This will be the fifth of a series of articles relating the dangers of the modern media for your Catholic Children. I hope this articles will help you to take care of the spiritual health of your children.
To state that the world is in a bad state of affairs is to state the obvious. Children are very easy to influence and a Catholic must take care of their souls. Remember and meditate on what Queen Blanche told to King St. Louis!
Environmentalism is perfectly fine: there is indeed a need to take care of the planet, reduce our rubbish production, recycling, taking care of the biomes and avoiding water pollution.
However, there is on point in which environmentalism becomes toxic: it is when it becomes the whole focus of our life, or when we throw morality under the bus because of the planet, for example, when we promote mass genocide to help the animals or vicious disobedience and contempt towards your parents. Sometimes it can even be used to promote communism and a New World Order, as well as paganism and Pachamommy worship.
In my opinion, the worst
kind of environmentalism is PETA style animal-rights fighters, who would persecute, demonize and even try to kill those who believe eating,
experimenting, skinning and farming for human benefit is not a mortal sin. (Update: There was a mistake in this paragraph, but I have changed it)
It’s true that humans and
animals share many characteristics, including DNA, but it is also true that the
animal-rights movements is entirely based on feelings, not facts. They believe
that humans are animals because of evolution, and that this therefore means
that we have no God given right to benefit from animal death or pain.
However, when you consider how animals treat other animals, the whole PETA falls down on it’s knees. Cheetahs strangle to death the gazelle they will eat – usually baby gazelles. The parasitic wasp paralyses tarantulas and makes it’s babies eat the spider. Hyenas, wolves, jackals and wild dogs hunt grazers and tear their flesh away. Ants have been observed to farm caterpillars and aphids. Cats play with their preys. Anacondas swallow and strangle to death their prey. Chimpanzees have been observed to kill other monkeys. Yet, if I want to dine beef or salmon I deserve to be impaled and brutally maimed. Which kind of pot-smoking, unrestrained, imagine all the people, effeminate wipper snapper dreaming loser can believe such nonsense it's beyond me.
It’s fine if you seek to
alleviate the pains of animals. But every species look up for their own, and
your desire to help animals should not surpass your desire to help other
living, thinking, human beings.
Bambi-Style Ecological
Trauma Based Mind Control
Books and movies for
children about animals are everywhere. Some of them show toxic
environmentalism, some of them don’t. The more toxic are the ones who show
animal vs human antagonism, the not toxic at all are those in which all the
characters are animals, who have no contact with or act like humans, as well as pets like dogs or cats. I grew up playing
the Open Season videogame and we loved watching these films, and I loved Black
Beauty. However, I was well taught on the right to eat animals; and considered
these movies as mere fiction. Yogi the Bear and Scooby Doo are not equal to
real animals.
Your kids may not share the
same luck. A very sensitive child can be trauma-based mind controlled into animal’s
right activism with Bambi. I want to share my analysis of some movies
and books with animals and assess how toxic their environmentalism is (if any).
The Tale of Ferdinand (movie and book)
Ferdinand tells the story
of a bull who is raised for bullfighting, yet he is peaceful and loves flowers.
The movie tells the same story but with a twist: Ferdinand escapes his farm and
goes to live with a flower seller as a pet. Stung by a bee, he ruins a flower
competition and is taken back to his farm, when he wins the respect of the
other animals and saves his rival bulls (who think he is weak) from being
It seems that bullfighting may be moral in some situations and it's not intrinsically evil. You need to shorten the pain of the bull (I am thinking on analgesics) and make it safe for the bullfighter. I think you can criticise bullfighting and that is not PETA style animal rights activism.
But this movie also opposes bulls in your meal, and that is toxic. Families live by slaughtering bulls and making burgers, so opposing this via a movie when talking bulls don't want to be eaten it's not appropriate.
Toxic Level 10 (5 for the book)
Manny the mammoth, Syd the
sloth and Diego the saber-toothed cat form an unlikely friendship as they try to
retrieve a lost baby to his family.
Although Manny's family was killed by men, he stills returns a baby back with his family. This means that either Manny understands life is tough and humans need to feed and this movie has no moral on the topic, or the film teaches that mammoths are better than humans.
