From "El Ciudadano" Mexican Blog
Some time ago Sheinbaum (QUV - a mexican politician) used your tax money to organize an event in which a sodomite dressed like a woman with glitter and extravagant decoration read books to children. This is the tamest kind of drag events aimed at children and it is known as Drag Queen Story Hour. Other shows include children throwing money to the performers or even putting themselves on drag.
This kind of event is not much popular on latin america but in the US they happen quite frequently and have caused the indignation of the public; this shows have been condemned not only by christians who hate sodomy but even some purple men have distanced themselves from such degenerate events.
Establishment progressives leap and swear that such opposition is irrational and it means, among other things, that if your children are "gay" you will use them to feed the dog and your biggest dream is tormenting Dylan Mulvaney.
It is not surprising that the Lamestream Media uses slander to easily disqualify their opposition. But it is incomprehensible how many libs parrot their words again and again like robots. With this article we explain our position for those willing to change their opinion.
1: Drag Shows are Sexual Shows for Adults
Many progs swear that drag shows are aprópiate because they are like a clown show. This is not truth, for a sodomite using drag is not far from a woman using a thong.
If we look for burlesque stuff in Internet we can find objects for drag, including fake breasts. Some drag queens have distanced themselves from the events, stating their job is not intended for the little ones.
But even some drag show promoters admit the vulgar nature of drag. The authors of the paper "Drag Pedagogy: The Playful Practice pf Queer Imagination in Early Childhood" written by queer scholars Harper Keenan & Harris Kornstein have this to say:
"As drag has moved further into the mainstream, some have questioned whether this queer art form has lost its edge. In discussing the work of DQSH within our social circles, we have occasionally encountered critiques that DQSH is sanitizing the risque nature of drag in order to make it "family firendly". We do not share this pessimistic view. Queer worldmaking, including political organizing, has long been a project driven by desire "
This words increase their power if we consider Harris Kornstein participates in a foundation that organizes such events and wrote a book for children named "The Hips of a Drag Queen go Swish Swish Swish." He is himself a drag actor who goes by the name "Little Miss Hot Mess".
2: Some of the Drag Shows (and akin events) Have Instances of Grooming.
The twitter accounts "Libs of Tik Tok" and "Gays against Groomers" have reported multiple disturbing events where the show goes too far and pedophilic stuff happens. Perverts like children to see them undressed or dressed with very few clothes, it is also a technique of child seduction. They show inappropriate things to children in order to try them with the victims.
We show some images from this types of events; not because we want you to see them but because we want to prove they happened. For the consideration of sensitive people and minors we reduced the size of the images - All you have to do is to hover over the pictures and they will grow.
Among other things we see a girl stuffing a drag's underwear with money. Below we see a half naked man and to the right we have drag kids, children dressed as adults he-whores.
Drag kids are way too popular. Below there is a picture of Desmond, a celebrity child whose disgusting career has caused concern for the child's wellbeing and for western society in general.

We also have multiple events in which children are incited to "release their drag identity". Let us remember drag is a fetish activity related to sodomite whoredom.

This picture of a drag show caused indignation:

Other events like this are common place on the States and in pride month events. Here we have a "family friendly" pride event in Venice, Florida. One of the activities consisted in throwing rings to fake genitalia.

It is impossible that such atrocities are not considered infantile seduction and preparation for more aggressive abuses. The only argument the progs can use is that such events do not happen, which is not the case since this events are reported officially in the websites of libraries and restaurants, as well as in pride march videos.
3: The People Behind this Movement are Pedophilic
(Sensitive Content Ahead)
The new religion of the state behind the alphabet movement is Critical Theory, the self-proclaimed defensor of all minority groups. It is just a yankee ideology of great service to the establishment. elites and corporations. But that one is for another day.
Critical Gender Theory or Queer Theory has been influenced by multiple child rapists. The notorious Dr. Money for example made 2 parents to take care of their son like if he were a girl and forced him to pretend sex with his brother. The last "victims" of queer theory would be pederasts and child rapists, which are justly condemned by the west.
The great whore's daughter arrived in the shape of Gayle Rubin, a lesbian who wrote a paper called "Thinking Sex" where she argues that abusers are an unjustly persecuted minority, hunted by evil capitalist men. This absolute crone said that the prohibition of child pornography was a restriction of "important sexual freedoms". And no, it is not invented. The link above leaves to a non-conservative university.
We finish with Michel Foucault, a subhuman hog who wrote a petition to legalize sex with all minors under 15. The interview above comes from an university as well.
The believers of Critical Theory are the woke people who defend drag queen story hour.
They want children to oppose the so called hetero-patriarchy. They also wish to limit their sense of shame and repugnance when exposed to obscure sexual activities. This is grooming because creeps teach sexual stuff to children so they become less repulsed by it and it is easier to abuse them. This includes rapist ministers.
Even if an individual drag wishes no evil on children, the system behind him is ruled by abusers and is serving them as an useful idiot.
4: This House Rejects Sodomy
I am not concerned to admit I don't like sodomy. Is disgusting, they fill themselves with hemorrhoids and end up with adult diapers because their anus is all deformed after years of depravity. Many observe toxic behaviors and their sexual fetishes should not be glorified. On top of it all we believe it is sin and the fruits and lesbians will go to hell if they do not repent. This is sufficient to oposee Disney's 2 second gay cameos.
"You care about Drag Shows but You Don't Care About Church Pederasts"
For beginners: I do not belong to the church of Marcial Maciel, Benedict XVI and McCarrick the creep. This individuals devastated many children with the hatred of a supernova. If they present me this argument in the comment section I will die of pure anger because I have nothing to do with the millionaires of "Christ" and the white collar pederasts.
But the principal problem with this complaint is simple: It is a distraction. One thing are the drag queen shows for children (funded by queer theorists - QUV) and another one is the creeps of your local baptist Church. None of this takes away the fact that this shows are inappropriate.
This point could be used to those who defend creepy ministers and oposee drag at the same time, but only as a criticism of their inconsistent hypocrisy and not as an argument in favor of any he-whore appearing in Blue's Clues.
On the other hand, defending queer theory is a way of defending all predators, not just those who hold hands with John Paul II.
And it is easy to clarify that this church is not a menace to the expansion of the groomer religion.
The lgbt activist James Martin is the leader of the communication department of the Vatican. He takes the acid pills of the rainbow propaganda.
Some murky drawings appear below. They belong to a sexual education program promoted by the Archdiocese of Vienna. If we click the link we can see stickmen drawings of people (presumably, minors) doing sexual stuff. Multiple examples of lewd shows have happened in the Vatican, including one where Benedict XVI invited some homoerotic artists; and one when some "Kitty Cats" made a sexy dance. The details are for another time.
This yankee fashions have received lots of indignation not only in the US but also in the whole world. I don't expect this shows to be massively successful in Latin america, especially among the poor. The problem is that multiple rich politicians and sodomites want this aberrant fashion in Mexico.
This is why we want the people to be aware of this situation so this things never popularize in the country. Let us pay special attention to schools, for they have a huge tendency to take the establishment seriously.
And if the progs start facilitating the industry of infantile drag shows in Mexico, it is the moment to protest to their face. ¡Let us stop all the species of child rapists and let them receive their worthy punishment.!
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