As a student I had many gratefull experiences, but I also experienced very cringeworthy moments in which teachers thaught us plain stupidity, blatant or hidden propaganda and pure depravity. Since I have being greatly disturbed by such events, I tought it could be a good idea to narrate them in here to make you think about the future of your children. I will also show some examples of what I would answer now to those things we saw.
ls teachers had told me when I went to school. Please keep in mind that I live in Mexico, which is more restrained than the US and Europe.
The first school I attended too was a Montessori School. It was overall a very nice experience, but just because it is "nice" doesn't mean what they teach you there is good. I won't therefore tell the nice stories, but the horror stories. See with your eyes:
1) We were taught by a teacher thatt Joan of Arc was crazy and muslims were mostly peaceful.
2) We celebrated the UN feast "Day of Peace", under the pleasant songs of Simon & Garfunkel and John Lennon.
3) Every first week of Advent we would visit a forest, grab a small pine branch and put it on an Advent Wreath wire structure. When we placed the small pine branch, we used to say a petition, like "That the wars in the world would end" or a thanksgiving, like "I am thankful that this year I spent Holidays with my family".
4) A novus ordo mass was celebrated in the school installations.
5) We celebrated the UN feast "Nutrition Day", and a biology teacher played a seashell while the children saluted "Father Sun" and "Water".
6) Every year's "Pastorella" (a traditional Mexican representation of the Shepherds visiting the Baby Christ), tended to be an irrevrent comedy, a frivoulous representation with cell-phones or similar nonsense.
7) When we were taught sex ed we were 10 years old. Every single child in the generation immediately started to practive dirty thinking and double-entendre jokes. Every. Single. One. Yet tazos (a mexican toy) and military print where outlawed.
8) During a special classes with the director, we were made to meditate new-age style.
9) UN good. There was an optional activity in which you could join MUNN, and represent a countrie's struggles in a mock UN. You could even go to New York.
10) Every year we would make a visit to the local Comercial Mexicana, a brand of supermarkets. The purpose of it was to see what we could buy with the minimum wage, but there are two problems:
A) The excercise was supposed to be virtue signaling and to teach us the importance of raising the minimum wage. It's fine for big corporations to raise it, but if the government forces poor employers to pay a huge minimum wage the result is unemployment, for they can't pay all their employers such money.
B) If you get paid the minimum wage in Mexico, you don't buy at the Comercial Mexicana far away from the poorest towns in the city, found at one of the places with bigger standards of living. You buy at your local market, where everything is cheaper and closer. In fact, many of the poorest zones aren't even in the city. They are RURAL areas. I mean, the Comercial in question had a STARBUCKS just beneath it. So much for the working class
(UPDATE: I took off the google maps pictures because apparently I did infringe copyright.)
12: I wasn't really shocked to discover that Maria Montessori was a theosophist. This is not a critique of this education system as a whole but only those things that are stained with her theosophical beliefs. I believe all Montessori schools interpret this in different ways.
For example, it is true that children have a natural inclination to learn, but it is also true that they won't necesarily learn by themselves.
Case in point: I never learned the times tables until I entered a traditional school. In fact I believe the way Montessori teaches mathemathics to be quite lacking, at least in my experience. Learning is in the will, that's why all education systems are imperfect.
In therms of morals, this is a more serious problem. Case in point, even though the school was full of talks about peace, respect of nature and tolerance, most children viciously and unnecesarily squashed, cut with scissors, and killed the non poisonous caterpillars that inhabited the premises. (I suppose it was their "innate curiosity")
The school boasted that there was no bullying, yet I, my sister and other students were bullied. Yes it is true that being a small school, the environment was much more peaceful than the majority of schools, but human nature creeped in anyway. I used to be a very hard working student, until the last year, when I spent 85% of my time doing nothing except drawing, reading fiction and rotating around the installations.
Later I entered your classical lay-secular school.
1) You can not tell a whore or and addict how to behave. That is evil.
It is only my opinion, but it is evil.
2) Homosexuals have more compassion towards the opposite sex.
Says who?. If sodomy makes you more likely to support abortion, the destruction of sex roles and third wave feminism, I don't care about their "compashyun".
Someone may make the point that sodomites are effeminate and thus empathize better with women. I also bet geeks and soymen empathize with children, masonic jews with puppetmasters and novus ordo priests with Judas Iscariot. Yay, Fantastic.
BTW, I don´t see a lot of homosexuals worried about muslim women. They are more concerned about misgendering trans people, which they willy-nilly place in our bathrooms.
3) Penance and mortification are *not* part of the message of Christ.
Really? "No, I say to you; but except you do penance, you shall all likewise perish" (Luke 13:3). Which novus ordo priest thaught you that?
4) Chauvinism is bad for women.
Notice it is chauvinism, not misogyny. It thought chevaliers respected woman, i mean, no reggaeton, no "girls just wanna have fun".
5) Politicians who do not believe in global warming are "backwards minded" oldtards with no future and poor young people have to suffer them.
