Quis Ut Deus means "Who Is Like God?" This is a Traditional Catholic Website
Sunday, 10 December 2023
Monday, 4 December 2023
The Worst Kids Movie EVER produced by Hollywood
Book of Life is a 2014 movie produced by Fox and it tells a complicated tale somewhat based on the Day of the Death. Some people have compared it with Coco, and arguably Pixar wrought some inspiration from it. This movie is mostly obscure and few care about it, the only reason I remember is because I am interested in animation movies and their messages for the audience.
I decided to check it out and honestly I think this is the worst movie for children EVER produced by Hollywood. Yes, there are other even more obscure movies which are arguably worse in terms of quality, but this movies are made by extremely small studios with very little resources, not released internationally by Fox. This movie is not only bad in terms of quality; it recollects within it's stinky intestines most of the terrible messages I have protested against before.
So sit back, relax, and prepare to learn about the worst kids movie ever produced by Hollywood.
The Plot
The main plot of the movie is centered around a story a museum woman tells to a group of children; She says that when people die there are two options for them: the first one is the "Land of the Remembered", a happy place ruled by a pelagian skeleton lady named Catrina. They will stay there for as long as people remember them. Once they are forgotten, they will go to a depressing and gray place called "Land of the Forgotten", which is ruled by an cynical demon thing called Xibalba where they will live for an indeterminate time until evaporating into dust.
All of this information comes from a the "Book of Life", a book in which information about everything can be supposedly found.
One day, the museum woman tells us, Xibalba tells Catrina that he is tired of ruling the Land of the Forgotten and wants to change his luck. Catrina refuses arguing he is a liar and a cheater, but Demon Thing proposes to make a bet and she somehow agrees.
They visit the Mexican town San Angel, where 3 children (Joaquín, María and Manolo) are playing. Joaquín is a poser who only cares about appearances, Manolo is a courageous and sensitive simp and María is a vegan girlboss. It is obvious that the boys compete over María, so the entities bet as follow: If Joaquín marries María, Xibalba wins and can change his destiny; but if Manolo marries her, Catrina wins.
Xibalba does the proper Demon Thing which is start cheating and gives to Joaquín a magical medal that will make him braver and protect him from death. This, he thinks, will make María fall for Poser.
María gets sent to a convent school in Spain as punishment for being a girlboss, Joaquín enters the military to become a hero and Manolo gets trained to be a bullfighter despite the fact his thing is music. Hem, What does this remind me of?
When they grow up María returns and everyone in San Angel makes a big bullfighting event starring Manolo. Manolo prepares to kill the bull but he sees María on the reflection of his sword, so he refuses to do so and everyone mocks him. Throughout the following night Manolo and Joaquín compete for her hand to the point of dueling. María, because she is a girlboss, refuses them both but eventually she falls for Manolo's songs and they kiss.
Demon Thing sees this and gets angry, so he makes María enter in a cataleptic state and later offers to kill Manolo so that he can be reunited with her. Manolo accepts the assisted suicide and enters the Land of the Remembered, where he meets his pathetic bullfighter ancestors and his mom.
While looking for María, Manolo finds out he got cheated and the girl is now getting married to Poser. He decides to travel to the Land of the Forgotten which is now ruled by Skeleton Girl to receive some help from her.
After proving himself to a sauron-like entity; Manolo enters a cave full of candles where a being called the Wax Man who is definitely not a parody of God Almighty tells Manolo that there is nothing written for him in "The Book of Life" because he "wrote his own story" and so can get a chance to be with María.
They visit Catrina who gets angry at being cheated by Demon Thing yet again and asks him to resurrect Manolo but Balby insists he will only let the lovers reunite if he faces his greatest fears.
Meanwhile, a group of bandits under the leadership of a villain named Chacal are coming to San Ángel and will kill everyone. They start by killing Manolo's father, the one who forced him to be a bullfighter.
Manolo must now fight against all the bulls slaughtered by his pathetic ancestors, but he can't slain them so he instead starts singing a song about how killing bulls is bad so the beasts forgive him and the entities somehow manage to resurrect him.
Chacal is about to commit genocide but fortunately Manolo and his ancestors arrive and start humiliating the thieves. Joaquín loses his magical medal and this somehow makes him learn that being a Poser is bad. Eventually, both of them start working together and Manolo kills Chacal by smashing him with a bell.
For a moment there is a silence because everyone thinks Manolo died but he is fine because our now humble Joaquín gave the magical medal to him.
This is the end of the movie, so the lady finishes her story and the kids go back to school.
1: First Problem: An Ugly Movie with Terrible Representation
Every single Mexican outside of the main cast has hideous noses that either protrude from their faces like trumpets or are squished against their faces like inflamed snout of a hog. The mariachis are not dressed like mariachis but like altar boys, there was a Catholic priest with a hairstyle that made him look ridiculous and even the bulls you are asked to respect look like something from a creepy nihilistic Cartoon Network show.
