Quis Ut Deus means "Who Is Like God?" This is a Traditional Catholic Website
Sunday, 29 March 2020
Thursday, 26 March 2020
St Joseph - A Poem

Hymn: Te, Joseph, celebrent
O Joseph, heavenly hosts thy worthiness proclaim,
And Christendom conspires to celebrate thy fame,
Thou who in purest bonds wert to the Virgin bound;
How glorious is thy name renowned.
And Christendom conspires to celebrate thy fame,
Thou who in purest bonds wert to the Virgin bound;
How glorious is thy name renowned.
Thou, when thou didst behold thy Spouse about to bear,
Wert sore oppressed with doubt, wert filled with wondering care;
At length the Angel’s word thy anxious heart relieved:
She by the spirit hath conceived.
Wert sore oppressed with doubt, wert filled with wondering care;
At length the Angel’s word thy anxious heart relieved:
She by the spirit hath conceived.
Thou with thy newborn Lord didst seek far Egypt’s land,
As wandering pilgrims ye fled o’er the desert sand;
That Lord, when lost, by thee is in the Temple found,
While tears are shed, and joys abound.
As wandering pilgrims ye fled o’er the desert sand;
That Lord, when lost, by thee is in the Temple found,
While tears are shed, and joys abound.
Not till death’s hour is past do other men obtain
The meed of holiness, and glorious rest attain;
Thou, like to Angels made, in life completely blest,
Dost clasp thy God unto thy breast.
The meed of holiness, and glorious rest attain;
Thou, like to Angels made, in life completely blest,
Dost clasp thy God unto thy breast.
O Holy Trinity, Thy suppliant servants spare;
Grant us to rise to heaven for Joseph’s sake and prayer,
And so our grateful hearts to Thee shall ever raise
Exulting canticles of praise. Amen
Grant us to rise to heaven for Joseph’s sake and prayer,
And so our grateful hearts to Thee shall ever raise
Exulting canticles of praise. Amen
Wednesday, 25 March 2020
The Annunciation
Benedicta tu in mulieribus et benedictus fructis ventris tui, Jesus.

The Propers of the Mass in Daily Catholic
Dom Gueranguer and Juan Esteban Grosez about the Annunciation of Mary in Cristo Vuelve
John Gregory shares meditations on the Anunciación
John Gregory shares meditations on the Anunciación
The Glories of Mary by St. Alphonsus Ligouri in This link It is in Spanish. If you ingress the Twitter account Ed Young, you may find excerpts of this book in English, but i can´t publish the link because i can´t access Twitter.
This prayer has indulgences:
This prayer has indulgences:
Prayer for Conversions– Raccolta # 627
O Virgin Immaculate, thou who by a singular privilege of grace wast preserved from original sin, look in pity upon our separated brethren, who are nevertheless thy children, and call them back to the center of unity. Not a few of them, although separated from the Church, have kept a certain veneration for thee; and do thou, generous as thou art, reward them for it, by obtaining for them the grace of conversion. Thou wast conqueror of the infernal serpent from the first instant of thy existence; renew even now, for it is now more necessary than ever before, thine ancient triumphs; glorify thy divine Son, bring back to Him the sheep that have strayed from the one fold and place them once more under the guidance of the universal Shepherd who holds the place of thy Son on earth; let it be thy glory, O Virgin who destroyest all heresies, to restore unity and peace once more to all the Christian people.- An indulgence of 500 days.
- A plenary indulgence on the usual conditions, on the Feasts of the Immaculate Conception, the Nativity, the Annunciation, the Purification and the Assumption of the BVM, if this prayer is recited with devotion.
- A plenary indulgence on the usual conditions, for the daily, devout recitation of this prayer throughout an entire month
Tuesday, 24 March 2020
Feminism? First Timothy 2:12: The Bible Verse that Nobody Believes In
First Timothy 2
12: Let the women learn in silence with all subjection. But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. 13: For Adam was first formed, then Eve. 14: And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression. 15: Notwithstanding she shall be saved in [through the] child-bearing, if they continue in faith and charity and holiness with sobriety.
