus Ordo sect is immersed in sex trafficking rings with the pedocrats at Hollywood, the White House and the BBC. What's the purpose of meditating on the sorrows of this victims if you keep raping them? Their hypocrisy is astounding!
Francis also forgets to mention politically incorrect groups who suffer trials. Like, for example:
1: The January 6th people
2: Lockdown victims & protestors. Many of them lost their jobs and fell in the depths of horrible poverty and trials because some people got afraid of the china flu. Instead of attacking lockdowns as he should, Francis promotes covid vaccine mandates and enforces official corona narratives.
3: Children exposed to pornographic sex education and violent left wing grooming, as well as potential chemical castration and mutilation by unscrupulous trannies.
4: One of the Stations mentioned above mentioned divorce. Well, Francis allowed communion for adulterers, and his sect gives so much annulments many "catholics" have divorced, not under real, dangerous situations like an abusive husband, but because "they didn't fell in love anymore." The result: functional families are harder, and kids are betrayed and emotionally neglected because of your pesky little monetary feelings.
5: Francis' has happilly visited Fidel Castro, yet he has not spoken about the horrors of communism in Cuba or anywhere else.
7: Francis has not spoken about those native europeans who have been viciously raped and killed by illegal muslim immigrants.
6: Finally, Francis has not spoken about the diabolical lockdowns forced on Shanghai that has people unable to buy food and crying desperately from their balconies.
His naturalistic ways of the cross are 1) Sidelining Our Lord's Painful Passion to focus on the merely natural problems of other people and 2) Ignoring politically incorrect mourning groups. This has to stop. The novus ordo must be dismantled.
Yes, indeed, perhaps if Francis actually meditated on Our Lord's Passion, he would find true charity, and instead of uncertainty and blasphemy, he would be filled of actual peace, virtue, and humility.
So let us pray for this blubbering apostate and the victims of his naturalistic, humanistic, virtue signalling, pedophilliac, horridly sacrilegous sect.