None of the backgrounds actually look like the animators went to Mexico and even the rip-off Heaven looks uninteresting. Their representation is either offensive or superficial. I don't think representation is as important as critical theorists want you to believe, but if you are going to talk about real places in your movie you should try to paint them as accurately as possible so that no one is misinformed.
The movie is set around the Mexican revolution (early XXth century), yet everyone acts anachronistically and it is infuriating. For example, the nuns enter the bullfighting show which is not something a nun of the time would do. Multiple things happen in this movie that should shock the majoritarily Catholic population of this city and yet no one cares. The revolution was a huge event that affected all Mexico and yet very few and ambiguous to it references can be found.
2: Second Problem: The Characters have No Depth
The characters have very little development and anything you learn from them is either hamfisted or evil. Joaquín, for example, offered the possibility of a good character arc by learning to be humble but he changes immediately around the last 20 minutes of the movie with little explanation. There are some attempts to tackle the topics of Coco with Manolo (your heritage vs your passion), but everything is lame and of course we have yet again, the Be-Yourself message.
María is a girlboss with no development. I called her a vegan because she thinks eating pigs and killing bulls is wrong; she also thinks that being a housewife is demeaning. I get that everyone in San Ángel was misogynistic but then the movie doesn't deal with this topics either. It just says "housewife bad, misogyny bad" and that's it.
Things do not improve with the entities. Catrina is charming but she participates in the bad messages of this movie by trusting Demon Thing will not cheat on her again, despite evidence to the contrary.
I already mentioned Wax Man is likely a parody of God Almighty. This is because of his character design: he is supposed to be some sort of god, equilibrator of evil and bad, he Book of Life's best friend and his character design is similar to the images commonly associated with God.
Xibalba is a coward and throughout the movie does heinous things but then he says I am sorry -Something a real narcissist liar would also say- and everything is fine. It is also implied both Skeleton Lady and Demon thing have a toxic relationship and of course children will not learn from them how to solve their future relationship problems.
3: Third Problem: The Worldbuilding is Extremely Foolish
It is implied that the Book of Life is the "god"who gives his powers to Catrina, the Waxman and Xibalba. Why? Who wrote this book, why is he so powerful and why does it seem he has a will of its own? Nothing is explained.
But the thing that really angered me is how death works in this movie. Just like in Coco: if you are remembered (either because you preserved your family or became a celebrity) it is alright and all happy, but if you are forgotten you will go to Hell, ruled by Demon thing and full of misery. Coco made the same mistake; but man, this movie takes it way too far and none of the characters seems to care.
According to this cinematographic abomination, Celebrities and politicians will meet a happy afterlife just because people know about them; while everyone else (orphans, feral children, the infertile, poor and dysfunctional families, hermits and others) will go to Hell. It is not based on whether you are a sinner or a saint: your fate depends on the feeble memory of mankind.
You know that when your movie for children has the plot of a cosmic horror novel; you have failed big time.
To make things worse, this actually contradicts the only good message of the movie! Joaquín learns at the end of the movie that his pursuit of worldly fame is useless and he should be humbler, and yet in this movie your only way of maintaining your happy afterlife is by getting worldly fame, like Alexander or Napoleon. Why is this movie so stupid?
Other movies made by Hollywood only have one or two bad messages, and yet this movie has nearly all of the ones I have mentioned before in this blog, particularly, the Millstones in the Road series.
It has the Be-Yourself Message with Manolo, it has the good villain trope with Xibalba, it has feminism with María, it has pagan and blasphemous theology everywhere, it has 2 extremely dirty jokes. It even has the suicide glorification part (the scene where Manolo receives assisted suicide from Demon Thing). I don't know if there is a movie worse than this one, but for the moment, and by judging both its message and its quality, this may be the worst movie for children ever made by Hollywood.
Sunday, 26 November 2023
Mexican Non-Binary Magistrate Receives Novus Ordo Funeral
This past Tuesday November 14th the notorious "non-binary" Magistrate Jesús Ociel Baena and his boyfriend Dorían Nieves were found stabbed to death in their houses. This Magistrate was a sodomite activist who worked in the mexican government.
By the moment the official narrative says that they perished during a sentimental fight. The other official narrative says that these two died because of the deep hatred that the mexican people harbor towards the practitioners of obscure sexual activities, spawning a series of protests against the first one.
For some people, if you think these two were not murdered for their inclinations, you are a national liar and a homophobe.
But we are not focusing on the controversy here. Rather, I just wanted to call attention to the fact that "Magistrade" and lover received a funeral on a nominally catholic church in Aguascalientes.
A follower of queer theory should not be glorified or receive any funeral from the "catholic church", for the following reasons:
1. Queer theory contradicts catholicism and even novus ordism. Giving a catholic funeral to a believer of queer theory is like a muslim mufti receiving an hindu funeral. Queer theorists are apostates and outside the church, because of their stubborn subversiveness and their defense of sodomy.