After teaching how a woman should dress in appearance, St. Paul proceeds to explain how a woman is to behave in respect to men. Verse 12 is a continuation of I Cor. 14:34-35. And women are to be silent in the churches; utterance is not permitted to them; let them keep their rank, as the law tells them: 35: if they have any question to raise, let them ask their husbands at home. That a woman should make her voice heard in the church is not seemly. Knox commentary: ‘Such is the teaching I give in all the churches’; according to most Greek manuscripts, the sense is rather ‘all the churches of the saints give proof of it’. The Haydock Bible footnotes verse 12: St. Paul only means in public
The Natural and Divine law has made women subject to men. In verse 13 of I Tim., St. Paul uses a natural law argument that this teaching of God is built into creation which transcends time and culture. The natural order of creation is woman comes after man. This natural law is written on our hearts, too. Every society and culture has known and practiced this understanding. “To the woman he said, “I will greatly multiply your pain in childbearing; in pain you shall bring forth children, yet your desire shall be for your husband, and he shall rule over you.” (Gen. 3:16)
St. Paul continues in I Cor. 11:7-10: A man has no need to veil his head; he is God’s image, the pride of his creation, whereas the wife is the pride of her husband. 8 (The woman takes her origin from the man, not the man from the woman;[3] 9 and indeed, it was not man that was created for woman’s sake, but woman for man’s.) 10 And for that reason the woman ought to have authority over her head, for the angels’ sake.
The Catholic Encyclopedia: Women in canon law: “Ulpian (Dig., I, 16, 195) gives a celebrated rule of law which most canonists have embodied in their works: “Women are ineligible to all civil and public offices, and therefore they cannot be judges, nor hold a magistracy, nor act as lawyers, judicial intercessors, or procurators.” Public offices are those in which public authority is exercised; civil offices, those connected otherwise with municipal affairs. The reason given by canonists for this prohibition is not the levity, weakness, or fragility of the female sex, but the preservation of the modesty and dignity peculiar to woman.”
For Verse 14 there’s another detail for the silence of women. Notice who it was that was deceived: The woman, said Adam, whom thou gavest me to be my companion, she it was who offered me fruit from the tree, and so I came to eat it. 13 Then the Lord God said to the woman, What made thee do this? The serpent, she said, beguiled me, and so I came to eat. (Gen. 3:12:13.)
Adam ate of the tree out of persuasion of his wife, whereas Eve ate out of deception of a serpent, a creature lower in creation.
And with that the woman, who saw that the fruit was good to eat, saw, too, how it was pleasant to look at and charmed the eye, took some fruit from the tree and ate it; and she gave some to her husband, and he ate with her. (Gen. 3:6.)
Eve ate to satisfy her appetite for pleasure, whereas Adam ate to please his wife. Since Eve represents all women, St. John Chrysostom rightly states, “The woman taught once, and ruined all. On this account therefore he says, let her not teach.”
Verse 15 indicates that women will be saved through proper behavior becoming of a woman.
St. Paul provides more information about the relationship between men and women. Wives, be subject to your husbands, as to the Lord. 23 For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, and is himself its Savior. 24 As the church is subject to Christ, so let wives also be subject in everything to their husbands. (Eph. 5:22-24.)
It is abundantly clear that women’s subordinate relationship to men within Church and family life is intrinsic to the order of creation.
The modern world rejects I Tim. 2 by explaining away the clear meaning and making common laws that contradict the natural law. Churches, households, companies, businesses, governments, militaries, and countries reject by law the Word of God written on our hearts. Those same laws that give women equal and higher authority to men is defended by most who call themselves Christian!
Interesting, homosexuality is now a hot topic in today’s society, and those who reject the natural and divine law on man’s authority over woman’s are in the same boat as those who reject the condemnation of homosexuality. “For male and female he created them” (Gen. 1:27) but “Adam was formed first, then Eve.” (I Tim. 2:13) The same argument is used for both topics.
Arguments have been made on the exceptions to the rule, such as Old Testament Judge Deborah, European queens Isabella or Mary, or Our Lady Queen of Heaven and Earth over angels and men. While there are exceptions to many laws, the exceptions aren’t the norm and that’s the problem. As soon as one cries what about this or that, so that the law or teaching doesn’t apply here and there, it soon becomes meaningless and applies nowhere.
