This past Tuesday November 14th the notorious "non-binary" Magistrate Jesús Ociel Baena and his boyfriend Dorían Nieves were found stabbed to death in their houses. This Magistrate was a sodomite activist who worked in the mexican government.
By the moment the official narrative says that they perished during a sentimental fight. The other official narrative says that these two died because of the deep hatred that the mexican people harbor towards the practitioners of obscure sexual activities, spawning a series of protests against the first one.
For some people, if you think these two were not murdered for their inclinations, you are a national liar and a homophobe.
But we are not focusing on the controversy here. Rather, I just wanted to call attention to the fact that "Magistrade" and lover received a funeral on a nominally catholic church in Aguascalientes.
A follower of queer theory should not be glorified or receive any funeral from the "catholic church", for the following reasons:
1. Queer theory contradicts catholicism and even novus ordism. Giving a catholic funeral to a believer of queer theory is like a muslim mufti receiving an hindu funeral. Queer theorists are apostates and outside the church, because of their stubborn subversiveness and their defense of sodomy.
2. Just because the couple "could have repented" before dying doesn't mean they didn't held a scandalous life. Public sinners should not be given public funerals, because this encourages the simple people to delay their conversion.
3. This does not change even if they died violently due to hatred or discrimination.
The funeral was celebrated in the formerly catholic Cathedral of Aguascalientes, dedicated to the Assumption of Mary. The coffins were decorated with the rainbow flag. When the conservative novus ordos complained, the Vice President of the Mexican Episcopate Conference weighed in, justifying the presence of such symbols.
He said: Baena and Nieves were "sons of God and our brothers" "We could not, in any way, stop receiving them in the Church. Especially when the family wanted them to be there (the cathedral)" When asked about the flags, the o-so-valid archbishop said "if they placed those flags, that meant so much for them, well, we respect that".
How unfortunate of you that the alphabet people do not respect you and your catechism. Feed the crows and they will rip your eyes apart.
The conservative novus ordo website linked above attempted to rescue their church by asking a spanish novus ordo priest if such flags could be showed in a funeral. It seems that they believe spanish clerics have more authority than mexican Archbishops.
Anyway, this priest, by the way, ignored the elephant in the room which is whether a public sodomite, queer theorist and blasphemer could be accepted for a catholic funeral, focusing instead on whether symbols (any symbol, but specially anti-catholic symbols) could be shown in a funeral.
Anyway, where is Francis? He must be busy covering up for rapists like Fr. Rupnik or making documentaries for Disney +.
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