Sunday, 14 November 2021



There is an anime show called Sword Art Online, in which a virtual reality videogame traps it's players, who need to complete all 100 leves before being allowed to come back home. The twist is that if you die on the videogame, you die on real life. 

Doesn't sound similar to the metaverse, eh? Technology can be dangerous, and while using the Metaverse may not lead to death, it may have unintended consequences. 

One of the bosses (enemies) was a blue demon. This hideous creature is a perfect analogy to the Facebook industry. 

Also, at the end of the show the protagonist is severly weakened after years of playing the game. He was somehow able to survive, should we say. Why shouldn't the Metaverse be so addictive, that people lose their consciousness and eventually die of inanition? 

You never know the dangers that virtual reality can have. We always need to take care of technology. Novelty and science are dangerous things. 

For example, think about the vax. Since the m-RNA shot uses new technology, reasonable people decide not to get the jab. Yet everybody wants you to take the vax, even to the point of depriving you of rights and opportunities. Why? 

Think about social media. People get anonymous accounts and use them to groom children. Everybody knows that, it is not a surprise. Yet how many stupid parents let their kids have Facebook or Instagram, where they took sexualy provocative pictures of themselves and expose themselves to bad anonymous. 

 What is the purpose of science fiction, but to warn us about the dangers of novelty and technology? Terminator warns against killer robots. Sword Art Online against virtual reality. Yet, how many of the fans of this show will suscribe to the Metaverse? 

There is also a movie by Steven Spielberg, based on a novel called Ready Player One. It tells the story of a dystopian world in which the only cool thing you can do is playing a videogame called Oasis. Escapism, anyone? 

Remember Aldous Huxley's Brave New World? It is essentialy a dystopia, but people love their servitude, because they give them drugs to keep them happy. How is the Metaverse anything different? Pot Heads will plug in into the Metaverse while high and they forget they are slaves of Anti-Christ. Isn't that sad?  

 Videogames like Roblox allow you to play in an online world, but at least you are aware of your surroundings, unlike the Metaverse. However, that videogames absorb the souls and attention of our people is undeniable. Videogames are used as escapism by some people. And there is this cave at the end of the road when you need to escape your escapism because it has turned against you and made you a slave. 

So my recommendation is to stop funding this Facebook troglodytes. You put yourself at risk. The same goes for Instagram, full of provocative women and stupidty. If you are reading this and are not even a conservative, please consider my words and act prudently with the Metaverse.  

1 comment:

  1. I really can't say much on this. As might be apparent, I am old school to a tee. I am completely old tech. No savvy on the latest.

    But I do know that, the newer things are, the worse the content is. So there is no use sorting this or that. It's all bad by default. I'm not saying the old is good by default, but it won't brainwash your children by design.

    It is worse with bad ideology than bad morals. The former undermines the parent from the foundation. It's not splitting hairs.