Even up till the early 20th century, women weren’t allowed to vote. It was understood that giving women the right to vote gives women the same authority as men.
Modernists refuse to accept that truth is immutable. Therefore, modernists reject the immutable laws of God and decide against God’s laws in the spirit of the New Age, which is really the spirit of antichrist.
Rejection of natural and divine laws is antichrist since the rejection of God’s laws is a rejection of Christ, and those that do so place themselves in the place of Christ as one who decides what shall be Law.
The rejection of First Timothy 2:12 is part of the Great Apostasy foretold in Scripture. The abominable practices of women voting, running for office, holding positions of authority not only in government but also in the courts, military, police, etc. are heralded as the great advancement of women. Anyone who opposes the modernists will be called haters, sexists, and will be terminated from work, arrested, and jailed.
Remember that the distinguishing character mark of the beast on the hand and forehead of people (Apoc. 13:16) represents what man does in action through work and what man believes and thinks. They will be one with the beast. Those who refuse to accept the mark will not be able buy, sell, or interact normally with society because society is part and parcel with the beast.
Hopefully, this article will make a few men and women aware that they are actually participating as antichrist and cease in their damnable beliefs and activities.
Monday, 23 March 2020
Saturday, 21 March 2020
Exposing the Dimond Brothers and Fr. Leonard Feeney
Feeneyite Follies part 1 and part 2: Everything you need to know about feeneyism
On Leonard Feeney´s mistreatment of children: A true Sickness of the Soul
A briefer post about Leonard Feeney, this time with information the Dimond brothers.
Debunking "Outside of the Catholic Church there is Absolutely no Salvation" by Peter Dimond: Part One, Part Two and Part Three.
Is Mary Our Co - Redemptrix? Two posts about a teaching denied by the Dimonds: one in Novus Ordo Watch and one in Introibo Ad Altare Dei.
Baptism of Desire and the Cure of Ars
St. Alphonsus defends Baptism of Desire and Baptism of Blood
Feeney loves Calvin: Why feeneyism is like calvinism.
Ignorant about ignorance: Two posts (here and here) about invisible ignorance.
Baptism of desire and blood - excerpts on a book by Steven Speray
Novus ordo watch podcast about membership in the Church
K.O argument against Feeneyism - the rebuttal of a bishop trying to attack the K.O argument against Feeneyism.
The Malice and Snares if the Devil (this post contains a brief critique of the Dimond´s way of talking about the devil. They said that the anti catholic, calvinist minister James White was possessed for being bald and making weird faces)
Lionel Andrades: Beware the Bizarre. Lionel Andrades is a Vatican II Feeneyite.
An even greater sacrilege: On Fr. James Wathen attack on Baptism of Blood and Desire.
Posts on the Ordinary Magisterium of the Church:
Non Infallible teaching CAN NOT be heretical.
Must i Believe it? Canon George Smith P.h.D, D.D
What are Catholics bound to believe? Rev. Henry George Hughes
A Magisterium unto Themselves
Nothing out of the Ordinary
The Source of the Problem
The Doctrinal Value of a Pope´s Ordinary Magisterium.
To Be Continuously Updated
On Leonard Feeney´s mistreatment of children: A true Sickness of the Soul
A briefer post about Leonard Feeney, this time with information the Dimond brothers.
Debunking "Outside of the Catholic Church there is Absolutely no Salvation" by Peter Dimond: Part One, Part Two and Part Three.
Is Mary Our Co - Redemptrix? Two posts about a teaching denied by the Dimonds: one in Novus Ordo Watch and one in Introibo Ad Altare Dei.
Baptism of Desire and the Cure of Ars
St. Alphonsus defends Baptism of Desire and Baptism of Blood
Feeney loves Calvin: Why feeneyism is like calvinism.
Ignorant about ignorance: Two posts (here and here) about invisible ignorance.
Baptism of desire and blood - excerpts on a book by Steven Speray
Novus ordo watch podcast about membership in the Church
K.O argument against Feeneyism - the rebuttal of a bishop trying to attack the K.O argument against Feeneyism.
The Malice and Snares if the Devil (this post contains a brief critique of the Dimond´s way of talking about the devil. They said that the anti catholic, calvinist minister James White was possessed for being bald and making weird faces)
Lionel Andrades: Beware the Bizarre. Lionel Andrades is a Vatican II Feeneyite.