2. Just because the couple "could have repented" before dying doesn't mean they didn't held a scandalous life. Public sinners should not be given public funerals, because this encourages the simple people to delay their conversion.
3. This does not change even if they died violently due to hatred or discrimination.
The funeral was celebrated in the formerly catholic Cathedral of Aguascalientes, dedicated to the Assumption of Mary. The coffins were decorated with the rainbow flag. When the conservative novus ordos complained, the Vice President of the Mexican Episcopate Conference weighed in, justifying the presence of such symbols.
He said: Baena and Nieves were "sons of God and our brothers" "We could not, in any way, stop receiving them in the Church. Especially when the family wanted them to be there (the cathedral)" When asked about the flags, the o-so-valid archbishop said "if they placed those flags, that meant so much for them, well, we respect that".
How unfortunate of you that the alphabet people do not respect you and your catechism. Feed the crows and they will rip your eyes apart.
The conservative novus ordo website linked above attempted to rescue their church by asking a spanish novus ordo priest if such flags could be showed in a funeral. It seems that they believe spanish clerics have more authority than mexican Archbishops.
Anyway, this priest, by the way, ignored the elephant in the room which is whether a public sodomite, queer theorist and blasphemer could be accepted for a catholic funeral, focusing instead on whether symbols (any symbol, but specially anti-catholic symbols) could be shown in a funeral.
Anyway, where is Francis? He must be busy covering up for rapists like Fr. Rupnik or making documentaries for Disney +.
Friday, 3 November 2023
Movie Review: Coco
Recently I watched the 2017 Pixar production Coco, based on the Day of the Death, a ripped-off version of All Souls Day which focuses more on leftover pagan traditions than on purgatory.
On this tradition, people make tables honoring their dead relatives. They place photos, bread and skulls made of sugar, as well as Cempasuchil (mexican marigold) flowers and some of their favorite objects. Some people actually believe their family members come to pay them a visit and even enjoy the gifts offered to them.
Such pagan BS was bound to attract Hollywood. This flick was really popular and it attracted my attention, not only because of it's problematic theology but also because I live in Mexico, so in a way this is how Pixar wants you to look at us. Here is my review, I hope it is useful, I didn't waste my time and you benefit from it.
The Portrayal of Mexico.
Some people moaned and complained that Coco is "cultural appropriation" and doesn't offer a good representation of Mexican culture. This is actually not true, because for the most part, the portrayal of the movie is accurate. It was loved by the mexicans for a reason.
There are some inaccuracies, however, and I would like to point the most relevant to the plot: while Day of the Dead is celebrated everywhere, the people who take it more seriously are the people of Pátzcuaro and Michoacán.
This feast is mostly a thing of the poorer among us, the rich make the altars to people like Gandhi and Nelson Mandela while mixing it with Halloween. Children ask for "calaverita", which is a way of saying trick or treating. Not everyone believes the dead come to visit us, and even some novus ordo priest have openly criticized it.
The Be Yourself Message Strikes Again
The plot follows a kid named Miguel and his dog Dante. The child wants to be a musician, but his family forbids it. Their great grandfather abandoned his family to become a successful mariachi and as a result they hate music. Here we have yet another be-yourself movie! Child must prove to his oppressive family that his dream is worth following.
Miguel is obsessed with Ernesto de la Cruz, a legendary mariachi and actor; the kid believes Ernesto is the aforementioned great-grandfather. This creep tells the audience to "follow their dreams and be true to themselves no matter what", and the kid swallows it up like a true fanboy. He comes out of his musical closet, only to be chastised and have his grandmother go full Pete Townsend and smash his guitar on the floor.
Miguel does the Disney thing which is he runs away from home crying and attempts to find a new guitar. He steals the one that belonged to Ernestito, but some magical nonsense happens and he is transported to the realm of the dead.
I know that be-yourself movies always portray the family as exaggerating on whatever they are imposing on the protagonist, but that is precisely the problem. All teens would like to believe their parents are going too far with those rules they don't want to follow.
I feel this movie could actually use this as an opportunity to teach on the deception of worldly fame and material goods. It's a movie about dead people after all. But instead they do the be-yourself thing of giving the protagonist his cake so that he can eat it.
Third Part: The Heresy Feast of the Afterlife in Coco
The afterlife in Coco has no remains of Judgement, Hell, Heaven or anything spiritual. This afterlife is in fact very similar to the world we live in: there are immigration offices, social classes, shows and celebrities, even food. There is even a "final death".
One would expect a movie about death to consider how we will leave everything when we die but for people who like to treat the afterlife as a nice little coping mechanism there is no purpose on meditating on this.
The aforementioned "final death" on this afterlife is being forgotten by your family, something that drives most of the plot. Miguel needs to "receive a blessing" from one of his ancestors in other to go back home, but his great grandmother will only bless him if he promises to never play music again. Desperate to get his wish, he and a friendly skeleton named Hector who claims to know Ernesto try to access him so that the kid can leave as he wills.
