This will be the sixth of a series of articles relating the dangers of the modern media for your Catholic Children. I hope this articles will help you to take care of the spiritual health of your children.
To state that the world is in a bad state of affairs is to state the obvious. Children are very easy to influence and a Catholic must take care of their souls. Remember and meditate on what Queen Blanche told to King St. Louis!
Most of my articles are related to media aimed at children usually 4-14 years old. However, today I am going to make an exception and talk about media aimed at older people, usually 14-19 years of age. The reason for this is that our modern society forces your children to think like teens when they are just entering prepubescent age.
Suicide is the most cruel action you can do to others who love you. However, it is at rise. Hordes of wipping snapping, crybaby, nihilist emotards spread their depressing, hopeless, wallowing mire of negative sayings, arguments like "its me life and I do what I want" and "but I am just going to merge with pachamommy or reincarnate as a butterfly" on social media. If you kill yourself you ar going to Hell unless a very 1% possible rare miracle happens, and you are going to viciously torture posthumously those who loved you. As weak or loser as you are, you are still capable of attaining many things, includng Heaven, and you are much much better than you feel you are.
In this post I am going to focus on three things that want your children to kill themselves: the Netflx show 13 Reasons Why and the mindless lockdowns being imposed in our society.
13 Reasons Why: Mortal Failure
13 Reasons Why is a 2017 show broadcasted in Netflix and it tells the story of a girl named Hannah Baker, who is bullied and decides to kill herself, and make 13 casettes directed at the people who wronged her, and the story of how Clay Jensen, one of the 1 kids, listened to the tapes.
I remember that when it came out everybody was fawning over it. When the show came out in 2017 the parents if my generation (2002) were mesmerized. They thought the show would allow them to understand modern adolescents and potentially help their teens if they encountered such a situation (mental health issues caused by bullying). All my friends (including myself) were heavily impressed, from bad taste jokes to obsessively describing the show to those who have not watched it. We were 13-15 years old young souls. The show catched so much attention that we even discussed it on ethics class. It was supposed to make us consider that bullying is wrong and it can really damage people. Yeah sure. The show has not stopped the vicious bullying that so many kids engage in, and instead has turned vulnerable boys and girls into suicidal, nihilistic drones. Bravo.
Instead of saying a message it is a morbid, psychopathic, uneccesary torment full of sexual degeneracy that will kill yous children's innocence and it will not help them to solve this social problems. It is not much different from Elite, a pornographic spanish teen drama focused on class struggle and crime. You learn more about suicide prevention from a slice of cheese pizza than from 13 Reasons Why.
There was an increase in suicide rates after the show came out, and many psychiatrists said that the show's description of suicide was unacurate and could push vulnerable people into killing themselves. What did the show did? A heart-felt apology and lots of penance? Producing a positive documentary of people who didn't kill themselves? A disc of cheerful, positive songs? No. They made another season, this time with an advertisement that said something like "if you having trouble, please visit 13 Reasons and seek help". Some people may have benefited from this website, but if you don't delete the first season, if you don't improve it, it's damage control.
Healthy people unlikely to relate to Hannah may be startled and think the show glorifies suicide; some stuff on the show, for example, the suffering of Hannah’s friends may make it look like the show suggests suicide is cruel. However, not everyone may look at the show like this; many (specially those depressed or miserable) may think Hannah got her revenge and she took the right choice. This happened to me and to this day I still experience suicidal thoughts. (I have never attempted it) The curious thing is that at the beginning i interpreted that the show opposed suicide.
Before her death, Hannah was ignored and only had one friend. After her death. she became the dark legend of the whole generation. Her suicide was trauma-based mind control on those who wronged her. Some of them were so affected by it that they attempted suicide, needed counselling, started taking heavier drugs, and melted down like an ice cube in Abu Dhabhi: Hannah's revenge had been acomplished.
¿Is this the message we want to give ignored introverts?
There is a story about a mother who left her child alone and after giving him too many instructions he ordered him not to put beans into his nose. He had never thought about doing such a stupidity; so when the mother left he ran to the kitchen and stuffed his nose with beans. Suicide is like the beans. 13 Reasons Why is like a mother. Many teens think what is presented in the show is “cool” and can be imitated. Many teens have not seen good enough examples and they will imitate what they see in tv. After all, the show is popular and many people liked it. The producers were told NOT TO present the suicide scene and they did not listen. This people do not care about you.