I agree that if global warming is real, we should know how to face it, but, hey! we can´t force our fears & beliefs on people.
6) Imigration is Good.
We were taught that migration was something to be promoted. I can understand if you want to enter the US or Europe, even if you enter ilegally, because of poverty, but hey, there is a limit as to which migrants are accepted and which are not.
One teacher said that Italians should allow immigrants on their country because they are not having children. He also believed in overpopulation.
Aah, but when the "migrant caravan" was making it's way through Mexico, various students oppsed it contemptuously. A teacher told us that "just because they have a need is not our obligation to make sure they satisfy it". Talk about xenophobia!
7) Turtles get stuff inside their noses.
Yes, we saw a video of a turtle with the straw deep into the nose. Who knows how it got into there, but i honestly think it is very difficult for a plastic straw to end in a turtle´s nose. We also saw the birds stuffed with plastic capes, because apparently birds eat plastic. But i don´t mention this because it is indoctrination, i mention this because i believe it to be against reason.
8) The oedipus complex is true!!
Children should not be taught about the oedipus complex. In fact, Freud should have been arrested (and burned at the stake) for depravity. Even freudians themselves tell you that psychoanalysis is not for everybody.
9) As humans we must avoid taking parties and separating from those who are different. But it is a natural response.
And as it is a natural response, it comes from the desire of protecting ourselves. If someone is a potential risk to our souls or bodies, we should try to distance ourselves as far as it is permitted.
10) Humans have been intrinsically evil and selfish with nature.
Just as a lion is with cebras. Humans are evil, but let us understand that no environmental damage is to be ascribed to pure malice.
11) Girlfriends DO NOT have an obligation to save their boyfriends if they feel depressed. That is an hetero patriarchal myth that opresses women.
Sometimes they just can´t do it, but if you really love your boyfriend, you will try to help him as much as you can, don´t you?
12) The left is the political party that protects the poor, the right is the political party that protects the rich and the Church.
No. Just because you are conservative it means that the poor must be left alone. Read Rerum Novarum and think that not only the government can take care of the poor. In fact, even libertarians care about the poor; is just that they want the poor to get off poverty by themselves or private charity, not welfare.
As the children know that the poor must receive care, their hearts start feeling contempt towards the Church and even the rich they want to be. Nowadays, the "right wing" republikan party promotes sodomite marriage, and yet some white poor people prefer them because they lower taxes. Besides, saying "left and right" is pretty ambiguous, since both sides have millions of different ideologies inside of them.
13) It was the Catholic Church that invented that preservatives don´t work.
How about evangelists, mormons, mennonites and muslims? They all object to preservatives and could invent, or wishfully think, that this stuff does not work as well as abstinence?
14) Pope Francis is the best Pope ever.
What makes a Pope good? Good for the Church or "good" for the world? Besides, how can you be the best pope if you are not even Catholic, let alone pope? Frankie is looked up by many liberal humanists because he is one of them.
15) What is capitalism? Capitalism is some rich people oppressing many beggars, peasants and workers.
I always asked myself why every time someone asks what is capitalism, the response they get is something like this: a drawing of a big fat business man opressing a starving man, ussualy an African. They don't tell you the ideas behind free-market economy, or what is a libertarian. They don't even tell you who was Keynes or how banks work. I mean. You can always explain Free Market without supporting it.
The teacher in question showed us a commie diagram in which the Church "told the people to be submissive to the oppresive system". She didn't openly supported it, but she didn't offer the alternative version.
16) All the history if mankind is a constant path to further ilumination: from the ignorant Middle Ages to the "enlightened" contemporary age.
Curiously, this theory was not taught only once but through the whole year 9 history course. We spent months doing a project on 5 revolutions, but learnt almost nothing about the history of heresies, ideas and philosophies, the construction of Europe, medieval age and modern age.
Typical anti catholic propaganda was instilled. For example, the history teacher said that Luther rebelled only because of corruption in Indulgence-giving, but the truth is that he also rebelled agains the Doctrine of the Church about Bible Interpretation, Justification, the Mass and more topics.
We were also taught that the Church told people that they would enter Heaven only for donating money and gaining indugences. The truth is that while Indulgences help you to spend less time in Purgatory, the Church has never taught that you will necesarily go to Heaven if you do so.
17) We were told that toddlers masturbate, by a teacher that mocked us for laughing during sex ed. We were described one ocassion in which such individual went to buy prophylactics. Another teacher described sadomasochism even thoug no one asked her.
18) Their best attack against onanism and porn? "It's not good enough" "It's boring"
19) We were shown a movie called "The Road", in which a man and his son live in a depressing world full of ashes and fires. All animals were dead. He teaches his son to kill himself, and he discusses with his wife commiting suicide "like the other families". There is a grotesque scene were humans were imprisoned by cannibals. I was allowed by the teacher to leave the room, yet, what would have happened if I were to shy to leave? Wink wink.
20) We also saw "The Woman in Black", a horror film in which a ghost hypnotizes children and makes them to kill themselves. Gee, there was even a scene of automatic writing. Not good to show suicide scenes, as I have discussed before.