Ernesto de la Cruz
When Miguel finally meets his idol, the mariachi is obviously egocentric but he treats the child kindly, showing him around his mansion. However, Hector appears and angrily calls out Ernesto for stealing his songs. It is revealed that Hector is not lying and that he was poisoned by the mariachi because he wanted to quit and go back with his family. Ernesto used his compositions to "have his moment".
What I like about this character is that he shows the logical consequences of following the be-yourself message. If your only purpose in life is following your dreams, your passions and your desires, you are likely to do stuff like this. Whether on the little or on the big ways. Nobody can accuse Ernesto of being a hypocrite who acted in contrast to his beliefs.
With this shocking plot twist Miguel learns that his family is more important to him, and that perhaps persecuting worldly fame and pleasures is not worth it because it may make you evil and you face punishment from the wrath of God, right?
Well, yes but no. Miguel learns to appreciate his family, but since he gets his cake and eats it too by reconciling with his parents and getting to be a musician, the audience misses the message you would expect from a movie about dead people: that not everything is worth living for.
And about the punishment from the wrath of God... well, Ernesto gets punished not because he went to judgement and was found worthy of hell, but because he is exposed as a liar and a murderer. At the end of the movie we notice he will be forgotten because Miguel's family convince the world of the truth about this creep.
According to this movie being forgotten is the real deal. This links with another message subtly suggested to the viewer: poverty. Hector wore a fancy white mariachi dress when he died, but throughout the movie he dresses like a beggar because nobody remembers him fondly. People about to be forgotten (including some suspicious ladies), live in slums, while the powerful keep their mansions.
These are the people less likely to be forgotten: serial killers, celebrities and politicians. Is Disney telling us that men of fame will remain in their pleasures while the humble are obliterated into nothingness? That will certainly encourage children to pursue attention and fame, wouldn't it? Even if their family goes extinct, everyone else will remember them for as long as the world stays with us.
Overall this movie is mostly well written, presenting some heartfelt moments of reconciliation between heartbroken family members. This movie could be so much better if it had focused on the message I pointed out above, managing to tell a story that took death more seriously.
Of course this would mean Coco would be a completely different movie, with a completely different perspective on the afterlife, perhaps even being less colorful and energetic as it is now. Right now, it stands as a wasted opportunity. Let us hope that our life is not a wasted opportunity as well.
Saturday, 21 October 2023
The World Youth Day 2023 Made me Cringe Hard
This year's World Youth Day made me angry in so many different ways. I watched some of the livestreams of the show because I am a loser, and unsurprisingly, I found new reasons to hate the novus ordo.
I write this article for fence sitters who want to believe they can recognize and resist and that they are still members of the Catholic Church. I want to destroy the novus ordo and at the end of this post you may wish to do it as well.
The Main Feeling of the WYD Lisbon 2023
WYD is like a huge concert with bad rock musick bombing on the background. And this concerts are like a horde of demented seals wailing and screeching with insanity. Not exactly the kind of environment that leads to prayer. Few were dressed modestly and the novus ordo nuns behaved like Star Wars fans after receiving an autograph from Darth Vader himself.
The behavior of the tenagers on this massive show however, is the least of our concerns, because the things that were officially endorsed by the leaders of your church cry to Heaven for vengeance.
The Band Hakuna
One of the most indignating parts of the WYD was the Band Hakuna. Hakuna is an Opus Dei band and spiritual movement dedicated to young people. Can't have enough of teen spirit spirituality!
Most novus ordo pop bands have sappy songs about how "Jesus loves me", but Hakuna decided to overstep their claims by claiming that "Jesus is a madman, falling in love with us."
Believe I am exaggerating? Let's look at some of the lyrics, translated from the original spanish by me:
Careful!! Sexy lyrics
If for one second you saw how I saw you
When you sleep you close your eyes, I remain
I am drooling, impossible not to see
I don't want to stop doing it, don't even try to imagine
If for one second you could see how I hear you
every noise, every word and when you don't say much,
talking or being quiet, I only care if you are here
In my love silence fits, talking fits and much more
I explode for love, I shiver of joy
On how with your gaze you are here and not alone
Every tear, every laugh in my memory has been engraved
every detail of your body and soul was planned
I don't think I can contain myself anymore here behind
I want to enter and make you mine, heal your wound if you give it to me
If for one second you could see how much I love you
I only know to give myself even if it's in vain
And I shiver to imagine when you arrive to Heaven
We will hug each other without breathing (the actual text is more suggestive)
If you could see for a second what will come
What is hidden and awaits, coincidences without chance
I dream so many times in every gift that I can make
You receive your gift, to Heaven your gaze gives thanks
I explode of love, I shiver of joy
There's so much madness in this love I don't control
Lose your life you will receive eternity
The happiness of slavery, the slavery of my freedom
If for one second you saw how I see you, you wouldn't want to see anything else.