Toxic Level 7
Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom:
Nothing is more toxic than thinking on preserving the lives of huge, dangerous, pre historical dragons, say that they are a punishment for our lack of care for the environment, (and that God is out of the equation), and let them roam freely on earth where they will destroy cities, eat humans and (yes) compete with other nicer, smaller, cuter animal species, because "they ur alive like ME". I think we could use the dinosaurs as food, but if they die off then that's just too bad.
Toxic Level 10
RJ the racoon needs to
collect human food for a Hbear who will kill him if he fails to do so. He finds
a mismatched community of forest animals who just discovered their forest was
surrounded by suburbs during their hibernating, and teaches them to steal items
from humans to survive.
The curious thing about
Over the Hedge is that animals benefit from humans. Foxes, raccoons, skunks and
even polar bears are seen in urban zones and feed from human rubbish. You may
criticize their lack of respect for the property of others though.
Perhaps Over the Hedge's most virulent form of toxic environmentalism is the laser plague control trap, but then movie says it' illegal "except in Texas". Overall it is yet another Dreamwork's nihilist comedy.
Toxic Level 7
Yet another be yourself
story about a penguin who can’t sing unlike his peers, yet he knows how to tap
dance. Later, the movie evolves into a ecological drama as Mumble travels all
the way to Florida to tell humans they are fishing way too much fish, and
throwing way to much rubbish into the sea.
Happy Feet moans about our trash invading the oceans and that's fine, as well as over fishing, which is a problem (alas, not as serious as contraceptive pollution perhaps). Yet, it’s subversive be yourself message, as well as excessive usage of pop musick, gives it no brownie points.
Toxic Level 6
Yet another be yourself
movie about a bee who wishes to think outside the hive, go out with a lady,
promote critical bee theory, and defend oppressed bees.
Bee Movie moans about bee keeping and that's toxic. I don't think the smoke you use to calm them is as toxic as the movie shows. However, moaning about the extinction of bees is not toxic since they are important pollinators and help plants. Barry eventually learns that flowers need bees and that producing honey from pollen is good. But it seems he never rejects his position against bee keeping, or his woke way of defending bees (eg; he said Sting’s artistic name was offensive to bees). I think maybe beekeepers should let their bees pollinate in the wild, but the movie criticizes bee keeping per se and not for accidental damages to the environment.
Toxic Level 8.5
Wall-e criticizes trash excess and that's fine. It could moan about global warming or human consumption of animals, but it does not do that, focusing instead on a real problem. It does criticize consumerism which will trigger your libertarian friends but obesity is wrong, laziness is a sin, and we should not be so materialistic. What annoys me is that robots are more sentinent and smarter than humans. Aren't robots more stupid than men? Aren't they potentially dangerous for the planet? They don't even have feelings. Please.
Toxic Level 5
When you consider rats cause bubonic plague and other diseases, and that they can eat people alive, Rattatouile's scene where Django tells Remi he should not cook because humans kill rats can be considered toxic environmentalism. However, this movie does not have a humans vs animals’ antagonism, after all, Remi likes humans, he even says rats are stealing food, makes them to bath in the dishwasher and tries them to improve their habits.
Toxic Level 6
I think the Lorax's main problem is that it exaggerates environmental problems. We don't pollute the earth to the degree shown in the movie. All the Truffula tres are cut down, when in real life, they would have been mass planted, or at least there would be regulations to it's use. The thneed is a pathetic invention, unlike roads, cars, trains, planes, cities and other good things that do damage the planet. The movie has an evil rich corporativist selling air in bottles but no human would survive like this. So it does not tell the whole story of environmentalism.
The good thing is that Ted doesn't really rebel against his mom. The bad thing is the Lorax makes a big drama for ONE three being cutted down, which is toxic because the Lorax reacts as if he just killed the last dodo. At least he doesn't moan about global warming.
Toxic Level 8
Kenai is turned into a bear after killing a bear. Before we get deeper into the movie's message, I want to analyse whether Kenai should have killed that bear or not.
The bear had stolen some salmon Kenai and his brothers had caught, leading to them chasing it and engaging in a violent fight at the top of a glacier.. To protect his brothers, Sitka, one of Kenai's brother, sacrifices himself, falling from the glacier with the bear, who survives. Kenai then wishes to avenge his brother and kills the bear.
While the bear was not the direct cause of Sitka's death, I don't see what was wrong with Kenai wishing to kill the bear. It may have been immature, imprudent, reckless, and unnecesary, but the movie treats it like if it were an outright murder. And that's toxic. The bear later happens to be the mother of the little cub Kenai befriends.
