May the sadistic green handkerchief can not strangle babies
Tomorrow, the argentinian congress, looking for "genre equality," "liberty" and who knows how many anticatholic stuff more, will discern, as if it was discernable, the legalization of the choice of the mother upon the lifes of their living and conceived fetus.
This must be understanded at least for this time: All the events and discomforts that come from a pregnancy are not enough to break the law of God and to kill the most innocent creatures.
We hope that the guilty senators or congresists or wharever they are, repent for taking moral and the law of God like a buffete were you can serve yourself with wharaver you want, and vote a resounding NO and that all persecutions that come against them by the rabious fems serves them as penance.

The result of doing this: Eternal Hell

Believe me, there are worser images on internet!

Satan for its part is contented

We must pray to Our Lady of Luján
Tomorrow, the argentinian congress, looking for "genre equality," "liberty" and who knows how many anticatholic stuff more, will discern, as if it was discernable, the legalization of the choice of the mother upon the lifes of their living and conceived fetus.
This must be understanded at least for this time: All the events and discomforts that come from a pregnancy are not enough to break the law of God and to kill the most innocent creatures.
We hope that the guilty senators or congresists or wharever they are, repent for taking moral and the law of God like a buffete were you can serve yourself with wharaver you want, and vote a resounding NO and that all persecutions that come against them by the rabious fems serves them as penance.
The Novus ordo sect, meanwhile, is either gagged by the green handkerchif or receiving presents that will be asked for in the Judgment:
The abortonists are going wild and ready to repeat the storming of the bastille or the holocaust. One of them is enough to please satan.
"Fetus doom", the videogame when you can murder not only the fetus but also pro-life women, Catholic Priests (i suposse they are not novus ordos) and nazi policemen. ¿GTA V is not enough?
Translate: -What do we burn first if the 8 goes wrong? The congress with everybody there or the cathedral.- -We take the congress and we burn the cathedral- The third speaker says that she wants violence and destruction and that he HATES the old unescrupulous people of the senate"Hate speech" level: Femenist
The result of doing this: Eternal Hell
Believe me, there are worser images on internet!
Satan for its part is contented
This cartel promotes both the legalization of abortion and the apostasy from the Catholic Church. (Most of them are novus ordo). You can not have two lords...
And while abortionists claim (in some cases) that as they were raped they can murder, they do not cut the trauma by the root: See who is coming in masses to Europe and probably the rest of the world.
May the Virgin of Lujan help us. Adveniat Regnum Tuum.
Many images are lacking