I never thought it would be possible to portray God as a retarded stalker, and yet this teenagers managed to do it and sing it shamelessly in front of millions, with the consent of the o-so-valid "catholic" bishops.
The Way of the Cross was Infuriatingly Stupid
As always, the novus ordo Way of the Cross was not focused on Jesus, but on man. Man suffers so much, we really need to meditate only on our own sufferings.
The meditations somehow managed to be more stupid than some of the ones we reviewed before. Behold, the passion of man:
For the first station, the novus ordos decided to talk about opportunities for the future. This could be a great opportunity to explain the Catholic teaching on the death penalty, but you don't get this.
For the second stage (station is too dignified for the show) was about violence, and for this one a bunch of teens stacked on the stage started pretending they were fighting in an hilariously bad way.
The fifth stage actually contained blasphemy, because they endorsed religious freedom by complaining some "minorities" were not allowed to practice their own religion. ¡Oh no! You mean to tell me the Shia moslems don't always get to slash each other for Ashura? The absolute horror!
The root of their meditation wasn't doing penance or enduring tribulations with patience, but they decided to complain instead on the fact that the Romans didn't ask Simon if he wanted to carry the cross.
The Sixth Stage claims that the importance of love is "letting oneself being moved by the face of others", mentioning, by the way, that the face of their church is disfigured.
They finish the meditation with the following frase: "The true happiness consists in letting oneself be attracted to the face of the other". What? Why?
For the Seventh Stage the meditation was on mental health and this one made me really angry. The novus ordo makes people mentally ill with their stupidity, their rapist priests, and their participation in the corona lockdowns. And yet they want us to think they care about our mental instability?
They also mention that "sometimes we feel very depressed, with the feet on the earth". WRONG when you are depressed you feel unrealistically sad, you don't have your feet on the earth or your mind on reality. That's why serious depression is a mental condition.
For the Eight Stage the meditation focused on the planet. No comment.
For the Tenth Stage, they say that Jesus Christ never stopped being himself even when stripped of his garments because he never worried about making an image of himself like people do today in social media.
What? This is so absurd I don't know what to say.
The Eleventh Stage is rather bizarre. It starts by praising Christ by claiming He died by not refusing to love. And then it moves to talk about how migrants have no home and want to go somewhere they can call home. Both things are barely related. If you wanted people to be aware of the tribulations of migrants go ahead, but an unfocused meditation shortly before a massive party isn't going to do anything.
This are just my thoughts on WYD. It is not a serious theological critique but I thing it does enough to trigger your catholic sense out of the novus ordo.
Friday, 13 October 2023
Theology of the Groomer
This year was the "Year of the Groomer" were disturbing tik tok teachers made the news by exposing innocent children to depraved sexual education and confusexual theory. However, there is another major groomer sect. It's the Novus Ordo Sect, which most people think it's the Catholic Church.
Just like your local school groomer, the novus ordo sect has officially endorsed depraved sexual education curriculums; and just like American public schools, the sect has a problem with high level groomer pederasts. I know that those who belong to the sect are offended by the fact that I am calling their leaders a child-rape group and a false religion, but before you click the exit button, please give a chance to what I will proceed to say. It is important.
On 2016, news were made that the Vatican had released an indecent sex education manual that included graphic depictions of nudity & eroticism. It seems that it has been successfully memory-holed, because when I clicked on the links on the website that had reported it back in the time, they had a 404 error; the program itself seems to have been purified from its original content. This may be good thing but the problem is that the essence of the pamphlets remains.
Those interested on reading the full sex-ed program in detail, can do so here, but I don't recommend it. It is too much cringe.
However, some repulsive obscene images can still be found:
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The Image has been Censored by Me |
Most of the pornographic comic books shown by accounts like Libs of Tik Tok are usually drawings and cartoons. However, this image offered a strongly photo-realistic depiction of human genitalia. Where parents warned their children would be looking at this pictures? Are students allowed to opt out of the class?
It is also true that the program is aimed at older students, but nevertheless, I can testify that for most students dealing with such topics in a mixed classroom is uncomfortable, and that it may very well be an occasion of sin.
The program uses the typical "Movie-Clip-Evangelization", in which students are shown different shorts that allegedly illustrate a certain teaching. This particular program has a very wide, sometimes out-of-context movie selection. Some of the films have little to do with sexuality, like Lord of the Rings or The Revenge of the Sith. However, that is better than other movies on the program that do speak about sex, for they have inappropriate sexual content.
This people, probably advised by clerics, thought that it would be a good idea to teach sexual morality by showing young students clips of lewd Hollywood productions. What could possibly go wrong?
True, students are not shown the whole movie, but I think it is important to recall that these films will be glorified or endorsed if they are used to "show the truths" of Christian theology. They will think "O, this movie is innocent! We saw it in catechism class!" and proceed to watch the whole thing, only to be scandalized by the actual content of the film. The edgy student who was forced to assist a course of novus ordo-approved sex-ed and was shown "the elements of truth" of R-rated films, will probably proceed to watch this or worse.