21) One art teacher taught that art was going to evolve humanity further, that it was superior than science and Faith. But if ou think a woman cleaning floors with the water used to clean cadavers of crime victims and a man inserting an ear on his arm are art, I seriously question your definition of superiority.
22) Shown videos promoting toxic environmentalism.
23) We were made to read wonderful books in literature, just the kind of quasi pornographic stuff you like your children to read. We were about 15 when it started. See:
YERMA is a play written by Frederico Garcia Lorca, a sodomite commie who got killed at the beginning of the Spanish Civil War. The play is about a woman who is desperate to have children, yet the excess of double-entendre verses found in the play suggests that what she wanted was sexual satisfaction. She goes to ask a Saint for fertility, and the prayer implies that the Saint will reproduce with her. The story is feministic: a women suffers an obsession because society wants womyn to marry and have children, yet they won't let her have satisfaction - her husband is unfertile and she can't cheat on him.
COMO AGUA PARA CHOCOLATE by Laura Esquivel is yet another be yourself book about a girl who isn't allowed to marry by her mother "bc is the tradition that the younger child will take care if me", so her boyfriend marries her sister instead "so i could be with U". You can already bet that the book is about adultery.
The girl later learns from a doctor that people need to keep themselves alive with pleasure, otherwise they will become dull, mentally ill, and depressed. And if one day they have lots of pleasure, they will encounter their divine origins, merge with the universe. (Which kind of gnosticism is that?) The be yourself message taken to another level. Of course it had lots of sexual details.
LOS PAZOS DE ULLOA is a soap-opera novel about a Priest who goes to work with a landlord. The landlord has an illicit relationship with the kitchen maid, so the very smart Priest recommends him to marry his cousin, a devout but weak, unhealthy woman who would be better suited for the single vocation. Surprise surprise, the woman suffers infertility after having a female dauhgter, and the landlord starts again his relationship with the kitchen maid. Wooooohoo!
The writer wrote a sequel for this novel, and can you guess what is the main topic? INCEST. Incest, which is mostly non consensual, between half siblings.
SAB is a novel about a cuban slave, who wishes to marry his friend, a white woman. She happens to be in love with a greedy american, and they are about to marry. In the last chapter, the slave writes a letter in which he says that he wants to kill white people, he blasphemes the obedience due to the Church while attempting to defend the needs of slaves, and you know what else? He says that women suffer more than slaves. Slaves, who work under the eyes of the bullwhip under the sun. Slaves, who have no freedom, and are treated by most of their owners like bad rabid dogs. Slaves. The woman he loved wasn't even obligued to take care of the kitchen since she had money. Please.
La Barraca was a nihilist book with a blasphemy against Divine Providence. It is also a very badly plotted book, by the way.
24) The school parades itself as "Inclusive British Education". It's so inclusive, that they couldn't even fire students who were bullies or could do better in other environments (per request of the mexican SEP (Public School) System).
It's so inclusive that, girls are allowed to squawk pornographic reggaeton songs.
However, when I requested to be spared of reading obscene literature, they merely accepted me to read another obscene book. I don't want to be mean, because apparently they had some issues which made them very difficult for them to make it optional. and perhaps they couldn't think anything better. After all, I neglected to tell them that those literature books caused mild depression, and suicidal thoughts. If I had told them, maybe they could have listened.
When I finally told the school counselor in August 2021, after I finished school, she was like "but that's ur fault bc u don't like sex" and "you should be grateful that u get to know this thing this way". I am grateful that this experience made me have merit and now I can tell you this stories. I always attended small, privileged schools with very open teachers. Your kids? Not so much. What I have told is far less frightening than other school horror stories.
What To Do If You Are Forced To Attend Skool
1: Remember that lossing grades is less worse than lossing your soul. Sometimes teachers may be tempted to reduce your grades based in your beliefs. So What? St Serapious had his bowells taken of him alive, St. Phillip of Jesus was crucified and burned, and St Stephen was stoned to death.
2: Pray the Rosary every day. Of course is better to play it devoutly every two days, but if you pray it devoutly every day you will gain various graces, whether it is the grace of resisting temptations, having good teachers and final perseverance.
3: Learn your Faith. This will help you to answer questions, resist doubts and discern all things.
4: Contact other Traditionalist Catholics: It doesn't have to be via Email, you can contact them via Twitter and Blog Comboxes.
I don't hate my teachers for all the nonsense they said. Most of them are dedicated and are only misguided by the liberal media. But I needed to write this article to scare you to take away your children from school, or arm them against it if you can't afford anything else. If this is what I went through in Mexico, what will your children face in the US or Europe?
Share your school stories in the comment section!
I was in high school in Ontario in the early- late 1990's....I dropped a high school course saying ("it teaches marxism" but they made me change it prior to changing it (it's "not for me", I think" I no longer remember"). So it was really that bad in 1995/96 or so (it's so long ago I can't pinpoint it to the year)