Monday, 23 August 2021

St Alphonsus & Baptism of Desire



  1. In any case, there is the Book of Life in Apocalypse ("sealed with seven seals" but there are only two left to go I believe).

    1. Can you explain what you mean with two left to go? I do not understand what you mean.

    2. I believe the first five Seals (Apoc. Ch. 6) have been opened. The 5th Seal, in verses 9-11, gives no details as to what occasioned its opening; for that reason I believe it was opened upon the declaration of "pandemic" in March 2020. Since it is all faked, to refer to it in the Apoc. text would imply that a new plague actually exists; and that could be construed as an error. Also, verse 11 clearly indicates that lists are being made of those who do not go along with the program.

      When the 6th Seal is opened, it will be quite obvious, but it will also be understood to be the fulfillment of Garabandal's "Warning". But Garabandal is not of Heaven, so this would be "signs and wonders" which will be in support of the false popes. (It would seem that one will believe one and disbelieve the other, depending on one's love of the truth.)

      The first four Seals, the Four Horsemen, came long ago: White Horse in Dec. 8, 1941 represents the U.S. going to war; Red Horse represents the "great sword" being given to the USSR when they performed their first successful nuclear test in 1949; the Black Horse represents the Treaty of Rome, forerunner to the E.U. (1957), and the Pale Horse is the false church established with Vatican Council "2" on Dec. 8, 1965 when Montini (Paul 6) signed it into existence.

      Afterwards, the 7th Seal, when opened, will represent Garabandal's "Miracle" (another deception of the devil, not of Heaven). There is "silence in heaven" at that time (Apoc. 8: 1).

      At that point the world will be in the time described in Apoc. Chapter 13, and those who "adore the beast" (the reigning antipope) will not be found in the Book of Life (Apoc. 13: 8).

      At some point all this will be sorted and posted somewhere.
