Feeneyite Follies part 1 and part 2: Everything you need to know about feeneyism
On Leonard Feeney´s mistreatment of children: A true Sickness of the Soul
A briefer post about Leonard Feeney, this time with information the Dimond brothers.
Debunking "Outside of the Catholic Church there is Absolutely no Salvation" by Peter Dimond: Part One, Part Two and Part Three.
Is Mary Our Co - Redemptrix? Two posts about a teaching denied by the Dimonds: one in Novus Ordo Watch and one in Introibo Ad Altare Dei.
Baptism of Desire and the Cure of Ars
St. Alphonsus defends Baptism of Desire and Baptism of Blood
Feeney loves Calvin: Why feeneyism is like calvinism.
Ignorant about ignorance: Two posts (here and here) about invisible ignorance.
Baptism of desire and blood - excerpts on a book by Steven Speray
Novus ordo watch podcast about membership in the Church
K.O argument against Feeneyism - the rebuttal of a bishop trying to attack the K.O argument against Feeneyism.
The Malice and Snares if the Devil (this post contains a brief critique of the Dimond´s way of talking about the devil. They said that the anti catholic, calvinist minister James White was possessed for being bald and making weird faces)
Lionel Andrades: Beware the Bizarre. Lionel Andrades is a Vatican II Feeneyite.
An even greater sacrilege: On Fr. James Wathen attack on Baptism of Blood and Desire.
Posts on the Ordinary Magisterium of the Church:
Non Infallible teaching CAN NOT be heretical.
Must i Believe it? Canon George Smith P.h.D, D.D
What are Catholics bound to believe? Rev. Henry George Hughes
A Magisterium unto Themselves
Nothing out of the Ordinary
The Source of the Problem
The Doctrinal Value of a Pope´s Ordinary Magisterium.
To Be Continuously Updated
On Leonard Feeney´s mistreatment of children: A true Sickness of the Soul
A briefer post about Leonard Feeney, this time with information the Dimond brothers.
Debunking "Outside of the Catholic Church there is Absolutely no Salvation" by Peter Dimond: Part One, Part Two and Part Three.
Is Mary Our Co - Redemptrix? Two posts about a teaching denied by the Dimonds: one in Novus Ordo Watch and one in Introibo Ad Altare Dei.
Baptism of Desire and the Cure of Ars
St. Alphonsus defends Baptism of Desire and Baptism of Blood
Feeney loves Calvin: Why feeneyism is like calvinism.
Ignorant about ignorance: Two posts (here and here) about invisible ignorance.
Baptism of desire and blood - excerpts on a book by Steven Speray
Novus ordo watch podcast about membership in the Church
K.O argument against Feeneyism - the rebuttal of a bishop trying to attack the K.O argument against Feeneyism.
The Malice and Snares if the Devil (this post contains a brief critique of the Dimond´s way of talking about the devil. They said that the anti catholic, calvinist minister James White was possessed for being bald and making weird faces)
Lionel Andrades: Beware the Bizarre. Lionel Andrades is a Vatican II Feeneyite.
An even greater sacrilege: On Fr. James Wathen attack on Baptism of Blood and Desire.
Posts on the Ordinary Magisterium of the Church:
Non Infallible teaching CAN NOT be heretical.
Must i Believe it? Canon George Smith P.h.D, D.D
What are Catholics bound to believe? Rev. Henry George Hughes
A Magisterium unto Themselves
Nothing out of the Ordinary
The Source of the Problem
The Doctrinal Value of a Pope´s Ordinary Magisterium.
To Be Continuously Updated
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