Besides, you have the pagan element. I ignore how much of the movie's mythology is actually inspired on the beliefs of Alaskan native americans, but you have this "great spirits" changing stuff (seasons, time), and these "totems" that will give you guidance. It doesn't seem to be pantheistic, but the Shaman Tanana tells that Kenai's totem, the "Bear of Love", is a "love that unites all living things". This frase is open to a pantheistic interpretation, being that the movie teaches that you should not kill a bear unless he is attacking you.
Toxic Level 10
Chicken run tells the escape story of a group of chickens from their farm. Nothing wrong with eating chickens or eating their eggs. Otherwise PETA would have to punish this fox:
Bambi's mother being killed by men it's probably a good example of environmentalist’s trauma-based mind control. The mother is shot, and Bambi can't find her. "Mommy? Mommy? Where are you?". Considering that veal may be the food these men give to their families, it may be considered toxic. But if these men were merely having fun, or hunting outside of open season without need, then it’s not toxic, or not as toxic.
Toxic Level 9
The fake-version-of-a-real-indian Pocahontas sings the following song: "Colours of the Wind", in which she teaches englishman John Smith - and your children - pagan pantheism, and indeed, toxic environmentalism.
You think you own whatever land you land on
The earth is just a dead thing you can claim
But I know every rock and tree and creature
Has a life, has a spirit, has a name
You think the only people who are people
Are the people who look and think like you (i don't disagree with this line, BTW)
But if you walk the footsteps of a stranger
You'll learn things you never knew, you never knew (toxic environmentalism?)
Have you ever heard the wolf cry to the blue corn moon
Or asked the grinning bobcat why he grinned? (if I were a rabbit, and did that, I wouldn't be here)
Can you sing with all the voices of the mountain?
Can you paint with all the colors of the wind?
Can you paint with all the colors of the wind?
Come run the hidden pine trails of the forest
Come taste the sun-sweet berries of the earth
Come roll in all the riches all around you
And for once, never wonder what they're worth
The rainstorm and the river are my brothers
The heron and the otter are my friends
And we are all connected to each other
In a circle, in a hoop that never ends
Have you ever heard the wolf cry to the blue corn moon
Or let the eagle tell you where he's been
Can you sing with all the voices of the mountain?
Can you paint with all the colors of the wind
Can you paint with all the colors of the wind
How high does the sycamore grow?
If you cut it down, then you'll never know
And you'll never hear the wolf cry to the blue corn moon
For whether we are white or copper-skinned
We need to sing with all the voices of the mountain
Need to paint with all the colors of the wind
You can own the earth and still
All you'll own is earth until
You can paint with all the colors of the wind
Maybe I can't paint with all the colors of the wind, but I can cancel this song for (pagan) toxic environmentalism.
Toxic Level 10
For this floppy-plotted, scientifically inaccurate film, it does have lots of toxic environmentalism, particularly promoting children rebelling against their parents, criticizing cock eating, the global warming and sanctimoniously having animals moaning about how bad ppl are.
Toxic Level 10
A bunch of woodland animals make the life of a man who plans to build houses in their forest impossible. His son learns to show more tenderness to the eart via his girlfriend, who tries to save the woodland animals. I do think that there is something we should do for the decrease of biomes: because this animals are creatures of God and may bring benefits for us. Just think about all the good things we get from the forest. Watching a raccoon trolling a man who wishes to maintain his family may be toxic, overall is a dumb comedy, but that does not mean it's message is innocent.
Toxic Level 7
Dr Doolittle (1967)
I won't analyse the Dr. Doolittle movie with Eddie Murphy; because of it's rough, adult-oriented humour. The sequel for this movie tough has toxic environmentalism since animals rebel against humans.
The 1967's musical has some degree of toxic environmentalism, since Dr Doolittle is vegetarian. He sings:
"I do not understand the human race / Has so little love for creatures with a different face / Treating animals like people is no madness or disgrace"
Overall is just another 60's musical leftie dumb comedy.
Toxic level 8.5
Madagascar 1 and 3 have no toxic environmentalism whatsoever. Madagascar 2 has some lost New Yorkians building a damm that takes away water from the animals. It's fine to be aware of this potential problem, but no lost New Yorkian would be able to build such a damm in African territory without the government aproving it first. Just saying. Overall Madagascar is yet another Dreamworks nihilist comedy, and it's environmentalism is not as toxic as it's vulagrity.