And in case this has not convinced you, I present you two experts:
Psychology Scholars Jeff Bridge and John Ackerman had this to say about the show 13 Reasons Why:
"Youth may be particularly susceptible to suicide contagion," said Jeff Bridge, first author of the study, director of the Center for Suicide Prevention and Research at Nationwide Children's and professor of pediatrics, psychiatry and behavioral health at The Ohio State University College of Medicine, in a statement.
Bridge explained that contagion can be "fostered by stories that sensationalize or promote simplistic explanations of suicidal behavior, glorify or romanticize the decedent, present suicide as a means of accomplishing a goal, or offer potential prescriptions of how-to die by suicide."
Ackerman, now a suicide prevention coordinator at the Center for Suicide Prevention and Research at Nationwide Children's Hospital, also criticized the show's portrayal of the common adolescent fantasy "you'll be sorry when I'm gone!" explaining that teens should not be led to believe that something shocking and permanent (trauma based mind control - QUV) is the only way to help others understand their pain.
"Portraying suicide as the inevitable outcome of Hannah's victimization was, at best, a missed opportunity and, at worst, dangerous to those vulnerable to suicide," Ackerman wrote.
Now, I repeat again, maybe the "13 Reasons" announcement helped some people. If it did, then good. But if the book and show are still lurking around, it is pure damage control.
Besides this, the show has the following beauties to help parents discuss with their pups the importance of fighting against cyberbullyng
Graphic sex
Rape scenes, because you need to see it to oposse it
Defends sodomy
“Anarkizm iz guud”
Scenes of onanism
Bullies sodomizing a teen with a stick
The same teen plans a school shooting
Depressing, bad pop music
Drugs and alcohol, shown as an escape or weakly criticized.
Scenes of a teen watching porn
Conflicted relationships everywhere
Naked people
It is easier to prevent suicide at large with two pepper grains and a thoothpick, than with 13 Reasons Why. Be careful with what you let your children watch, because even movies mostly unrelated with the topic may present an unhealthy suicide scene.
Lockdowns for the Cattle
This may not be related with children's media, but I think it is important to mention this.
There has been an increase on suicides after the powers that be decided that covid was too dangerous to let people live normal lives. Gee, who would have tought that people needed fresf air, socializing, entertainment, family contact, hope, order and the jobs in which they gain their daily bread. Its much better to stay at a corner, watching endless hours of tik toks and dancing nurses while blessing Dr. Fauchi and the CDC for their mercy at allowing you to be unmasked in your house, and for protecting you from a virus you are likely to survive. (specially if treated with Ivermectin).
If after reading this you advocate for lockdowns, if you panic every time somebody is not having their kids masked, if you think vaccine passports are a good idea, if you think that perhaps lockdowns are necesarry, or any of this nonsense from your propaganda tv shows after looking at all the damage lockdowns have caused, you are not compassionate, but a selfish, arrogant monster. And if you are a public person, you deserve the death penalty. I can understand if you are confused, ignorant, misinformed or just too weak to think outside of yourself and your grandmother. I can, but this lazyness and this conformity need to stop. You need to change yourself and then we will know you are truly compassionate.
Would you have a healthy, happy, full of life children to slash his wrists or starve himself to death because you got afraid of a virus? You are the kind of person who would throw stones at the jews in the Holocaust, viciously scourge your slaves and accuse your neighbors to the police to be starved to death at a gulag.
Years for children are longer than they actually are, and their immature, weak minds don't manage to see the light at the end of the tunnel. They are tired of endless zooms, endless mask wearing, and endless loneliness. The only friend they are allowed to contact is their I-Pad and he is not a very good friend. Some other children are suffering risk of starvation, poberty, low grades, physical and mental health problems, increased domestic abuse and the alcoholism of their parents. Compare all this, with the pain of lossing your granny. My grandpa died this year and there was nothing we could do to stop it. Sure, we miss him, but we are all just going to die and that's just too bad. But if he had killed himself, nothing on earth could gave us comfort. A covid death, if no negelect of treatment, is accidental.
Other Suicide Provoking Media:
It is true that suicide is the combination of various factors, but these things don't help anybody. They help you have an open attitude towards suicide and combined with sad life situations, make you more closed towards life.
