Friday, 13 January 2023

Open Letter to Geeks


Many adults have been increasingly interested on franchises like Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, Marvel and anything Hollywood, as well as anime shows. In general, the geek culure has been growing in our society, there are many popular websites and you tube accounts dealing with the topic - Nerdstalgic, Nerdrotic, The Quartening, Screenrant, Screen Junkies, Star Wars Daily and others - My best friend was a geek and I am a bit of a geek myself - the result of a negative obsession with other topics, the research for Millstones on the Road and an interest in animation and moviemaking. 

While I suppose there is nothing intrinsically evil on a heavy interest on Lord of the Rings or Nostalgia; there are some aspects that I believe geeks should be aware of. Some of the franchises I mentioned before, like Harry Potter, are evil and of course should be avoided, but I am not speaking about that in this post. 

Most geekness would be criticized for being weird or immature; however my greatest concern is that some people may develop a veritable obsession with geekdom; an obsession that can distract them from actually important stuff: like the salvation of your soul. 

Yes, you are called for greater things than escapism! I suppose that one can consume geek content, say, for 60 to 30 minutes, when he is tired, if it alleviates some mental condition, if it helps him to sleep, or if it is uplifting, etcetera. But there is a fundamental difference between this organized geeks and people who spent thousands in buying funko pop characters, gaming stuff and memorabilia. Are you sure you need so much entertainment? Are you sure this is the best you can do? Are you neglecting important stuff in your life or in society for geekdom? I can't judge you; I ask this questions in case you need to hear and answer them. 

Meanwhile, let me present some reasons why I believe Geekdom can be harmful: 

It is Consumeristic

We all consume to subsist, but we should not depend on material goods for happiness, precisely because happiness is not accomplished by material goods. Therefore, we know that a person who buys a car to impress people, despite the fact that he never uses it, is using money in an unbecoming manner. 

The same can be said about a person who uses half of his salary to buy Pokemon collectibles, Disney tickets and Star Wars toys. This person becomes addicted to buying stuff, even when his money could be used for better uses: charity, preparing for potential, observable future problems, their own health, and more. 

What is more disturbing is that you eventually become a slave of the corporations that bring you the stuff to consume. Disney is literally constructing a condominium for their fans to live inside the park. The Marvel Cinematic Universe is designed to keep you consuming all movies and shows whether you want to see them or not, because you may lose continuity. People who get violently emotional with a new Harry Potter trailer or yet another GOT show, are enslaved to the corporation, becoming the monks of the Hollywood religion. 

Do you want this to happen to you? 

The Company Strikes Back

Disney and in general Hollywood don't care about you. They care so little that they destroy the movies you used to enjoy by replacing them with cheap, immoral propaganda. What is the purpose of persevering in consuming their stuff? It's not going to get better. 

Most of the upcoming films are either sequels, precuels, rip-offs and reboots. She-Hulk presents an entitled, selfish green feminazi who thinks she has it very hard, in contrast with the real Hulk, who has saved millions more than twice despite the fact he has serious emotional problems.

Rings of Power destroys the legacy of Tolkien, by adding GOT stuff (eg; sex), reinventing Middle Earth and its characters. All Disney remakes are there to destroy their own content with woke atrocities and creepy dumb VFX. The Kenobi show was so bad that the camera tilted while filming! And they call you "sexist" if you complain, consoling their petty little sensibilities by tweeting that you will die off like dinosaurs.  

And this is very serious, because their woke religion is not just boring and entitled: it is immoral. 

It is immoral to teach children that self-mutilation is fine if you local school groomers convince you to be transgender.

It is immoral to teach girls to be entitled and prideful, as if they had superpowers just because they are women, when the reality is that both genders need a decent mixture of confidence and personal effort and luck in order to succeed. 

It is immoral to teach boys that whenever things get hard, they should just cry and drop the towel forever.

It is immoral to teach woke racism, enforcing it in movies that have zero personality, content or reason. And the reason they teach it is not because they care about people of color, but because they want to score extra in the ESG competition. 

Maybe some You Tube comedian reviewer may get lots of views from roasting bad woke movies, but that is not you. Eventually, we all get tired of the Corps vs. Fans toxic soap opera. Hate-watching is not harmful for Disney. You are giving them money and views. I am sure you don't want to fund Disney. We can do better than this. 

Why do you give so much time to Disney and not to God Almighty?

Is there a way of running away from all-absorbing Geekness? 

Yes! It is all found on the will. It may be hard at the beginning but you can do it.

1: Are you a good writer? Do you have a great idea for a cartoon? Deliver other geeks from corporate serfdom by creating your own content! Indie books are appreciated, as has been shown multiple times, and we need to be free from toxic content with low morals. 

2: Find yourself a time for charity work - If you have money to spend in collectibles, you have money for those who need it! 

3: Find a productive, uplifting hobby. It may be a new excercise, or wood working, or prepping, or gardening, or other things. You can decide.

I hope this post was encouraging and it helped geeks who want to rest from the weariness of life but are weary of being bombarded with corporate greed, nostalgia bait and woke preaching, as well as the feeling they are becoming one with their favorite movies.  

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