Saturday, 21 October 2023

The World Youth Day 2023 Made me Cringe Hard

 This year's World Youth Day made me angry in so many different ways. I watched some of the livestreams of the show because I am a loser, and unsurprisingly, I found new reasons to hate the novus ordo. 

I write this article for fence sitters who want to believe they can recognize and resist and that they are still members of the Catholic Church. I want to destroy the novus ordo and at the end of this post you may wish to do it as well. 

The Main Feeling of the WYD Lisbon 2023

WYD is like a huge concert with bad rock musick bombing on the background. And this concerts are like a horde of demented seals wailing and screeching with insanity. Not exactly the kind of environment that leads to prayer. Few were dressed modestly and the novus ordo nuns behaved like Star Wars fans after receiving an autograph from Darth Vader himself.

The behavior of the tenagers on this massive show however, is the least of our concerns, because the things that were officially endorsed by the leaders of your church cry to Heaven for vengeance. 

The Band Hakuna

One of the most indignating parts of the WYD was the Band Hakuna. Hakuna is an Opus Dei band and spiritual movement dedicated to young people. Can't have enough of teen spirit spirituality! 

Most novus ordo pop bands have sappy songs about how "Jesus loves me", but Hakuna decided to overstep their claims by claiming that "Jesus is a madman, falling in love with us."

Believe I am exaggerating? Let's look at some of the lyrics, translated from the original spanish by me: 

Careful!! Sexy lyrics

If for one second you saw how I saw you

When you sleep you close your eyes, I remain

I am drooling, impossible not to see

I don't want to stop doing it, don't even try to imagine

If for one second you could see how I hear you

every noise, every word and when you don't say much,

talking or being quiet, I only care if you are here

In my love silence fits, talking fits and much more

I explode for love, I shiver of joy

On how with your gaze you are here and not alone

Every tear, every laugh in my memory has been engraved

every detail of your body and soul was planned

I don't think I can contain myself anymore here behind

I want to enter and make you mine, heal your wound if you give it to me

If for one second you could see how much I love you

I only know to give myself even if it's in vain

And I shiver to imagine when you arrive to Heaven 

We will hug each other without breathing (the actual text is more suggestive)

If you could see for a second what will come

What is hidden and awaits, coincidences without chance

I dream so many times in every gift that I can make

You receive your gift, to Heaven your gaze gives thanks

I explode of love, I shiver of joy

There's so much madness in this love I don't control

Lose your life you will receive eternity

The happiness of slavery, the slavery of my freedom

If for one second you saw how I see you, you wouldn't want to see anything else. 

I never thought it would be possible to portray God as a retarded stalker, and yet this teenagers managed to do it and sing it shamelessly in front of millions, with the consent of the o-so-valid "catholic" bishops. 

The Way of the Cross was Infuriatingly Stupid

As always, the novus ordo Way of the Cross was not focused on Jesus, but on man. Man suffers so much, we really need to meditate only on our own sufferings. 

The meditations somehow managed to be more stupid than some of the ones we reviewed before. Behold, the passion of man: 

For the first station, the novus ordos decided to talk about opportunities for the future. This could be a great opportunity to explain the Catholic teaching on the death penalty, but you don't get this.

For the second stage (station is too dignified for the show) was about violence, and for this one a bunch of teens stacked on the stage started pretending they were fighting in an hilariously bad way.  

The fifth stage actually contained blasphemy, because they endorsed religious freedom by complaining some "minorities" were not allowed to practice their own religion. ¡Oh no! You mean to tell me the Shia moslems don't always get to slash each other for Ashura? The absolute horror!

The root of their meditation wasn't doing penance or enduring tribulations with patience, but they decided to complain instead on the fact that the Romans didn't ask Simon if he wanted to carry the cross. 

The Sixth Stage claims that the importance of love is "letting oneself being moved by the face of others", mentioning, by the way, that the face of their church is disfigured. 

They finish the meditation with the following frase: "The true happiness consists in letting oneself be attracted to the face of the other". What? Why? 

For the Seventh Stage the meditation was on mental health and this one made me really angry. The novus ordo makes people mentally ill with their stupidity, their rapist priests, and their participation in the corona lockdowns. And yet they want us to think they care about our mental instability?

They also mention that "sometimes we feel very depressed, with the feet on the earth". WRONG when you are depressed you feel unrealistically sad, you don't have your feet on the earth or your mind on reality. That's why serious depression is a mental condition. 

For the Eight Stage the meditation focused on the planet. No comment.

For the Tenth Stage, they say that Jesus Christ never stopped being himself even when stripped of his garments because he never worried about making an image of himself like people do today in social media. 

What? This is so absurd I don't know what to say. 

The Eleventh Stage is rather bizarre. It starts by praising Christ by claiming He died by not refusing to love. And then it moves to talk about how migrants have no home and want to go somewhere they can call home. Both things are barely related. If you wanted people to be aware of the tribulations of migrants go ahead, but an unfocused meditation shortly before a massive party isn't going to do anything. 