Pro Euthanasia propaganda: websites, pamphlets or even books and movies, Mar Adentro and Whose Life is It Anyway are a good example, but also "Me Before You" and Amour.
Robin William's Classic "The Club of Dead Poets", were one of the kids kills himself because he is not able to follow his dream of being an actor.
The movie and book "The Road", in which a dad and son live in a distresing world of ashes. (would you believe me that we watched it at school?)
Rock and Metal bands. The bad guys, like Black Sabbath, Nirvana, Suicidal Tendencies, Pearl Jam, Blue Oyster Cult, but also "good guys" like The Police (Can't stand loosing you) Elthon John (I think I will kill myself) and Pink Floyd (Waiting for the Worms). I once read somewhere that listening too much to sad music like Adelle, doesn't help a lot.
Philosophies like existentialism and nihilism.
Kubler Ross Tapes and Death Education. Kubler Ross was a woman who studied dying people and became obsessed with making death look "cool" and "beautiful".
Belief in Reincarnation. Why wouldn't you kill yourself if you think you will reincarnate in a butterfly?
Wasting your time in social media. There are studies that show an increased use of social media makes you more likely to have anxiety, depression and mental health issues. There has been an increase in suicide rates after social media.
Sexual degeneracy
Reading too much depressing stuff
Useful Links
Suicide Prevention
Daily Catholic (Lots of Devotions and Prayers)
Meditations on the Passion of Christ
13 Reasons Why is sill streaming on Netflix, is still popular, and many parents, particularly those who didn't lose their children to the show (among other things), may think that the show will help them to understand this topics. But the truth is that if you really want to discuss this things, you can only talk with a doctor, a person with experience like a psychiatrist or a teacher or a wise Catholic. Not with a Selena Gomez produced show immoral enough to be an X-rated film, less informatic than CNN and as depressing as a plague of emos in a cold January morning just as the city is about to be nuked.
Your children - and you - deserve better than that. 13 Reasons Why could have been a strong voice against bullying, and motivate mentaly and emotionally unhealthy teens to seek help either from friends, their parents, or counselors. Instead it inspired thousands of useless memes, meaningless class discussions and heart-wrenching deaths.
I publish the following prayers for those who need hope.
Remember, O most gracious Virgin Mary, that never was it known, that anyone who fled to thy protection, implored thy help or sought thy intercession, was left unaided. Inspired by this confidence, I fly unto thee, O Virgin of virgins my Mother. To Thee do I come, before Thee I stand, sinful and sorrowful. O Mother of the Word Incarnate, despise not my petitions, but in thy mercy, hear and answer me. Amen.
Act of Hope
O my God, relying on Thy almighty power and infinite mercy and promises, I hope to obtain the pardon of my sins, the help of Thy grace, and life everlasting, through the merits of Jesus Christ, Our Lord and Redeemer.
Prayer of St. Alphonsus
Most Holy and Immaculate Virgin and my Mother, Mary, to thee, who art the Mother of my Lord, the Queen of the world, the Advocate, the Hope, and the Refuge of sinners, I have recourse today, I who am the most miserable of all. I render thee my most humble homage, O Great Queen, and I thank thee for all the graces thou hast obtained for me until now, and in particular for having saved me from Hell which I have so often deserved. I love thee, O most Amiable Lady; and, for the love which I bear thee, I promise to serve thee always and to do all in my power to make others also love thee. I place in thee all my hopes and I confide my salvation to thy care. Accept me for thy servant and receive me under thy mantle, O Mother of Mercy. And, since thou art so powerful with God, deliver me from all temptations, or, rather, obtain for me the strength to triumph over them until death. Of thee, I ask a perfect love for Jesus Christ; through thee I hope to die a good death. O my Mother, by the love which thou bearest to God, I beseech thee to help me at all times but especially at the last moment of my life. Leave me not, I beseech thee, until thou seest me safe in Heaven, blessing thee and singing thy mercies for all eternity. Amen; so I hope; so may it be.
St Joseph's Memorare
Remember, O most pure spouse of the Virgin Mary, St. Joseph, that never it hath been heard that anyone invoked thy patronage and sought thine aid without being comforted. Inspired by this confidence I come to thee and fervently commend myself to thee. Despise not my petition, dear foster father of our Redeemer, but accept it graciously. Amen.
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