Toxic Level 6
The Animals of Farthing Wood. (Tv show)
After Farthing Wood is
being urbanized, it’s animals form a covenant between species as they travel
towards a natural reservoir.
Famous for it's violence,
The first season of Animals of Farthing Wood is ecological trauma-based mind
control. The other seasons focus on animal vs animal violence. Since species
have sworn not to damage each other, we can assume that the series teaches that
animals are more peaceful and nicer than humans, which the following pictures of shrikes prove are false.
(This pic is from the show)
Toxic Level 9.5
Black Beauty
The auto biography of a
black horse and his multiple owners. Every chapter is a lesson on what the author thinks
is wrong in the ways horses were treated on England. It criticizes
drunk-riding, hunting (not on therms of animal cruelty towards foxes but in therms of the accidents that hurted men and horses), animal exploitation, badly riding and cruelly training horses.
The good thing about this book is that it criticizes unnecessary animal - and human - suffering, while it doesn't really criticize the use of horses for the benefit of the human race. There are chapters in which Black Beauty helps humans.
Other people have observed that the book is very sad and even depressing, and that perhaps Ana Sewell would have been more succesfull if she tried to add some hope. Otherwise, a young, sensitive child would be trauma-based mind controlled into PETA style animal rights activism by thinking that horses suffer too much at the hands of humankind. After all, Black Beauty is on PETA's books for children list.
Toxic Level 5
Moana's environmentalism is subliminal: Moana and Maui must return Te Fiti her heart, or else, life will go extinct. Moana's tribe has already noticed the extinction of fish. Te Fiti looks like pachamommy. See:
There is a scene in which Moana defends a very dumb cock from being cooked by her peers. She says that "Well, some of our strenghts lie beneath the surface, while others... far beneath... But I am pretty sure there's a lot more to Hei Hei than meets the eye." later, the cock saves the stone. This could be interpreted as a condemnation of cock eating.
Toxic Level 9
Miss Frisby and the Rats of NIMH (movie and novel)
This movie is has super smart genetically modified rats who have been experimented on, and they help a mouse to move her house (about to be destroyed) with her child sick with pneumonia.
As long as the research is useful for us, I agree with experimenting on animals. For the animals’ rights activists, suffering it's the greatest evil, yet alleviating the suffering of say, handicapped people, is somehow unjustified because we are animals? Perhaps you should tell the cat who appears on the movie how bad he is. Nevermind, in the movie Nicodemus the rat says that the animals suffered "to satisfy some scientific curiosity", implying the experiments were useless.
Mrs. Frisby has to move her house from a field since plowing time is coming, this may cause compassion in some children for the animals who build their houses in fields, but then I think this is undue since the tractors are too noisy, and the animals would run from it.
Toxic Level 7
Charlotte's Web (book and movie)
Wilbur is a pig who
befriends a spider named Charlotte, and how she saved him from slaughter.
Although Charlotte's Web is a wonderful book about self-sacrifice, it's treatment of human consumption of pigs is way too effeminate. If a pig ates a human they couldn't care less, yet we are supposed to pity Wilbur. So maybe look for another story about self sacrifice, or teach your children to love bacon.
Toxic Level 8
This film tells the story of a Green Turtle named Sammy and his travels around the world. The movie criticizes rubbish, oil spilling and over-fishing, which is not toxic, but it does mildly criticize turtle soap eating which is toxic. It also glorifies de Hippy life style since a Hippy woman takes care of Sammy twice, and carves the hippy love sign on Sammy's shell. Seems that it has some songs by the Beatles. This has nothing to do with toxic environmentalism, but you get the idea.
Toxic Level 7
Open Season is toxic, in the sense in which the animal vs human narrative is very strong. You may disagree with entertainment hunting, though.
Toxic Level 7
The Wild is not against humanity, since the animals at the zoo are happy and they have no problems with men.
Non Toxic
This pagan, bizarre day of the dead story has a scene against bullfighting. Manuel must fight against all the bulls his family has killed in order to came back from the dead and save his town. Instead of fighting, he sings a song of admiration for the strength of the animal, and how bad he feels at their demise. Again, you can criticize bullfighting, if you like, just don’t be so sentimental
Toxic Level 4
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