Tuesday, 19 September 2023
An Important Warning
Another reason to prevent our children from spending to much time (or any time, for that matter) on the internet is a simple and disturbing fact:
There are perverted images of cartoon characters everywhere.
It doesn't matter if it is an animated disney production like Zootopia, a charming show for toddlers like Bluey or an epic cartoon like the Teen Titans, there are some creeps out there who make animated porn with this characters and carelessly upload them to platforms like Youtube or Pinterest where they can be seen by everyone.
Some even take it further and make live-action fetish videos including characters like Spiderman or Elsa. The result is that children watch this videos eventually develop, outside of their will, obscure sexual abnormalities that haunt them.
All websites are at risk of this content, but the most mainstream ones would definitely be Deviantart and Youtube.
Deviantart is a website full of furries (people who imagine themselves as anthropomorphic animals) and bronies (creepy My Little Pony fans). Albeit that's not the only content you can find it is good to stay away from it.
Youtube was plagued with fetish videos targeting children, they had to get rid of many of them but occasionally you can still find them. If you have a close encounter with this videos please denounce them, I don't expect Youtube to do a lot but if they do then that is good.
Another necessary advice would be to stay away from Anime shows. It is true that some of this japanese animations are appropriate for children, but those are the minority since most anime consumers are adults.
This means of course that they usually have uncomfortable sexually charged scenes. There are even some kinds of anime pornography, which one can reach too if he goes too far into the anime rabbit hole.
Finally, stay clear from all the fandoms (website or page for fans) of any cartoon, video game or movie aimed at children.
Firstly, because children should avoid socializing with people on the internet, for there are groomers and creeps all around us.
Secondly, because this fandoms are proliferated by disturbed individuals who paint pornographic or suggestive pictures of their favorite characters.
Thirdly, because some of this fans are extremely toxic and immature, insulting each other over opinions and ideas.
Friday, 1 September 2023
This "Christian" Videogame has a Very Stupid Error
The protestant videogame Gate Zero (they couldn’t think of a better name?) was recently released and I started watching a livestream because I wanted to review it. I thought it would take me some time to see how much errors it had, but then something happened that made me quit immediately.
In Gate Zero the player character travels back into the time of Jesus because he wants to solve a puzzle his grandmother left him. He wants to sneak inside the Temple for some reason, but since only Levites can enter there, he does the following: He goes to receive a special sacerdotal suit that will change his DNA and turn him into a son of Levi.
What? Why do you change your DNA? How does it work? Do you really need to travel back in time to solve your grandma’s puzzle? It was so stupid that it actually made me laugh out loud in disbelief.
If you want to make a video game without blasphemies, sex or excess gore then fine, but don’t give your clients such senseless nonsense. Wearing a suit will not change your ancestors, and it actually reminds me of transgenderism. A woman inserts herself a Y gene because she hates dolls or something, and becomes a boy. It defies belief that they could come out with something like this.
On the other hand, making a game where Jesus appears has an extremely uncomfortable problem. In your video game, CGI Jesus would be a Non-Player Character, in other words, an NPC. On the other hand, it would be borderline blasphemous to make a game where you can pretend to be the Messias.
They could have made a Palestine RPG, but instead they decided to make a video game where you genetically modify yourself to trespass the Temple more comfortably because reasons.
Please people, if you can make a video game without whores or blood, don’t waste that opportunity. Sometimes a simple puzzle like Tetris should be enough to make it, especially because you would have less trouble with the story, which is bound to happen if you make yet another Jesus fan fiction.
Wednesday, 23 August 2023
Beware of Hyperrealistic Cgi
Hyper realistic CGI started its career in Hollywood movies and it has now become widespread upon the world. Hyper Realistic CGI is dangerous because if the human eye is not able to tell it is false, it will certainly be used to deceive, calumniate and other forms of evil.
Nothing could be scarier than a world in which it is nearly impossible to distinguish truth from falsehood. The rise of hyper realistic CGI will certainly bring with itself a massive ascent in mental health problems and suicides.
But despite its obvious disadvantages, people on the internet keep using this technology for mere entertainment. Little do they realize they are gambling with fire - a fire that may very well burn them in the face - .
For example, look at this person who made a video parody about Scooby Doo and Five Nights at Freddy's. He used Blender 3D models to look like stop motion figurines.
Or look at this guys making hyper-realistic CGI videos about a creepy location named "The Back Rooms".
The Back Rooms has a videogame as well:
They actually fooled me into believing this place was real. However, further research showed that The Back Rooms is just a massive urban legend about a fictional dimension full of strangely familiar locations and creepy entities. Some of the "Levels" or regions of the Back Rooms are inspired on real locations, like this hotel in Britain.
