Sunday, 13 March 2022

Millstones on the Road XVI: Satan's Toybox and Creepy Dolls

(all legos in this page are custom legos and therefore not mass produced)

I don't get that uncanny obsession with satanic toys invading the movies. Chucky and Annabelle being prime examples, but also the horror videogames like Poppy Playtime and Five Nights at Freddy's. Perhaps it is a reference on how the perversion of the best is the worst.

I don't see what would be so creepy about porcelain dolls. Most of them are have nice hair and clothings. Their face is expressionless but  they would be creepier if they could move more.  

However, there are out there other toys are creepy or at least unappropiate, but people barely speak about them. 

Lots of liberals complain that dolls and cars manipulate children into beliefs or actions that are not necesarily their own. So what?  I think the following objections are much more serious than "muh, Barbie teaches U to be princess". 

Barbie Girl

I bet my bottom dollar one of your children has a Barbie doll. Barbie is a blonde, nice doll with thousands of jobs, outifts and magical kingdoms. Maybe Barbie is still innocent in some of her versions. However, it may be good to consider some things relating her story. 

Barbie has a fully-formed body instead of being a baby. Dolls came from the imitation of girls towards their mothers - they were meant to represent the children they would potentially conceive in the future. 

I understand if girls want to play with older dolls. They are meant to wish to be Barbie, instead of wishing to be loving towards children. 

And that could be fine, until you realize Barbie is  a representation of the beauty-obsessed materialistic vanity girl. 

Unlike other toys like Max Steel, she has no heroic role most of the time. except perhaps asking Ken to buy her another pool to party with her friends.  

Barbie also pushes the career woman. That's why you have Barbie is a dentist, Barbie is a CEO, Barbie is a firefighter and Barbie is a soldier play sets. 

Am I saying that Barbie will obligatorily turn your girls into career feminazis? No, because everyone is different. After all, Barbie has princess sets where she is more usefull than in her "look at my gucci sweater" version. Some "Barbie the Career Whamen" sets include careers appropiate for women. If your kid plays with Barbie and baby dolls, do you think she will mutate into Hillary Clinton? 

But seriously, do you want to fund the guys who make the spellsmaking Barbie? 

Plus, it is not like if Barbie was the modesty queen or anything. Pop Society has related her with reproduction. After all, her body is that of a breeding-age lady. Isn't there an indecent song that goes like "I'm a Barbie Girl"?. The sexualization of Barbie in pop-society is the most uncanny thing there is. Prevent your children form knowing anything about it. 

Barbie's films, besides having awfull animation and songs also imitate bad examples found in infantile movies. For example, the Barbie tends to glorify pop music, despite the fact that the modern music industry is a degenerate ceesspool that satanistically sacrifices both fans and muscicians at the stake of occult self-gratification: 

The "Bratt" doll is basically Cardi B molded in plastic, stuffed with make up and presented as a toy for children. The logo includes an uncanny Halo. And isn't "Bratt" supposed to be a word to insult horrible women? 

And, did I told you that Hasbro made a genderqueer doll? 

Another indecent toy is He-Man. He-Man is a magical hero with a green tiger who fights against an ugly skeleton. He is also dressed like a sodomite: half-naked, pink panties, and a creepy metal bond-stuff with a red cross. Would a kid play with him in the 80's and be spared the vulgarity?. Maybe, around 23% chance for it. But now with sodomite underworld stuff being smeared into the face of everybody, the chance has reduced to 1%. 

He-Man is considered a "gay ikon". Why are sodomites giving such a disedyfying title to a toy for boys with a magical sword and a green tiger?

Because they are predators. And because he is dressed like one. 

And Yes, I needed to Call Out Lego 

Lego, lego, lego, where to start? Lego in principle is an amazing toy. Build stuff, play with it. Resistant bricks you can use for awesome stuff. Development of creativity, healthy use of imagination, following instructions, patience and aesthethic talents. 

However, in the last years, Lego has been falling appart from its original talents. Apparently it has been bought by the Walt Disney Company, or at least, Disney owns the rights to some of its sub-franchises. 

From playing with your own imagination, now Lego's purpose is to perpetuate the geek industry. Lego Harry Potter. Lego Minecraft. Lego Marvel. Lego Lord of the Rings. STOP IT! Some of it is fine, but there is a level, you know, there is a level, where Lego becomes yet more corporate marketing. 

Plus, is not like if lego has been filled with sodomites, as anything they want to ruin. There is a lego pack for the Netflix show Queer Eye. Lego is supposed to be for children or building afficionados. Not for queerification enthusiasts. What's next, Lego The Conjuring? Lego Cannibal Holocaust? Come on.  

(Disclaimer: The legos on this post are custom legos, and have not been mass-produced by the company)


Most feminsts and trannies complain that children are brainwashed with toys. Of course, they are the first to recognize it, which means they will try to fill the stores with she-soldiers and trannies. If your toys teach kids the proper way of gender roles, even if they dislike them, that's just too bad. 

Toys tend to be more influential in your children's development than movies, because they can play with them every day. This is why you need to be more focused with them. I believe that the less commercial a toy is, perhaps, the best it may be for your children. But I don't know our children, so that will be for you to think about. 

Let them play with cars or plushies, or dolls, or planks, or whathever they can do. I don't think a girl playing with cars is problematic or sinful. If you raise them correctly in the Faith, they will discover femininity yes or yes. When I was little I hated dolls, but I loved plushies. From being a tomboy, I eventually discovered more of my innate femininity, which is a quality I cherish. If I had been born ten years later, I would now have chopped-off breasts, mutilated organs and mileages of male hormones. All for refusing to play with sexy-bodied dolls obsessed with clothes.  

1 comment:

  1. Lego was about as neutral as one can get, back in the day. But even back in the '90s they were beginning to acquire 'themes' or otherwise departing from the relative simplicity it had before.

    As for the sodomite elements getting into toys as of late, the media will make sure that either the complaints are never heard, or else characterized as 'phobic' or 'hateful' even though the suppression of the public appearance of abominable ideas can be done without homicidal tendencies. But their implication that it can only be homicidal (always make their opponents appear worse than they themselves are - tactics of those for whom the truth is an obstacle to be trampled underfoot).

    It never occurred to me back then that He-Man had queer undertones. I think we sometimes made fun of the character for being over-the-top but, no, if they were trying for 'grooming' with the character it failed spectacularly.