This are just my thoughts on WYD. It is not a serious theological critique but I thing it does enough to trigger your catholic sense out of the novus ordo. 

Friday, 13 October 2023

Theology of the Groomer

 This year was the "Year of the Groomer" were disturbing tik tok teachers made the news by exposing innocent children to depraved sexual education and confusexual theory. However, there is another major groomer sect. It's the Novus Ordo Sect, which most people think it's the Catholic Church.

Just like your local school groomer, the novus ordo sect has officially endorsed depraved sexual education curriculums; and just like American public schools, the sect has a problem with high level groomer pederasts. I know that those who belong to the sect are offended by the fact that I am calling their leaders a child-rape group and a false religion, but before you click the exit button, please give a chance to what I will proceed to say. It is important.  

On 2016, news were made that the Vatican had released an indecent sex education manual that included graphic depictions of nudity & eroticism. It seems that it has been successfully memory-holed, because when I clicked on the links on the website that had reported it back in the time, they had a 404 error; the program itself seems to have been purified from its original content. This may be good thing but the problem is that the essence of the pamphlets remains. 

Those interested on reading the full sex-ed program in detail, can do so here, but I don't recommend it. It is too much cringe. 

However, some repulsive obscene images can still be found: 

The Image has been Censored by Me

Most of the pornographic comic books shown by accounts like Libs of Tik Tok are usually drawings and cartoons. However, this image offered a strongly photo-realistic depiction of human genitalia. Where parents warned their children would be looking at this pictures? Are students allowed to opt out of the class? 

It is also true that the program is aimed at older students, but nevertheless, I can testify that for most students dealing with such topics in a mixed classroom is uncomfortable, and that it may very well be an occasion of sin. 

The program uses the typical "Movie-Clip-Evangelization", in which students are shown different shorts that allegedly illustrate a certain teaching. This particular program has a very wide, sometimes out-of-context movie selection. Some of the films have little to do with sexuality, like Lord of the Rings or The Revenge of the Sith. However, that is better than other movies on the program that do speak about sex, for they have inappropriate sexual content. 

This people, probably advised by clerics, thought that it would be a good idea to teach sexual morality by showing young students clips of lewd Hollywood productions. What could possibly go wrong? 

True, students are not shown the whole movie, but I think it is important to recall that these films will be glorified or endorsed if they are used to "show the truths" of Christian theology. They will think "O, this movie is innocent! We saw it in catechism class!" and proceed to watch the whole thing, only to be scandalized by the actual content of the film. The edgy student who was forced to assist a course of novus ordo-approved sex-ed and was shown "the elements of truth" of R-rated films, will probably proceed to watch this or worse. 

Students are asked to comment on a scene from Moulin Rouge, a musical drama narrating the story of a burlesque dancer who falls in love. She tries to maintain her relationship healthy while hooking an evil rich man who will fund the brothel. 

This film is rated PG-13 but it is definitely not appropriate for young people. A woman attempts to rape a man, a man attempts to rape a woman, and the whole cabaret ambient is disturbing and sinful. Why would anybody wish to introduce young people to this movie? 

In this screenshot we can see that children are shown a scene from a film called Love and Other Drugs, an R rated movie full of sexual content and indecency. 

From IMDB, we learn the statistics:
- 48 F-bombs, 1 obscene hand gesture, 38 sexual references, 22 rude anatomical words
- Drugs: marijuana and alcohol, as well as the pill used to breed easy
- Lots of R-rated sex scenes (disturbing and graphic)

Common Sense Media rates it according to the content that is inappropriate:
5 points on sexual content
3 points on drugs and drinking
4 points on language

Meanwhile, positive messages and positive role models only get 2. People who give their comments say it has too much nudity, it's not suitable for people under 15, it's disturbing, it's not for teens, and it may have been very well a porn movie. 

"O, but you have not seen the film!" I don't care, because I promise you that if I had seen the film, my criticism would be stronger than those on Common Sense Media. Therefore, I think this comments are more than enough. 

Plus, just look at the hypocrisy: the movie below it is a christian short about why should not have sex until marriage. What is the purpose of reminding them of this if they are then shown a movie-clip about the sexual adventures of a Pfizer employee?  It is clear that this people are out of their minds. Why would anyone want to show Love & Other Drugs to a group of students? 

Other film found on the list is As Good As It Gets. In therms of nudity & obscenity, it seems that this film is less worse than Love and Other Drugs, however, it still has this aspects. 

For example, a man licks a woman over a coach after she asked for the bed; a male prostitute makes crude poses for a painting, and one of the characters is a sodomite. Would you let a mixed group of young "catholic" students to watch this movie? 

Scenes from the R-Rated film "To the Wonder" are also included, despite nudity, and depraved sexual scenes. What's next, the elements of truth of Hellraiser and Saw?