Some of the people who follow this kind of videos are honest enough to recognize the Back Rooms are invented by people and not real. Others start role playing hard and pretending that the Back Rooms are real. What's this, Santa Claus 2.0? When I asked them why they were lying so carelessly they replied that it was "fun".
Right now there is a massive trend on You Tube called VHS Horror, hyper-realistic horror videos emulating the look of VHS videos from the 90's. Huge problem here. While modern CGI may require high quality images to unleash its true potential, VHS videos always looked grainy and odd. This means the videos would be more likely to deceive people because their grainy images make it harder to tell if it is CGI.
The hand of the establishment can be seen participating on this fashions, for example, with the promotion of artificial intelligence and the surge of terrible CGI-and-Live Action remakes. The Lion King remake is particularly notorious on this regard: the whole movie was made with CGI, and yet Disney did little to inform the media about this detail. This is why so many people erroneously call it Live Action to this day. They deceived you and they like it.
I think Kane Pixels, the guy responsible for some of the videos above, may be funded by the CIA, however, this is pure speculation. People like him popularize this kind of hyper-realistic animation and as it becomes more popular, it may be perfected. I don't see why the system would ignore the high potential of deceiving the sheeple with this type of CGI.
On the positive side of things, there are two limits to hyper-realistic CGI that may save us from the deep fake dystopia. The first one is that as you become used to CGI, it becomes harder to see it as realistic. The second one is that the elites have so much contempt for the people, that they don't even try to make intelligent deceptions. Some people may be more likely to recognize CGI due to experience in arts, photography or just good vision and attention to detail.
However, I realize the only one who can prevent us from deception, is God.
Monday, 10 July 2023
5 Biggest Blunders of the Mainstream Conservatives
Mainstream conservatives (Ben Shapiro, Steven Crowder, Daily Wire, some christians and akin groups) are full of defects. And no, homophobia and transphobia aren't one of them. The problem is that the way in which they pretend to defeat liberal progressivism & critical theory is terrible.
Among this defects we have multiple slogans that sound good on the surface but under scrutiny we discover a level of stupidity that must be retracted as soon as possible.
This is why today, without a specific order, we will see the 5 dumbest blunders of mainstream conservatives.
Just let me clarify that if you have said or believed in this slogans before it doesn't mean you are retarded; perhaps you were deceived or you didn't analyze correctly what you were saying.. We call this slogans "stupid" not for the people who say it, but for the real meaning of their words. Without further ado, let's go!
Friday, 9 June 2023
The Immorality of Drag Shows for Children
From "El Ciudadano" Mexican Blog
Some time ago Sheinbaum (QUV - a mexican politician) used your tax money to organize an event in which a sodomite dressed like a woman with glitter and extravagant decoration read books to children. This is the tamest kind of drag events aimed at children and it is known as Drag Queen Story Hour. Other shows include children throwing money to the performers or even putting themselves on drag.
This kind of event is not much popular on latin america but in the US they happen quite frequently and have caused the indignation of the public; this shows have been condemned not only by christians who hate sodomy but even some purple men have distanced themselves from such degenerate events.
Establishment progressives leap and swear that such opposition is irrational and it means, among other things, that if your children are "gay" you will use them to feed the dog and your biggest dream is tormenting Dylan Mulvaney.
It is not surprising that the Lamestream Media uses slander to easily disqualify their opposition. But it is incomprehensible how many libs parrot their words again and again like robots. With this article we explain our position for those willing to change their opinion.
1: Drag Shows are Sexual Shows for Adults
Many progs swear that drag shows are aprópiate because they are like a clown show. This is not truth, for a sodomite using drag is not far from a woman using a thong.
If we look for burlesque stuff in Internet we can find objects for drag, including fake breasts. Some drag queens have distanced themselves from the events, stating their job is not intended for the little ones.
But even some drag show promoters admit the vulgar nature of drag. The authors of the paper "Drag Pedagogy: The Playful Practice pf Queer Imagination in Early Childhood" written by queer scholars Harper Keenan & Harris Kornstein have this to say:
"As drag has moved further into the mainstream, some have questioned whether this queer art form has lost its edge. In discussing the work of DQSH within our social circles, we have occasionally encountered critiques that DQSH is sanitizing the risque nature of drag in order to make it "family firendly". We do not share this pessimistic view. Queer worldmaking, including political organizing, has long been a project driven by desire "
This words increase their power if we consider Harris Kornstein participates in a foundation that organizes such events and wrote a book for children named "The Hips of a Drag Queen go Swish Swish Swish." He is himself a drag actor who goes by the name "Little Miss Hot Mess".
2: Some of the Drag Shows (and akin events) Have Instances of Grooming.
The twitter accounts "Libs of Tik Tok" and "Gays against Groomers" have reported multiple disturbing events where the show goes too far and pedophilic stuff happens. Perverts like children to see them undressed or dressed with very few clothes, it is also a technique of child seduction. They show inappropriate things to children in order to try them with the victims.