An even greater sacrilege: On Fr. James Wathen attack on Baptism of Blood and Desire.
Posts on the Ordinary Magisterium of the Church:
Non Infallible teaching CAN NOT be heretical.
Must i Believe it? Canon George Smith P.h.D, D.D
What are Catholics bound to believe? Rev. Henry George Hughes
A Magisterium unto Themselves
Nothing out of the Ordinary
The Source of the Problem
The Doctrinal Value of a Pope´s Ordinary Magisterium.
To Be Continuously Updated
Friday, 20 March 2020
Thursday, 19 March 2020
More Friends of Francis
I taught that the "Francis Friends" posts will be regular, like the When Strangers Come Knocking posts at Introibo Ad Altare Dei. But i only did two: Bono and Martin Scorsese.
Here you have more friends of Francis. Perfect if you still believe he is conservative, it also works if you believe he is a "heretical" Pope.
Here you have more friends of Francis. Perfect if you still believe he is conservative, it also works if you believe he is a "heretical" Pope.
- Hans Küng
- Leonardo Boff
- Rabbi Abraham Skorka
- Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner
- Nancy Pelosi
- Manuel Acuña
- “Fr.” Luigi Ciotti
- “Mgr.” Battista Ricca
- Justin Welby
- The LGBT Crowd
- Various “Interfaith” Leaders
- Muslims in Argentina
- The Talmudic Jews (see also here)
- Clelia Luro and Jeronimo Podesta
Many of the links lead to Novus Ordo Watch, but they are well documented so it is fine.
Am i missing something? Oooo wait! John Paul the I also had some friends
Am i missing something? Oooo wait! John Paul the I also had some friends
St. Joseph, the Silent Assassin of Vice
Today is Good St. Joseph day an it is a very happy feast. Praying to St. Joseph is very effective, with the Blessed Mother he is one of our most powerful intercessors
Excellent Indulgenced Devotions in Daily Catholic
A post about the Glories of St. Joseph.
Prayers to St Joseph here.
Daily Catholic has some posts about St Joseph here aquí. You will have too search for the issue; it is faster if you go were the calendar is and click in "March 19".
Los Propios de la Misa
Meditations of the Santoral about St Joseph
Dom Gueraguer about St. Joseph
Devotion of the 30 days to St. Joseph
A post about the Glories of St. Joseph.
Prayers to St Joseph here.
Daily Catholic has some posts about St Joseph here aquí. You will have too search for the issue; it is faster if you go were the calendar is and click in "March 19".
Los Propios de la Misa
Meditations of the Santoral about St Joseph
Dom Gueraguer about St. Joseph
Devotion of the 30 days to St. Joseph
Sunday, 15 March 2020
Third Sunday of Lent
Visit these links for edification:
Daily Catholic: Dom Gueranguer, Fr. Haydock and the Propers of the Mass
Daily Catholic: Devotions and Catholic readings not only for Sundays but for the rest of the week.
The Gospel of Today
Daily Catholic: Dom Gueranguer, Fr. Haydock and the Propers of the Mass
Daily Catholic: Devotions and Catholic readings not only for Sundays but for the rest of the week.
The Gospel of Today
Monday, 9 March 2020
Unhappy Women Month
Feminism: The First Sin?

Translation: Abortion is the first cause of feminicide.
The mothers of heresy in the neutered novus ordo church
Emasculating the Church: the role of women in the Church
Sedevacantism and "altar servers"
On Abortion:
The Science of Life
Aborting Limbo
Translation: Abortion is the first cause of feminicide.
The mothers of heresy in the neutered novus ordo church
Emasculating the Church: the role of women in the Church
Sedevacantism and "altar servers"
On Abortion:
The Science of Life
Aborting Limbo
Sunday, 8 March 2020
Thursday, 5 March 2020
Month of St. Joseph
Excellent, indulgenced, heavenly Devotions in Daily Catholic
An excellent post on the Glories of St Joseph.
Some Prayers to St Joseph may be found here.
An excellent post on the Glories of St Joseph.
Some Prayers to St Joseph may be found here.
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