We show some images from this types of events; not because we want you to see them but because we want to prove they happened. For the consideration of sensitive people and minors we reduced the size of the images - All you have to do is to hover over the pictures and they will grow.
Among other things we see a girl stuffing a drag's underwear with money. Below we see a half naked man and to the right we have drag kids, children dressed as adults he-whores.
Drag kids are way too popular. Below there is a picture of Desmond, a celebrity child whose disgusting career has caused concern for the child's wellbeing and for western society in general.

We also have multiple events in which children are incited to "release their drag identity". Let us remember drag is a fetish activity related to sodomite whoredom.

This picture of a drag show caused indignation:

Other events like this are common place on the States and in pride month events. Here we have a "family friendly" pride event in Venice, Florida. One of the activities consisted in throwing rings to fake genitalia.

It is impossible that such atrocities are not considered infantile seduction and preparation for more aggressive abuses. The only argument the progs can use is that such events do not happen, which is not the case since this events are reported officially in the websites of libraries and restaurants, as well as in pride march videos.
3: The People Behind this Movement are Pedophilic
(Sensitive Content Ahead)
The new religion of the state behind the alphabet movement is Critical Theory, the self-proclaimed defensor of all minority groups. It is just a yankee ideology of great service to the establishment. elites and corporations. But that one is for another day.
Critical Gender Theory or Queer Theory has been influenced by multiple child rapists. The notorious Dr. Money for example made 2 parents to take care of their son like if he were a girl and forced him to pretend sex with his brother. The last "victims" of queer theory would be pederasts and child rapists, which are justly condemned by the west.
The great whore's daughter arrived in the shape of Gayle Rubin, a lesbian who wrote a paper called "Thinking Sex" where she argues that abusers are an unjustly persecuted minority, hunted by evil capitalist men. This absolute crone said that the prohibition of child pornography was a restriction of "important sexual freedoms". And no, it is not invented. The link above leaves to a non-conservative university.
We finish with Michel Foucault, a subhuman hog who wrote a petition to legalize sex with all minors under 15. The interview above comes from an university as well.
The believers of Critical Theory are the woke people who defend drag queen story hour.
They want children to oppose the so called hetero-patriarchy. They also wish to limit their sense of shame and repugnance when exposed to obscure sexual activities. This is grooming because creeps teach sexual stuff to children so they become less repulsed by it and it is easier to abuse them. This includes rapist ministers.
Even if an individual drag wishes no evil on children, the system behind him is ruled by abusers and is serving them as an useful idiot.
4: This House Rejects Sodomy
I am not concerned to admit I don't like sodomy. Is disgusting, they fill themselves with hemorrhoids and end up with adult diapers because their anus is all deformed after years of depravity. Many observe toxic behaviors and their sexual fetishes should not be glorified. On top of it all we believe it is sin and the fruits and lesbians will go to hell if they do not repent. This is sufficient to oposee Disney's 2 second gay cameos.
"You care about Drag Shows but You Don't Care About Church Pederasts"
For beginners: I do not belong to the church of Marcial Maciel, Benedict XVI and McCarrick the creep. This individuals devastated many children with the hatred of a supernova. If they present me this argument in the comment section I will die of pure anger because I have nothing to do with the millionaires of "Christ" and the white collar pederasts.
But the principal problem with this complaint is simple: It is a distraction. One thing are the drag queen shows for children (funded by queer theorists - QUV) and another one is the creeps of your local baptist Church. None of this takes away the fact that this shows are inappropriate.
This point could be used to those who defend creepy ministers and oposee drag at the same time, but only as a criticism of their inconsistent hypocrisy and not as an argument in favor of any he-whore appearing in Blue's Clues.
On the other hand, defending queer theory is a way of defending all predators, not just those who hold hands with John Paul II.
And it is easy to clarify that this church is not a menace to the expansion of the groomer religion.
The lgbt activist James Martin is the leader of the communication department of the Vatican. He takes the acid pills of the rainbow propaganda.
Some murky drawings appear below. They belong to a sexual education program promoted by the Archdiocese of Vienna. If we click the link we can see stickmen drawings of people (presumably, minors) doing sexual stuff. Multiple examples of lewd shows have happened in the Vatican, including one where Benedict XVI invited some homoerotic artists; and one when some "Kitty Cats" made a sexy dance. The details are for another time.
This yankee fashions have received lots of indignation not only in the US but also in the whole world. I don't expect this shows to be massively successful in Latin america, especially among the poor. The problem is that multiple rich politicians and sodomites want this aberrant fashion in Mexico.
This is why we want the people to be aware of this situation so this things never popularize in the country. Let us pay special attention to schools, for they have a huge tendency to take the establishment seriously.
And if the progs start facilitating the industry of infantile drag shows in Mexico, it is the moment to protest to their face. ¡Let us stop all the species of child rapists and let them receive their worthy punishment.!